Long road started...

So here is my story. Graduated highschool in 93' at 170lbs. Ran track, played football, and wrestled. Joined the Army and bulked up to 225lbs by the time I got out 6 years later. I was in great shape. Got a job working with computers and gained 50lbs of FAT over the last 12 years. I know that when I get to 225 I will not look the same as I did back in the day so I set my GW to 200lbs. Then I will hit the gym hard. I have started walking now and using the guidelines in this program and since I started on 9/11/10 I am down 18.2lbs.

I can't stress enough how important it is to have a "BINGE DAY" each week. It makes it so easy for me to go Well I can eat what I want on Friday so back to teh fridge for more celery for now lol. Now I don't go crazy but I do eat what I want up to my max calories to maintain weight. So in less than 6 weeks I have lost a little more than 3lbs a week when my goal is set for 2lbs a week. It seems to curb the cravings along with some calorie free lemonade to knock out the sweet tooth.

Well back to the kitchen I think hear the celery bad mouthing me...


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • jdesm
    jdesm Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, it's good to see someone in a similar situation that I find myself in. I graduated in 05 at around 180lbs, played football, ran track, and did pretty much anything else that was physical. I went to University on a Football scholarship and bulked up to around 215. I came home, got sick, and found out I had a rare condition called Wilkies syndrome that caused me to lose 60lbs in the 5 months leading up to my diagnosis and surgery. After the surgery I wasn't able to do much, and when I was finally able to just never got back into it. My weight slowely went up and up, and now I find myself at 240lbs and pretty soft in the mid-section lol.

    I just put this app on my phone on Tueday, and started tracking my meals and began my workouts on Wednesday. Being on day 3 I don't have any results yet except for the satisfaction of knowing I've at least started the long journey to my goal weight which is also 200lbs. I also agree with you on the "Binge Day", except I call it a "Reward Day". It's not only helpfull with will power throughout the week, but also if you don't allow a binge every once and a while your body will freak out and hoard the junk you eat in the even of a slip in your diet.

    Anyways that's my story, and my goal. If I'm able to maintain the diet and exercise that I have over the last few days (fingers crossed) the app says that I should weigh around 225 in 5 weeks. That would be awesome because that would mean that I may be able to reach my goal weight by my goal time, which is Dec 26th - the day I leave for Cuba :smile:

    I'll add you as a friend, which is an honour as you would be my first lol. Whether or not you accept is up to you but I think we could benefit from eachothers motivation and common goals.
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