I've still not hit maintenance, upping my calories but still loosing :/

I've been upping my calories for a while now though all healthy food still and am still loosing weight.
It has slowed down to a 1lb a week at least though the other week I lost 3 lbs .
I've even had a bit of alcohol and a few small chicken sheesh kebab other the last month and I still loose.
I think the issue is I do too much exercise even though I've cut down but I enjoy it.
This weekend we are away in blackpool with the kids and I've been full of cold so yesterday I ate the most I have ate in a long time ,a lot was in the evening but still had almost 2000 calories left.
It will be interesting to see how this affects my weight on weigh in on Thursday


  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    This weekend we are away in blackpool with the kids and I've been full of cold so yesterday I ate the most I have ate in a long time ,a lot was in the evening but still had almost 2000 calories left.
    It will be interesting to see how this affects my weight on weigh in on Thursday

    That's concerning.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    What's your average intake? How much are you exercising? If you want suggestions, you might consider opening your diary.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    If you are still losing at roughly 1lb a week you are miles below your maintenance calories - 500'ish.
    Eat more.

    Be careful about defining food as good/bad, healthy/unhealthy - think of your overall diet not individual foods.
    Part of a healthy diet is eating the right number of calories.

    Your "meals" are absolutely tiny! That regular lunch is only 115 cals - that's a snack not a lunch.
    Why not have a proper sandwich?
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    I don't like bread to be honest even before I lost weight .
    Overeating and eating the wrong things are what got me obese in the first place.
    I know it's all psychological and my mind hasn't caught up with body yet if that makes sense.
    Yesterday I had a lot more than normally would because I've listened to my body like people keep telling me to
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    How do I open my diary ?
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Example: Wed 9th March.... you ate just over 500 calories but it says you burned over 2000 calories from exercise. On many other days you clock 1000+ calories from exercise but you eat barely more than 1300 calories on a good day. It's not surprising that you keep losing. I don't think you found your healthy balance yet. I appreciate you say you really enjoy exercise, but if you do, then respect it enough to fuel it well. You might enjoy it even more that way.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I don't like bread to be honest even before I lost weight .
    Sorry but that's slightly odd reason to eat thins most days - which are just smaller portions of bread!
    There is a huge range of things you could have for lunch, all far more than 115 cals and with far better nutrition.

    I think you are on a very slippery slope Tamara. Be careful.

  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    Sometimes I do more exercise depending on what classes or if I'm at work.
    It's a work in progress I know and I will get there.
    I have done this routine for over a year now and had to change my complete mindset to get to where I am now
  • kay_norton
    kay_norton Posts: 23 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    If you are still losing at roughly 1lb a week you are miles below your maintenance calories - 500'ish.
    Eat more.

    Be careful about defining food as good/bad, healthy/unhealthy - think of your overall diet not individual foods.
    Part of a healthy diet is eating the right number of calories.

    Your "meals" are absolutely tiny! That regular lunch is only 115 cals - that's a snack not a lunch.
    Why not have a proper sandwich?

    Completely agree.
    Also, have you considered adding weight training to your regime? Muscle does add on a considerable amount of weight if you build it correctly. But like sijomial said, you're going to need to eat all of the calories you are allotted in order to build that muscle.
    You are hurting yourself if you're restricting and exercising as vigorously as you say.
    Food is ENERGY, fuel for your body.
    Please be careful.

  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Been there done that. When you are ready you'll probably start eating enough to fuel your body. Don't wait too long or the difficulties will begin, like not being able to digest your foods, being too weak to continue excersize, even having teeth fall out and bones breaking. I had a hard time when I began to eat normal meals, got gastropariosis and worse I even lost all taste for food and I lost my hunger completely. Give a few of your favorite childhood foods a go, even if they are on your 'bad' food list. That is what helped me the most. Don't worry, you will be able to eat without overdoing it. For some of us, excessive excersize will eventually nuke all of our hunger. So try slowing down on proper excersize routines, running etc. and enjoy life a little more. Step by step, easy does it! Best wishes.
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    I don't have a bad foods list though .
    I eat a variety of foods and love what I eat .
    I just don't touch junk food because that's what got me obese.
    I have random cravings too like seafood and pasta .
    I'm trying to listen to my body
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Do you get hungry Tamara?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't have a bad foods list though .
    I eat a variety of foods and love what I eat .
    I just don't touch junk food because that's what got me obese.
    I have random cravings too like seafood and pasta .
    I'm trying to listen to my body

    Nope, eating too many calories made you obese, not 'junk food'. Eaten in moderation, you can enjoy the odd burger or doughnut or whatever you call 'junk' and not gain weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If you're losing about 1 Lb per week, that means you're about 500 calories per day below maintenance...eat more...115 calories isn't lunch.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    If you're not getting hunger signals at this low amount of calories and you find your stomach doesn't feel good after eating a normal sized meal or your digestion is slowing down significantly, get medical help: as in be honest with your doctor. Its serious business to not eat. enough. Everybody knows how bad obesity is. Few people experience the damage of undereating. The cravings you described suggest a mineral difficiency, not hunger.

    Truly, you can be feeling ok on a overly restrictive diet and suddenly become too ill to pull yourself out of it.
    I don't know if you are at that point yet, but better to be open to trying some new ways to get your intake of food up to where it should be now. You probably already know one pound is about 3600 calories. So you won't gain a pound by eating 200 to 400 more. In order for you to gain even one pound, you'd have to eat several hundred calories over your maintenance amount, which you are not near to doing now. So you arre ok to eat several hundred moreper day!

    If your body feels over stuffed on the added 2 to 4 hundred cals you are going to add per day and you can't get a few proper sized meals digested over the next two days without using laxitives and you have a lot of gas and pain its a sign you have gone too far in restricting your intake.

    Take care. In no way do I mean offense. I just know what happened to me and I have met others who fell into this pattern quite by accident. Some people lose hunger signals and it can do damage.

  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I took a peak at your diary. There are many days where you are eating 500-800 calories and exercising. This is not going to end well for you if you stay on this path.

    This is just a few things that can happen if you do not fuel your body:
    Abnormal blood counts
    Dizziness or fainting
    Hair that thins, breaks or falls out
    Absence of menstruation
    Dry or yellowish skin
    Intolerance of cold
    Irregular heart rhythms
    Low blood pressure
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    I took a peak at your diary. There are many days where you are eating 500-800 calories and exercising. This is not going to end well for you if you stay on this path.

    This is just a few things that can happen if you do not fuel your body:
    Abnormal blood counts
    Dizziness or fainting
    Hair that thins, breaks or falls out
    Absence of menstruation
    Dry or yellowish skin
    Intolerance of cold
    Irregular heart rhythms
    Low blood pressure

    Yes, I peeked at your diary as well. You have days where you've eaten just over 500 calories.

    Eat more.
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and I will be taking it on board.
    I get hunger signals and get hungry unlike a few months ago when I never
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Hey, there's a good thing then. :smile: I try to take into account that if I'm just sitting around all day I can eat less, but when I am standing a lot or excersize, I eat more. Getting too thin is just as bad as overweight healthwise. Good luck in future.
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    Thank you cloudi2.
    It's all a learning curve and trial and error,I've found I've been eating more at the weekend and snacking later in the evening too which a few months back I wouldn't have even contemplated .