new_me_4 Member


  • Hey Taneshia, I'm not new to MFP but we can be friends on here. I don't have many either but the ones that I do have are not really encouraging so I feel like I'm by myself. I have been on my weightloss journey since Feb 21, 2016. I currently count calories and exercise at least 3 days a week but even with tryin to eat…
  • This would be good if I could do this, I've been trying to do this for months. I even brought a tracker. I wish you the best of luck on completing this goal!!
  • Hey I'm in, SW:278 CW:245 GW by May 30th: 230 should join in with us, this will be fun!!!
  • @howekaren unfortunately I can not lift anything more than 7-10 lbs right now. I have to wait another 2-3 weeks. I am lifting using the kettleballs and small weights that are under 10 lbs. I will definitely look into the book tho, Thanks
  • I always wondered about that as well. In the past I have counted calories for weight loss but I also made sure that I exercised. This works for some people but not everybody. Best of luck on your weight loss
  • Thanks for the advice that was given, I have been eating about 1500 calories or less a day but bc I am walking a mile daily that's burns about 300-400 of the calories that I consume. Some days it may be less. I would just like to try and tighten the skin with muscles so that I am not just flabby all over.
  • Welcome Hun. I wish you the best and good luck! You are on your way and wtg on the 2 lb lost.
  • Well I do thank eveyone for their advice it was very helpful to me. I never looked at it that way I will try it but I will add some lean and skinless meat to my diet at least once a day to go along with the fruits and veggies that I eat. I also never thought about how my body would react to the sudden change of not having…
  • I have a WW scale that I purchased at the beginning of the year and it is awesome. I love it!! I would not trade it for another scale if someone paid me too.
  • Welcome to MFP. I love the site and yes there is alot of motivation on the site. You can reply to other member threads and post questions and get some awesome responses. I think that you will enjoy it. Good Luck on your weight loss goal!!:happy:
  • I brought the Weight Watcher's scale. I love it and I too agree that it is very accurate. I have owned it for about six months and it has not failed me yet. I like it because you can set it to keep track of your current weight, your goal weight, and your last weight. It even tells you how much weight that you gained or…
  • I think that you should continue to do what you have been doing. Maybe your body has plateaued with you weight loss. It is not uncommon to most people once they have reached a certain weight, but I encourage you to continue to workout and eat right. Do not give up the fight. :wink:
  • Hello and welcome to MFP!! Glad that you could join the fun!:smile:
  • I wanted to commend you on your success. This is excellent!! Keep up the great work!! :happy: What kind of Boot Camp are you in or doing?
  • Oh wow are on a good start. Even though you nibbled you made up for it which is always a good thing. Keep up the good work.
  • I agree jmmtaylor. So far I have been eating right and working out and have lost 2 lbs with so many more to go. But thank you for the advice about the boards, I will do that.
  • Hi I am also new the site but I think that it is helping me out a lot. I have been using the site for anout a week and a half and have lost 2 lbs since I started on October 19th. The advice that I would give is to make sure that you log everything that you eat and do not cheat yourself. Be honest to yourself and your body…
  • Thank you for the inspirational message. I just started MFP a week ago and it is nice to see a success story because it help to get me motivated. Good Luck and Congratulations on your weight loss.