Saturday is my cheat day



  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Depending on what you get at Subway a burrito might be healthier? Make your cheat meal day your toughest workout day too and have your meal right after you workout.

    Win-win. :bigsmile:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I don't understand the idea of a "cheat day" either. The very idea of "cheating" means that you are on a diet program that you don't like and makes you feel deprived. Why else would you need to cheat away from it? Why set yourself up that way?

    I think you should eat what you want, when you want, at all times and in reasonable amounts. Every day. For the rest of your life. :D

    Peace. Sophia
    I agree, I've never understood the 'cheat meal, cheat day, cheat week, cheat year'..:laugh: and on and on it can go if we think of it as cheating. Least that's what the word brings to my mind... 'dieting'. I'm not on a diet so I have no reason to even use the word cheat. If I'd like to have something different I figure it in my day and enjoy it but always work it in and find out the nutritional content so I don't free fall.

    Sometimes I think ppl use the word 'cheat' to simply do that! cheat!!:laugh: Then convince themselves it's a cheat meal and then decide not to log it because it's 2 days worth of food and no longer a meal any longer.

    Dunno...the whole cheating concept is like nails on a chalk board to me. If you wanna eat something work it in your day and enjoy it, no need to sneak food from yourself, right?:noway: :wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    It's not to eat what you want.
    It's to eat 1 thing, that will keep you under your calorie allowance but isn't healthy...=\ Like a bar of chocolate.

    Without one of these cheat foods, most people end up failing and going straight back to binge eating rubbish
    For you it does sounds like it's one food but for many that use the 'cheat' concept on here they speak of 'cheat weekends', 'cheat vacations'.:laugh: :noway: It can make your head spin seeing the word brought up so much.

    If you'd like to have chocolate why would you need to cheat to eat it? You can have chocolate plan ahead with your meals/cals and figure it in, no cheating involved.:wink::tongue:

    I think the word 'cheat' keeps many back in the 'diet' phase mentality and seems some have a hard time getting past it seeing others on here using the old 'dieting' phrases....

    :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • chinsawwah
    I have cheat days as well, the days when i have meals with friends outside. Just make sure you run your *kitten* off after the cheat meal. haha. (:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    How about if we call it a "Freebie Meal" instead? :laugh:
  • jdesm
    jdesm Posts: 22 Member
    I don't understand "cheat days". Why would you log daily, exercise and eat healthy and then one day a week throw it all out the window and eat whatever you want? Doesn't that just negate everything you worked so hard on that week? I can understand a piece of cake at a wedding or a slice of pizza at a football party, but an entire day? Do you weigh the day after a "cheat day" ?

    Having a cheat meal (or day if you prefer) isn't the end of the world. In fact I think it is a healthy thing to do, psychologically.

    Like a few other people have said, my diet doesn't make me feel deprived or unsatiated. But when it comes down to it over the course of the week I can't count the number of things I see and think "I would love to have that", and then pass on it. The cheat meal/day allows you to relax a little and let yourself have that special treat.

    Look at it this way:
    Even if you have a massive meal and blow your calorie goal for the day by 500cals, that only makes for a difference of 1/7th of a pound (0.14lbs) on the scales at the end of the week... But you don't feel like your diet is ALWAYS holding you back.

    I would rather see a cheat meal/day than a person trying to make space for the empty calories in junk food by lowwering their intake of healthier calories just to see a green number at the end of the day...

  • jdesm
    jdesm Posts: 22 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to mention.

    Go for it. Take some friends or family, relax and enjoy yourself. Trust that when it comes time to order you'll make the right choice and won't go crazy.
  • sophiajackson99

    However, I HATE logging what I eat, and hope to not have to do it forever. My cheat days aren't so much about eating whatever's in sight as about not having to remember to log each and every cracker or slice of cheese, or wondering if my margarita was 8oz or 12. That sort of thing. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were my last "cheat days," and I still kept losing.

    I like the idea of not logging every day. To me, that is practicing what we hope to be doing some day normally, just eating and paying attention to serving sizes but not "counting every calorie." What I am rebelling against is the concept of being on or off a diet, and that is what a "cheat" calls to mind for me.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    How about if we call it a "Freebie Meal" instead? :laugh:
    or we could just call it life!:laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    I dunno why it's called a "Cheat Day" either :tongue: for me my weigh in day is what I use for my "Treat Day" it's only once a week and I look forward to it :laugh: It's working for me I'm still losing :bigsmile: It's my reward day for working my butt off during the week :drinker:

    During the week I may still have small treats but they are logged within my cals for that day :smile:

    IMO go out and enjoy yourself log what you eat even if a guesstimate and remember tomorrow is a "New Day" so back on track and try and drink extra water on the days following :drinker: :heart:

    PS if you are out in company and you want to reduce the cals/portion size share a starter/side dish with someone else :wink: