bpotts44 Member


  • I get my Vitamin D checked and then I try to supplement up to 40. I do notice a difference. I also take A and K2. A should be taken with D and K2 is good for bone health.
  • Sounds like maybe you are gluten intolerant. You could try replacing bread with potato or rice and see how that works. However, to achieve ketosis your carbs just have to be low, you don't need the fats to get there.
  • If you aren't tolerating fats well, why don't you just not do keto.
  • My wife said that the other day. I said 1 lb of fat weighs the same as 1 lb of muscle. However, muscle is much more dense than fat and burns more calories.
  • If you are hungry like this all the time then try eating less times per day, but focus on lean protein sources at your meals and combining with a starch like potatoes or rice.
  • Plus I'm sure your belly is bigger
  • I've never had that, I usually feel energized when I skip a meal. Your liver stores enough carbs to get you through 24 hours easily unless you are doing lots of exercise.
  • I'm not on a long streak but will be on consistently for a long time.
  • That's a tough schedule. I've always been most successful before work. That is really early for you but I think its your best bet. Just gonna have to hit the hay a little earlier.
  • I always find that protein, carbs, and fats satisfies. For instance, today for lunch I had eggs and a banana. Was not satisfied until I ate the banana. The exact mix is really up to you and you will find it with experience.
  • For me it is about making logging the food a habit. It takes time and work, but I'm doing it to improve my health. The key is to start and eventually it will become a habit that requires very little discipline to maintain.
  • Whole eggs are packed with micronutrients. I'm guessing they are looking to encourage the nutrients in the yolks.
  • I have had my family practitioner and a PT tell me that losing weight would be good for my health. I was not offended and took their advice. After finding MFP I became successful at losing.
  • The surgeries are a terrible idea.
  • 1. I like the feeling of being in excellent cardiovascular shape. It also gives a little "flex" in my calories. 2. I run usually 4-5 times per week and currently the runs are anywhere from 4-6 miles but I will soon ramp it up more if I find a race I want to run. 3. I have a kettlebell routine I do 2-3 times per week. It…
  • You should seek professional counselling. I have dealt with anxiety over the years and counselling has helped me alot.
  • I'm kinda starting again after losing 50 lbs 5 years ago. You can add me if you like.
  • The 5:2 fast is unnecessary for weight loss. Just a calorie deficit over time. Your calories are pretty low, 1200 per day. To remove the fat you are going to have to burn fat; however, exercise is going to make you look better as well. The most effective is heavy compound lifting in a gym. There are endless discussions of…
  • Start by dedicating yourself to logging your food and finding yourself professional mental help services. At different times in my life I have been paralyzed by anxiety which has led to weight gain. Only through professional therapy have I been able to overcome these issues. You can achieve health and happiness.
  • That's great progress. You look amazing
  • We make alot of broth and use it to flavor soups and rice. It is great nutritionally.
  • Loosing weight while training as long as you are not losing too much (1-2 lbs per week) should be no problem. Eat a reasonable portion of the exercise calories back and try to keep the carb fraction of your exercise calories above 30%. Day before your race eat a maintenance and 50% carbs just to top off your glycogen…
  • Go read the getting started posts. There is all the information there you need to meet your goals. Your weight will fluctuate up and down day to day based upon largely how much salt and carbs you are eating so its not something to worry about. You should be looking for trends over the course of weeks that would indicate…
  • Most people don't have to deal with hunger much once they get their diet dialed in. Typically a mix of protein, carbs, and fats will satisfy hunger for longer periods of time than just eating a single macro. Focus your meals on lean meats, vegetables and then a source of starch like rice or potato. The fats will be in the…
  • Avacados, nut butters, butter and sour cream on any carbs you do eat, heavy whipping cream in coffee
  • Rice is an excellent source of starch. You could also look at potatoes or sweet potatoes for your carb needs. I would recommend eating lean meats like beef, pork, chicken, and vegetables to round out your diet. Your calories seem low. I would look at trying to eat back half your exercise calories. 150 grams + 30% of the…
  • I generally avoid nuts when losing, but they are fine. The fats and nutritional profile in them are okay, they are not any kind of superfood.
  • You can make results with body weight exercises focusing on strength like pistols, pushups, pullups etc. You are not going to get muscle gain results from more cardio like moves jumping jacks. You Are Your Own Gym and Naked Warrior are the two books I would recommend. However, you are going to get faster results under a…
  • Black Coffee or an Americano. Learn to enjoy the coffee
  • Just got back. Enjoyed myself but stayed reasonable with everything, didn't eat junk, and stayed very active. Had a 3 lb loss for the week. Right back to logging today.