Gained 2lb overnight!!!



  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    My guess is that it's water weight. Your body will retain fluid, and the more salt you eat the more fluid is retained. You mentioned that you had increased your nut intake and most nuts have sodium added as flavoring. Check out your sodium intake and see if there was an increase in it the day you gained weight. It's pretty easy to find unsalted or lightly salted nuts. Also, if increase your water intake. I know it sounds counter productive if your body is retaining water that the antidote would be to drink more water, but the reason your body is holding on to (or retaining) that water in the first place is because you don't have enough. Your body recognizes the increase in sodium and says "hey, there's too much of that here, need to get it to normal levels, let's not let this water go and keep it to dilute all this salt in the body." So drinking water actually helps you get rid of water weight because having enough of it means your body doesn't have to hoold on to it and can just excrete it normally. Does that make sense? I hope so, and I hope it helped. I'm curious to see if there was a spike in your sodium levels from that day.

    It is true that high sodium levels can cause water retention and that could be the cause of your weight gain...
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    you can't put weight on overnight. its most probably water weight or you have built muscle
    Lmao. I doubt she gained 2lbs of muscle overnight.

    It is water weight. Neither fat nor muscle content change that rapidly, but if you have started eating a bit more food then if you're storing more energy as glycogen, you will be storing more water alongside it. Also, our muscles retain more water after new or more strenuous workouts - it's part of the build and repair process.

    Daily fluctuations should be expected - that's why many people only weigh weekly or even monthly.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    you can't put weight on overnight. its most probably water weight or you have built muscle
    Build muscle? Overnight? Is that even possible? :huh:
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Build muscle? Overnight? Is that even possible?

    duhhh.. you didn't know that? :laugh:
  • smilesalot1969
    I'm curious but what is your recommended calorie intake and what were you on to make people say it was too low? If it actually was too low you get into that whole metabolism sowing down thing. There are quite a few threads on here in the "eat more to lose more" theme and if you were woefully under your calorie intake for a long time then eating at the correct level can make you gain weight for a while.

    There are some links around these forums to some very useful information. I'd suggest reading the ones that are backed by actual research rather than just the anecdotal ones tho...

    Most importantly don't panic... there will be a logical reason... just need to work out what it is... and don't get down hearted about it.

    i was on 1200 calories, bearing in mind im 43 not 23 unfortunately lol . I work out daily ( 1 hour of hard cardio plus daily rotating muscle weight training on reasonably heavy weights, not sure if you can see my exercise diary) i've lost nothing, no inches and the only weight has been gains not losses. i'm now going into week 4 and seem to be the only one not seeing a result its kinda disheartening.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    Build muscle? Overnight? Is that even possible?

    duhhh.. you didn't know that? :laugh:
    Awesome! BRB, I'm going to go do 10,000 push-ups, I'm going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger tomorrow!
  • samba_sue
    samba_sue Posts: 12
    Maybe your exercise has become the same and body just adjusts so not using up so many cals .Thats often case when you don't have too much left to lose .But it doesn't explain and overnight gain of 2 kilos.Look , I'm trying to find explanation myself for the constant fluctuations ,like half a kilo gain overnight on scale .It s really off putting and if i had the willpower would hide the scales from myself .best i do is when a way and walking lots and not thinking calories ,like in Spain i just ate a lot put looking back i was walking a long way each day and eating fish and veggies mostly ,with some bocadillas which are bread ,for lunch ,and drinking alcohol .So it could just be a matter of metabolism and eating mostly lots of protein and vegetables .Am rambling now ,having just polished off a large slice of zucchini bread (self made ) and butter as missed breakfast and freezing cold -and have struggled for weeks to lose some kilos .So good luck anyway and don't despair
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    you might just need to go to the bathroom.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Smilesalot, I have been on 1200 as well and generally not eating back my exercise cals, which everyone has been scolding me for, soooo I have upped it to where I try and net 1200, not 800, and I "gained" 2 lbs the last 48 hours, but it's water retention. I am a habitual weigher and am trying to avoid it as best i can. As people have previously mentioned, try to only weigh in once a week, at the same time. And after you go pee. lol
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    it's just water! unless you ate 20 big macs before you went to bed. nom nom!
  • smilesalot1969
    it's just water! unless you ate 20 big macs before you went to bed. nom nom!

    oh dont lol i used to love MacDs
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    This is why you should never weigh every day!
    On the contrary, this is why, IF you are going to use weight as a measure, you should weigh every day.

    Imagine that 2lb increase happening on a weekly weigh in day, and not being aware that your body fluctuates day to day!

    You'd be feeling like a failure for a whole week and I reckon by the end of the week thoughts like "Why bother, I'm not losing weight anyway" might start creeping in.

    My vote is to weigh daily to enable a check for a general overall downward trend, and / or measure yourself.
  • smilesalot1969
    My sodium is 1,991 is that too high?? thats pretty average for the days i eat salmon so should i stop eating it ??
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    it's just water! unless you ate 20 big macs before you went to bed. nom nom!

    oh dont lol i used to love MacDs

    I'm so sorry! I've always loved them so I mention them often when I talk about bad food. LOL!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Probably water.. or the fact you may have been undereating for so long that your body wants to hold onto it for dear life. It happened to me :)
  • allyemo1985
    allyemo1985 Posts: 14 Member
    most likely water retention, up your movement and intake of water so you dont retain it. you can do this hun keep at it you have done so well
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    This is why you should never weigh every day!
    On the contrary, this is why, IF you are going to use weight as a measure, you should weigh every day.

    Imagine that 2lb increase happening on a weekly weigh in day, and not being aware that your body fluctuates day to day!

    You'd be feeling like a failure for a whole week and I reckon by the end of the week thoughts like "Why bother, I'm not losing weight anyway" might start creeping in.

    My vote is to weigh daily to enable a check for a general overall downward trend, and / or measure yourself.

    Agreed, it can be helpful as long as you are controlling the variables and not obsessing over daily fluctuations!!
  • elexichoccyeater
    elexichoccyeater Posts: 310 Member
    Hi x I have looked at your diary and it is the healthiest I have seen for a while xxx you are doing nothing wrong I can see! I weigh very day too... The last. 3 days I was 3 lb heavier, today 2.5lb had gone... It is what happens... Just chill and keep at it.. This WILL work for you x
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    *SHRIEK* nooooooooooooooo
    well i upped my calories yesterday as everyone said they were too low, mostly added nuts for protein. Today i get up and im 2.3lb heavier ALREADY!! i'm going to end up right back where i started :( WHY cant i shift weight??

    Didn't someone say you'd increase temporarily in your original thread?
  • smilesalot1969
    Hi x I have looked at your diary and it is the healthiest I have seen for a while xxx you are doing nothing wrong I can see! I weigh very day too... The last. 3 days I was 3 lb heavier, today 2.5lb had gone... It is what happens... Just chill and keep at it.. This WILL work for you x

    Thankyou so much!! i keep worrying i'm eating wrong and not working hard enough. it used to be so easy 10 years ago now its just frustrating. I really appreciate the support from everyone i'd go crazy without you guys!!