

  • If you consistently store calories, your body thinks that you are undereating and goes into starvation mode. It will store what calories it can as fat and the result is that you won't lose any weight. It's as simple as that. You need to eat the calories that you burn because your metabolism is working and will burn off the…
  • Hi again, How do I find TDEE please? I can't find road map anywhere. Thanks:happy: Hopefully we'll both get there x
  • Hi, It could be a few things. Following calorie controlled diets is great in that it is simple- once you reach your total, you stop. I found that I had to break down what I was eating. I need more protein than carbohydrate in order to lose weight. Too much carb and I get bloated, the same with sugar. It may be worth…
  • I chew gum after meals, but I have to say despite others saying it helps weight loss etc.... There is no evidence. I do it to freshen my breath when I'm not home.
  • I've just had two weeks of really working hard and staying under my goal, all predictions pointed towards about a 5lb loss and I felt as though I had. I weighed yesterday and haven't lost an ounce!!! I blame it on the weather. A bit of advice that I was given though was to mix it up and confuse my body a bit. Have a couple…
  • Food is rarely the problem, it's the crutch that some people lean on to cover their unhappiness. I would suggest that you talk to a doctor or better still a counsellor. I think that if you can source your pain, you can deal with it, regain your confidence and self belief and the weight loss will follow. No - one here can…
  • Hi Jonathan, Will be pleased to help and support you:smile:
  • Lots of people have lots of diffferent ideas about diets which is why there are so many different types. At the end of the day we need variety so good old fashioned calorie counting and variety is the way to go. If you cut something out you only wind up craving it because you deprive your body of something that it needs.…
  • I went and bought a set of US measuring cups and actually spent a bit of time doing conversions on foods that I use a lot. It took a bit of time but because I was serious about using MFP I felt I had to do it. With stuff like carrots though, I just use the cups
  • Wow you look fabulous!!! Happy birthday I hope you have a truly fantastic day you really deserve it:flowerforyou:
  • Ideally the best time is in the morning and before you eat. I am a keen cyclist and lose more weight in the summer because I ride early morning and eat after I get back. I find that my weight loss is about 3 times faster. The same if I walk the dog in the winter before breakfast. It kick starts the metabloism and starts…
  • This may sound a bit obvious but have you looked at your goals? I had a few weeks where I stayed the same and couldn't see why so I looked at my goals and small things had changed like my excercise wasn't as much due to the winter weather (I cycle) I wasn't doing the same times as in the summer. Also when MFP offers to…
  • YOu need to eat breakfast to kick start your metabolism and thus start the fat burning process. We need to eat three proper meals a day and have at least a couple of snacks in between. If you feed your diet properly you will lose weight easily. You need to eat during your active hours when you are burning it off NOT at…
  • I have to say In the past I've been in your position and the all or nothing at all has come from following diets as opposed to good old fashioned sensible calorie counting/portioncontrol, proper eating and decent excercise. Since MFP even when I can't or don't excercise for whatever reason I don't go up by more than a 1lb.…
  • I'm a bit on the science side with HRM and so if you buy one that accepts all of your personal data, Height, sex, age, weight etc.... then trust it and what it says in terms of calories burned. MFP gives an average amount of calories burned based on info we give it where a HRM is specific to our pace and how it varies…
  • Hi If you go into the recipe you can click on the ingredient and remove it, then re- add it with a different quantity or go to the bottom and add ingredient as you did originally. When you finish scroll down and click on save changes. Hope this helps
  • Absolutely fantastic, You look 20 years younger and as I'm having a bad day it's just the inspiration I needed to keep me going. Thanks I owe you one. Best of luck for the rest of your journey xx
  • Hi, I have times when I feel low and want to binge eat but I can't say that I have the depth of feeling that you experience because we are all different and you obviously have more things going on in your life that affect your relationship with food. What I do know is that on those days, I make sure that I have lots of…
  • Carbs are not the problem, the lack of calories are. If you don't eat enough your body will think you're going to starve and store what it can as fat so you won't lose weight. You have to feed your diet. You should not under eat by more than about 200 calories a day.
  • Hi, I know exactly what you're saying. My partner knows about my diet but he's the only one and he is supportive in every way and never says a word. I gained 50lb when I gave up smoking and have managed to lose 22lb since last June so I still have 28 to go. I have just started a blog more to talk to myself than anything…