depresseddancer Member


  • I've just posted this as my woe and asked for help! How do you embed healthy as a lifestyle choice? The second I take my eye off the ball I pile back on my problem half a stone.
  • Sticking to it is why we're here - we motivate each other! I agree with the person who mentions meal planning, a freezer full of healthier options helps me so much. When I feel like a takeaway we just eat the curry/chicken nuggets/lasagne we've made ourselves. Ok it's not as healthy as a salad, but I fulfil my craving for…
  • Steak with a sauce of mushrooms that have been cooked in garlic, soy sauce and red wine. I'm dribbling a bit just thinking about it. I've only just discovered bacon with pancakes, I was always told it was a bad American thing to do, but goodness you guys were right!
  • I've finally found a purpose for my bum. To twerk better than Miley Cyrus! Twerkings, zumba, Latino style dance work outs, I can't get enough of booty bouncing (as we called it in my day), it's fabulous for the muscles (if a killer on the spine). It's not something I do in front of anyone though...
  • 34F woman reporting for duty. Before I gained my errant stone in weight I was a 32E. Most of my bras are still that size, and they're blooming expensive to buy in that measurement. At the moment my cups runneth over, and I really can't afford to invest in lingerie at the mo, another good reason to diet!
  • First of all, have a big hug, flying through the air from London. Although I'm through the worst of my depression I really struggle with low mood too, and I tend to eat to make it better. Then I put on weight and feel worse. The thing that helps me most is exercise. I don't want to exercise when I feel grim, but it…
  • I'm F.O. just because it's kind of weird to tell the internet everything I eat, but feel free to stalk. I'm an obsessive snacker, new ideas always welcome.
  • I'm one for 'clean' eating complex carbs, fresh fruit and veg, no soft drinks or packaged food. That said, I have an evil taste for sweeties that are choc full of flavourings and additives ;-)
  • Vegetable and chickpea tagine, it's yummy as anything and reheats well.
  • I'd have lots of veg, but make sure you have a little taste of things you like, so you don't feel bereft or left out. Since I've been having a little spoonful of the naughty sugary/salty/fatty dishes I love, I find I'm less likely to think 'sod it!' and stuff myself. Oh, and maybe up your exercise a little to burn it all…
  • I'm a real food person, feel free to add me :-)
  • I admit, I tried 1280 calories. MFP told me that's what I should do, and I had a messed up notion that if my old jeans fit I'd be happier (although I'm much happier now than I was when I was smaller!) On 1280 I dropped 7lb in 3 weeks. Then put most of it back on when I stopped. Then it clicked. I'm not 'dieting to lose…
  • Hi Ashley, I'm trying to lose a stone, and need support and help too. I lost 7lb last year, but put most of it back on after a lapse. I'll send you a request.
  • Can I add you? I'm trying for the same. I need to make a lifestyle choise so I stop this endless weight see saw.
  • PS I agree with ILiftHeavy, I own everything from a size 10uk to a size 16uk and they all fit!
  • I'm so sorry I can't help, I'm in the UK and our sizing is different, but I wanted to send hugs and good thoughts - I've been trying to shop for clothes recently, and found it really emotive. Hope it works out and you have a great holiday xxx
  • Homemade quiche is my friend, a little high cal, but I can scoff it down in a rush if I need to, and eat crudite to get my veg fix.
  • I'm in the UK, so it was ice, milk, and a shed load of sweeteners and other chemicals. It was nice, but not worth the calories, that's two slices of cake or 5 bags of crisps!
  • Hiya! You're doing awesomely - exercising lots, drinking water, and having a great mindset! Your calories look a bit wobbly. Every body is different, but I aim for between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. Starving yourself makes the weight harder to keep off, and will probably make you feel very miserable too. I did notice…
  • I'm a swing dancer, not professional, but it's a full time hobby. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 5'8", currently weighing in at about 154 - 158lb. Most people my height would look ok at my weight, but my background (part Indian, very thinly boned) means I look really chubby. My ideal would be 140, but realistically I know that 147lb is where my body is stable, my clothes fit, and I can maintain the weight, as long…
  • If you find out how please let me know, I hate my chunky arms!
  • I'm having exactly the same problem. Few pounds on, few pounds off. For me I know it's slipping up and eating naughty things that causes it. Can I add you so we can see-saw together?!
  • Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and you're probably building up a lot of muscle. The good news is that the muscle will also help you burn fat. Keep going, plateaus are really normal. Even if it's not taking the weight off just yet it's making your body healthier on the inside, the weight will come.
  • Yes please, can I join your friends list? I've not told anyone in real life I'm on MFP because I feel so ashamed my weight is so out of control. I'm on 1280 and trying to exercise 3 times a week. I have about half a stone to lose (7lb), but I'd be happier if I took off just a bit more, and toned up.