30-40 Lbs Weight Loss Challenge!



  • jac777
    jac777 Posts: 13
    Yes, i'll join you! i'm going to lose 30 lbs., i think, but it's difficult to say because i don't have a scale, which i think has been better for me mentally at the beginning, but now i'm really starting to want to see numbers. i'm guessing i'm at 175 right now, but i won't know for sure until i go home for christmas in a couple weeks. i don't want to get too psyched out if its 185, you know? i had to make two new notches on my belt, and several people have mentioned the weight loss to me, so i know something is definitely happening. i did slimfast when i was 14 and 200 lbs, i lost 50 lbs in a year and was healthy till i was 19 and then i gained it back. this time, i changed my lifestyle, started walking to and from work (3.5 miles/day) and exercising 30 min 6 days a week and not just watching calories, but really getting into superfoods. i'm assuming i'm going to flatline during this, so i'm hoping by april to be at 145.
  • CaptainJim157
    I had my weigh in today, only lost 0.9 lbs :( Oh well, hopefully next week will be better!
  • jac777
    jac777 Posts: 13
    I had my weigh in today, only lost 0.9 lbs :( Oh well, hopefully next week will be better!
    every bit counts!
  • Alexis2255
    Ok, I'll join you. I've got 30-40 to lose. There's strength in numbers!
  • shanepurrer
    shanepurrer Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I'm not sure how many pounds I have to loose. But I know I have to loose at least 30kg. So I'll join your challenge..... Lets all get there together........
  • CaptainJim157
    Definitely! Welcome all! :)
  • CaptainJim157
    How's everyone doing today? :)
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am trying to figure out how to workout in a hotel with no workout gear. I think I have figured out what to take in the truck to atleast get some fruits and veggies in my diet. I can take those little fruit cups and I think I have seen some small cans of veggies that I can eat without heating up so I can try to get some fruits and veggies in my diet plus some special K bars for breakfast.

    I hope yall are doing great
  • CaptainJim157
    Nice! :)<3 the fruit cups, so good! :D
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Hi everyone! May I join you? :flowerforyou:

    I've been an MFP member for the past year -- dropped 40lbs (my half-way mark) and then got careless. I have another 40 or so to my goal weight of 130, and I'd love to get there by June like most of you. I believe that's right in the 2 lbs per week range? Might be a little ambitious for me, but we'll see what happens. :wink:

    Today has been my start-fresh day. Food-wise I haven't done too badly. I even avoided the temptation of fast food for dinner! :noway: I did not get a workout in, but I've been battling a (very minor) virus of some kind that's had me a bit worn down, and has been playing havoc with my tummy. Tomorrow I believe I will do better, and should be able to get my workout in.

    Is there a specific weigh-in day for the group?

    Start weight: 171.2 -::- Current Weight: 171.2 -::- Goal Weight: 130 -::- Lbs to goal: 41.2
  • CaptainJim157
    Hello! You can def join! :) Nope, no certain weigh in dates, just post whenever you feel like :)
    I'm not very organized, but I just wanted a place where people with the same goals could chat about their weight loss, or whatever really :)

  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    OK peeps I am issuing myself a personal challange. I am challanging myself to lose 5 pounds by the end of the year and 5 more by the time I am done with my training in 3weeks after that. I will see my hubby for the last time this weekend before I finish my training in New England and I want to surprise him when I came back home with a loss. I am not sure how I am going to do this but I am determined to do this and I figure if I can learn to drive a semi and be gone from home for almost 3 months than I can figure out how to lose wweight on the road.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Really proud of myself today. I ate well, stayed pretty well under my calorie goal, and got in a full hour of cardio. This is just the start, building up the momentum for the new year. :drinker:
  • CaptainJim157
    Nice job! :) Keep it up! :D
  • CaptainJim157
    I was about 600 calories over yesterday, gonna do better today with eating & exercise! :D

  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    i have at least 40 to lose..not really any time line... ive been doing MFP for about a month and a half and am starting to get unmotivated and "cheating"....so if you dont mind id like to join this group!!! :)
  • CaptainJim157
    Sounds good! Anyone is welcome! :flowerforyou:
    I just came back from a 70 min walk, burned 299 calories :P
    I had to run some errands, so I thought I may as well walk, 'cept it's -15C (not sure if that's with the windchill)
    But it's damn cold! :laugh: Feel good now though! ^^
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    That's some dedication right there, Mike! Brrr! :laugh: Way to go!
  • CaptainJim157
    Thanks! :) After that I watched the original "how the grinch stole Christmas" whilst jogging in place, burned 311 calories in 30 min ^^
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Ha! Love it! :happy:

    I tried a new circuit workout yesterday -- one of Bob Harper's new DVDs. His workouts are TOUGH. I only made it through 20 of the 30 minute routine. Later in the date I did one of Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs -- but added in jumping jacks, jump rope, and butt kicks instead of her side steps, kicks, and kick backs. It really upped the calorie burn, but boy are my calves SCREAMING today! :laugh:

    Total, I burned 490 cals, which isn't bad for working out at home. At the gym I can do 500+ in a hour-long cardio class, so this was pretty close.

    Gonna take it a little easier today and give my calves a chance to recover -- but I will still be getting some kind of workout in.