30-40 Lbs Weight Loss Challenge!



  • Nice!
    Sounds like a good workout! :D I have to go grocery shopping with my mom in a bit, which takes about 2 hrs usually, so quite a few calories burned! :D
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hey all,

    I am glad to be back inthe swing of things. I went to the gym every day this week except for today and I burned around 1,600 calories and did 12 miles on the elliptical!

    Hoep everyone is doing well. Have a GREAT weekend!!!
  • Excellent job!! Congrats! I'm going to a friends birthday party tonight, I think I might have a few drinks :)
  • jac777
    jac777 Posts: 13
    very good day. had my first weigh-in a long while. i knew what range i'd been in when i started eating healthier because of my waistline and clothes and the fact that i've been a lot of weights before and know what they look like, and i knew for sure i'd been losing weight because my coworkers all commented, but i was still so nervous stepping on that scale. i just kept telling myself not to freak out if it was a bigger number than i expected, but it was all for naught, 'cause it looks like i've lost 12 lbs in 7 weeks, and i didn't even start exercising till week 4!! so i burned a few extra calories today doing a happy dance. :) also, went on a long urban hike today, 12 miles from downtown LA to west hollywood and back (burned 1100 cal), and got some xmas shopping done while out then came home and had a specialty of mine: brown rice, kidney beans, tomato, chicken, and romaine lettuce all tossed up in a warm salad.
  • Nice! :) I went Christmas shopping and have my bowling league tonight, burned 702 cal :) I still have over 1000 cal left to eat today :P
    I weighed in today, gained 0.6 lbs, so not totally bad but still not a loss :(
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Got some healthy snacks to take with me in the big truck and I plan on moving around as much as I can while listening to my music. I am not sure if I Am losing weight or not because of no scale but I am still trying to figure out how to do this on the road.

    Hope yall are staying warm with this cold weather
  • It snowed last night! Was so happy this morning :P Burned 903 calories today Christmas shopping for 3 hrs then shovelling snow for 25 min ^^
    How is everyone else's day? :) Err, night now :P
  • I start my new job tomorrow @ noon! Well, he wants to try me out, he's gonna let me know if I'm staying on after the shift, Wish me luck! *Crosses Fingers*
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I got a new motivation the other day before I jumped in the shower. I saw myself naked from a new angle and it has put more determination in me to lose the weight.. I can't get the image out of my head and it realy bothers me what I looked like.

    So now i am realy thinking about what I can do to make this goal a reality and stick with it this time
  • You can do it! :D We'll do this together! ^^
  • jdesm
    jdesm Posts: 22 Member
    I don't do weigh ins because I don't have access to a scale on the road

    Can't you ask the transport weigh stations to tell you the weigh of your truck with you in it, then again without you in it :-P jk

    Hopefully you are able to figure out a system for the road :-)
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I would be afraid of what the scale told me :drinker:
  • Hello! How was everyone's Christmas? :D
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Got to go home for christmas and see my hubby but I got a cold while I was home now I am stuck in Atlanta again with the cold

    I am going to go to walmart tomorrow and get a jump rope since I couldn 't find mine and to see if I can find anything else that I can take on the road with me
  • Nice! :D
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    First day of the new year and have 1 workout done. I will get another one in tomorrow before I check out of my motel. I did 60 minutes on the stationary bike and tomorrow it will be 60 minutes on the treadmill. I found that time went a little quicker reading a book. I just wish the seat on the bike was a little more comfy cause my tushy was hurting half way but I pushed past it. :laugh:

    I am really enjoying my new trainer she is showing me how to be healthy on the road and what things to eat and what to avoid

    Sorry don't mean ramble but I don't have a lot of people to talk to in the truck

    Hope yall had a great holiday and a healthy new year :drinker:
  • ATD11
    ATD11 Posts: 1
  • I have about 45-50 to lose I'd love to join the bigger the support system the better! Positive peer pressure right? lol
  • Hehe, Yepp! :) I had my work Christmas Party last night, but surprisingly, I didn't go over my calories by that much :)
  • lp3nny
    lp3nny Posts: 3
    Is it too late to join? I need to lose 33lbs and I'm in need of some motivation... :-)
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