Worst article on diet ever?


This gem popped up on my browser.

Don't skip a meal folks or you are going to die with wacky blood sugar while feeling bloated and in starvation mode all at the same time.

I think dying while in starvation mode has got to be the worst way to go.


  • ConnieT1030
    ConnieT1030 Posts: 894 Member
    Now that's what I call #FakeNews :D
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    That was pretty dire in terms of weight loss information and being factual. For entertainment value and a few good laughs, it was worth the click. I hate slide presentations though.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    I read this earlier today. So sad...
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    edited August 2018
    I read this earlier today, so silly.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Eye Roll! Gotta be sponsored by the National Cross-Industry Association of Fast Food Purveyors and Convenience Stores or somesuch thing. If I knew who wrote this, I'd go granny-slap them. ;)

    Hristina Byrnes for at least 5 of them... https://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/nutrition/5-things-happen-your-body-when-you-skip-meal
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Well, skipping meals does affect your blood sugar (ever had the 3 pm crash, when you skip lunch?)

    Never. I rarely (pretty much never) eat lunch Mon-Fri while at work and if anything I'm more productive and alert in the afternoon.
  • Caralarma
    Caralarma Posts: 174 Member
    Hmmm...so basically my 11 kg weight loss is only water and muscle 😂😂
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Caralarma wrote: »
    Hmmm...so basically my 11 kg weight loss is only water and muscle 😂😂

    Plus I'm sure your belly is bigger
  • MissyCHF
    MissyCHF Posts: 337 Member
    Not the worst, just one of the worst....
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    I wouldn't say that it's the worst ever, but it is a compilation of some of the worst bro science and dieting myths collected into one spot.
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Well, skipping meals does can affect your blood sugar (ever had the 3 pm crash, when you skip lunch?)

    Fixed it for you.

    Our bodies are amazing things all we all don't react the same way. I fair much better with smaller regular meals, but my daughter does just fine eating most of her food within a small time frame. That and the types of foods you eat can make an impact.

    For some IF increases our risks of binging because of hanger. For others it reduces it because it helps with satiety.

    Either that or our bodies are amazing at adapting to our feeding schedules.

    I agree, we are all different. I work a desk job where I constantly can't wait till my next meal or snack (I eat breakfast at my desk, morning snack, lunch at home, afternoon snack at my desk) and then a normal dinner at home.

    My boyfriend on the other hand works a very active construction job and has a protein shake around 5:30 in the morning and then he may not eat anything again until he gets home in the afternoon. It baffles me that he can do that!