kay_norton Member


  • Oh my goodness, oops! What a mistake, I apologize. We would have to multiply that number by 10 to 20%, give or take, depending on how much body fat the person has. Regards, Kay
  • By the way, the research that you have attached, if you look up at the top you'll see that it's from 7 years ago. Sorry for embarrassing everyone. Kay :smile:
  • I really won't argue with people who are uneducated. My guess is likely you don't hold a degree in the field so you're not knowledgable enough to negate proven scientific research. I never said a 180 lb person was pure muscle.. that's impossible. What I said was, if weight training is included in the exercise regime,…
  • Completely agree. Also, have you considered adding weight training to your regime? Muscle does add on a considerable amount of weight if you build it correctly. But like sijomial said, you're going to need to eat all of the calories you are allotted in order to build that muscle. You are hurting yourself if you're…
  • Not true! You don't really need to worry about that unless you are a competitive athlete. The research shows that athletes who compete in more aerobic sports (like runners in track mostly) to weight train in addition to their cardio because it enhances their abilities. However, the research shows that if a more anaerobic…
  • George, You gotta "eat to compete!" Take in the maximum amount of calories that you're allotted and consume them in small, frequent meals throughout the day (with 2 of them being you pre and post workout snacks, about 20-30 min before and after you exercise). Also add weight training to your exercise regime! Muscle burns…
  • I feel like your RE would probably know slightly more about how exercise affects your body more than your OB, but who knows. When I first started reading your post or even your topic in the thread my opinion was just to decrease weight and increase reps. Keep in mind too that when you start getting, like, really pregnant…
  • Oooo! Speaking of popcorn- I would get an air popper. They're pretty inexpensive, and one HUGE giant bowl of air popped popcorn is only 100 calories with no fat, carbs or anything! I usually just spray mine with a little water from a spray bottle and sprinkle some salt on top to taste. You could also mess around with…
  • Hi! So you should be consuming about 2300 mg of sodium per day. Sodium is lost through sweat when you exercise, so any sodium that you lose, you want to make sure you replace. What goes along with sodium is water. Ideally, you want to have an equal balance of water and sodium. If you know that what you're eating has a…
  • Hi! Easy solution! Implement strength training in your routine, and keep your milk around! Drink it as a post-workout snack, about 20-30 minutes after your workout. Milk is the perfect post-workout snack, especially with a little chocolate syrup, because it has the carbs and protein your muscles need to recover. And why…
  • Hi! What an easy question, I can help you figure that out. However I'm going to need a few pieces of information from you: 1.) How much do you weigh? 2.) How old are you? 3.) How would you describe your daily activity level, not counting planned exercise (not very active, moderately active, or extremely active)? 4.) How…
  • Hi! If you are eating low carb, you need to be advised that you cannot exercise at the intensity that you need to be to lose weight. In order to lose the weight and keep it off, you need to eat around 45-65% of your calories in the form of carbs, depending on how active you are. Carbs are fuel for your body to function,…
  • Hi! Plain Greek yogurt is great for protein, I usually like to put some fruit on top so you get some carbs as well. As for fat, as long as you stay at 30% of fat or under (in regards to your total calories from the day), you are in a great range. A snack that I love to eat is whole grain toast with some natural toasted…
  • Hi! So anytime you have a weight loss plan, especially for fat loss, you're going to want to implement strength training. Strength training will help you burn more calories, result in that tight firm appearance that you want, and ensure the loss of fat only. As for your plateau, having a cheat day will help you get back on…
  • I'm in! Name: Kay Age: 22 Height: 5'3" Current weight: 161 lbs Goal weight: 125 lbs March 12, 2016: 161 lbs March 19, 2016: March 26, 2016: April 2, 2016: April 9, 2016: April 16, 2016: April 23, 2016: April 30, 2016: May 7, 2016: May 14, 2016: May 21, 2016: May 28, 2016: JUNE 4, 2016: I am getting my certification for…
  • exactly!!
  • i don't eat any of that anyways! guess i'm in the clear haha :)
  • you could simply just be hungry all the time because your metabolism is getting faster. instead of planning out 3 meals per day, plan 6 and make them all the same size. not quite as big as your already-planned-out meals, but not as small as your snacks you have throughout the day. make sure that your snacks/meals (whatever…
  • i went through every single page and no birthday twin yet :sad: July 31st anyone?
  • well of course feeling and looking great are the best rewards but i think when i reach my goal weight i'm going to buy a new bikini for this summer. and also, one of my friends just came back from jamaica, and bought me something that she knew i have been craving FOREVERRR. it's a chocolate orange. you know, the ones you…