Sopsongbird Member


  • I just enter the amount of a jog (about 5.0 pace since that is the lowest pace) and the brisk walk at the approximate rate I walk the warmup and 2 minute intervals (I train on a treadmill so I can track my pace). Doing it this way gives separate caloric burn due to the differences in the pace. Hope this helps!
  • I was going to start W2D1 today, but my foot is killing me. I went to the podiatrist today and he diagnosed it as Posterior Tibial Tendonitis. I am allowed to continue working out as normal, but I just need today to rest. I'll start W2 tomorrow morning! Hope everyone else is doing well on their training!
  • I feel stupid....
  • Are you serious? There is a bathroom for checking your makeup. P.S. EVERYONE should lift weights. It helps build muscle and tone areas that cardio alone won't get rid of. The mirrors are to watch your form to make sure you perform an exercise correctly and not hurt yourself! Maybe you should try it sometime...…
  • Weighed in yesterday...went from 256.0 (the 10lb loss) to 257.8. BUT...I loss 7.5" combined inches!!! So the lbs don't matter to me this past week HA! I'm feeling good in my loose pants and shirts!!!! WOOT!
  • WTG! I'm loving this! It has been SOOOOO hot and humid that running outside is not going to happen. It was 80 degrees by 11:00 this morning and doesn't show signs of dropping. Way to go on the spin class! My gym doesn't offer those, but I try to get on the stationary bike once in a while. The dirt trail will be good for…
  • Starting weight (July 16): 256.0 1st week weight (July 23): 257.8 2nd week weight (July 30): 3rd week weight (August 6): 4th week weight (August 13): 5th week weight (August 20): 6th week weight (August 27): Total Weight lost: Gained 1.8lbs Although I gained 1.8lbs, I LOST 7.5" combined inches from the previous week!!!!…
  • As long as you feel you didn't overexert yourself, then you should be fine! I would DEFINITELY move onto the next day! Congrats on feeling good during the runs! Things are getting easier!!!
  • I have the C25K program on my ipod and it talks over my music to tell me what to do and is really helpful. I do it on the treadmill, so it is a little harder to push the button to slow down when I'm bouncing haha! I might start a progress thread!
  • About how long will it take for me to start seeing the numbers on the scale go down? I weigh myself but I don't want to post my weigh-in because it says I went up...but I lost 7.5"...
  • NSV TODAY!!! I was able to run the W1D2 today at 4.5 other was 4.0 the other day! WOOT! My cardio is getting better!!!
  • Thanks everyone! I know it has only been a week, but I really needed this boost. The inches lost REALLY put things into perspective for me! Ya'll are awesome! Feel free to add!!!
  • I just did W1D1 and was a little upset that it didn't go longer, but I know it will get harder as I go along the program! If it feels easy, then I must have been doing something right with the walking I have been doing leading up to this!
  • Good idea! And cgarand, my husband LOVED it!
  • Concerning future "unknown" meals, never be afraid to ask the employees how something is made. Under normal circumstances, they will be more than happy to help you out!
  • CONGRATS! I'm looking to lose 100+, so seeing before/after pictures really help me feel that I can reach that goal! You look amazing!
  • Just to let you all know, for $13 (I had to split into the couple bucks left in the joint checking (oops)). I got a pack of center cut porkchops on sale for less than $5, a bag of salad mix, dressing (which I was out of), and 3 corn on cobb (3 for 99cents). I have some snap beans here at home that I'll simmer up in some…
  • Your website proved what we have been saying about eating breakfast...and I quote, "This analysis provides evidence that skipping breakfast is not an effective way to manage weight." Point taken.
  • I'm headed to the store! Thanks for all of the suggestions! I'll see what I can find and create! You all are awesome!
  • I'm not really a "rice" girl. I was thinking about something I could cook, but I'm tired of doing the same thing all the time (stir fry).
  • Skipping breakfast is not a good idea. Your body NEEDS fuel early in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism and give you the energy it needs to get going. I am a late night snacker also. I try to not have temptations in my freezer/fridge so that when I go looking for something to snack on, I either change my mind because…
  • I haven't tried the UFC is it? I'm literally afraid to begin it because I feel like it's too difficult for me at this point.
  • I have Xbox live and have been playing Fitness Evolved (the 1st one). I have others (Zumba, UFC Trainer, and Dance Central, to name a few). Feel free to add me on here and on Xbox (Tippy7891).
  • Needing some motivating friends. I am looking to lose 100+ and I just dropped my first 10lbs from last week to yesterday, so I'm looking forward to working hard to lose more. Starting weight (July 16): 256.0 1st week weight (July 23): 2nd week weight (July 30): 3rd week weight (August 6): 4th week weight (August 13): 5th…
  • I started tracking last week. I was 266. My recent weigh-in is 256!!! 10lbs gone!!! Water weight most likely, but that is 10lbs that I don't have to carry around anymore!!!
  • My goal is to drop as much weight as possible by 2013 haha. I am looking at 100+ to lose, so anything lost to get me closer to my goal is amazing!
  • Hey! I'm 24, I live in NC, and I am currently in remission for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I was placed into remission October 2011 and am looking to drop 100+ lbs.
  • I have Zumba for Xbox Kinect. I have yet to try it haha! I love zumba though!