jdesm Member


  • http://www.buzzle.com/articles/sucralose-vs-aspartame.html
  • Well played good sir! Didn't even see it coming.
  • Sorry, I forgot to mention. Go for it. Take some friends or family, relax and enjoy yourself. Trust that when it comes time to order you'll make the right choice and won't go crazy.
  • Having a cheat meal (or day if you prefer) isn't the end of the world. In fact I think it is a healthy thing to do, psychologically. Like a few other people have said, my diet doesn't make me feel deprived or unsatiated. But when it comes down to it over the course of the week I can't count the number of things I see and…
  • Can't you ask the transport weigh stations to tell you the weigh of your truck with you in it, then again without you in it :-P jk Hopefully you are able to figure out a system for the road :-)
  • Holy cow! You guys are some big losers...(in the best of ways lol) Me: 23lbs x 3500 = 80,500 cals gone, and counting.
  • Hey, I have a similar goal for weight loss. I started at 235lbs (approx 28% BF), looking to go down to 195lbs (<10%BF) or so. That puts my goal at that magical 40lb mark. I'm currently at 220lbs (24%BF), so down by 15lbs, and am really enjoying it. I can't really see too much of a difference yet but I see myself every day…
  • Monday Nov 22: 606 cals (According to MFP, treadmill said 899 + 20min of Strength training. Decided to go with the lower #)
  • Hey, I just found this thread so I didn't get to do the challenge :-( Who's up for taking me on in round two?...
  • If you have been keeping a food journal for a year than you should have any I'll effects from taking a break. By now you have probably built up a habbit of eating the right amounts of the right things. If you stop keeping track you will probably still be on auto pilot, and you'll make good choices without much thought. I…
  • I just finished my favorite meal that was super easy... Smart Taco Salad, 1 Dinner Bun - 110cal 2 oz. Extra Lean Ground Beef - 65cal 1 tsp Old El Paso Taco Seasoning - 10cal 1/6 cup Low Fat Shredded Cheese - 45cal 3/4 cup Leafy Greens - 10cal 1/2 cup Green Beans - 22cal Green Tea - 0calTotal: 262cals I prepared a pound of…
  • Ya, erickirb is right. On the Plus side, with your body having only been used to that few of calories when you do up it your body will burn them like crazy. So as long as it's good calories don't be worried that you'll put on weight. He is also right about the carbs too. If you do need to eat before your workout, and want…
  • Hey, it's good to see someone in a similar situation that I find myself in. I graduated in 05 at around 180lbs, played football, ran track, and did pretty much anything else that was physical. I went to University on a Football scholarship and bulked up to around 215. I came home, got sick, and found out I had a rare…