

  • Awesome picks! I loved Medium. Numbers was great! I didn't start watching ER till the last season. Amazing.
  • Bump. Awesome thread.
  • Awesome question - Thank you!!
  • I had the same problem starting Couch to 5K. I went to my doctor because even when I did just P90 not P90X, I would be so red in the face and huffing, puffing, and hard to breath. I have exercise induced asthma. My inhaler made ALL the difference. So keep an eye on it. Talk to you doctor about your symptoms and I am sure…
  • I know we all focus on each days number BUT we all need to keep in mind that it's the week that matters. So don't worry what day you put it on, just be sure to add. Each week make sure you are around or under your total allowed calories for the week. As a wise person once told me Keep it simple stupid. Good luck on your…
  • I had a severe sinus infection in January, that's when the doctor diagnosed me with exercise induced asthma. I take advair and depending on my dose I can talk to my doctor to either up it or lower it. I take that twice a day, every day. I have an inhaler in my gym bag and carry one in my purse. I started the Couch to 5K…
  • How far along are you? Me: What? When are you due? Me: I'm not pregnant.
  • This is a great way to start :) If you really want motivation be sure to check the topics and blogs. They really give you strength to keep going!
  • Some of my favorites: I'm in a hurry - Alabama It's my time - Martina McBride My next thirty years - Tim McGraw Callin Baton Rouge - Garth Brooks Who are They - Tim McGraw/Dancehill Doctors Some Hearts - Carrie Underwood What about now - Lonestar Hope this helps!
  • Because sometimes it's hard to reach the handles!! Trust me. Next time your at the gym look for the really short girls. We can do the same exercises but sometimes the seats on the weight equipment doesn't fit quite right or the elliptical is feels big. Please don't get me wrong, we short people (fun size) can it just takes…
  • You have a trigger. You must deal with it. I would suggest counselling. But first you need to write it all out. I know it hurts and there will be tears and anger but get it out of you. Once that is done make a plan for moving on. Focus on scheduled workouts and outings. Don't forget to breath. You can't change him. He has…
  • Try P90 first. It helps you get ready for P90X. Power 90. I am 26 and P90 has me sweating. I really recommend you try it first just to get ready for the heavy duty P90X. Best of luck.
  • Keep strong! Learn what works for you. 24 hour fitness has workout cards and calender print outs. This lets you write what you do and schedule when you plan to work out. My boyfriend have a similar deal. Just not such high stakes. As of January 1st through the last day in January who ever logs more time at the gym wins. I…
  • "Its not that i dont like pills. I can't swallow them! I dont know what it is either. I am supposed to be on Zinc, Iron, Calcium. and Potassium pills (all prescribed by a doctor) but they all make me sick, i feel nauseated an hour after taking them. I have tried taking one instead of all of them and its all of them that…
  • My trick is drinking 8 oz of water before I can eat anything. I up my water intake (helps with cramps and bloating) and it gives my stomach more time to register I am FULL. If water isn't your cup of tea, like if you are craving something sweet: add grapefruit juice or orange juice to your water. Half and half. Hope it…
  • Coffee has about 30 calories per cup so if you drink a few, I would count it. As for water; I would only count pure water or if use crystal lite in your water count. It depends on what excatly you want though. Biggest issue, to lose weight it is all about calories in vs calories out. So if you trying to be truly accurate…
  • Wear a step counter. This will make you more aware and also encourage you to walk more. These are fairly cheap. Hope this helps! Have a great day.
  • I am allergic to red die found in fruit snacks like gushers. BUT MSG causes me headaches. MSG is in soups, Chinese foods, and foods like Cheetos. It's a pain but I guess it helps me watch what I eat.
  • Have you tried just eating 2 hersey's kisses? I have heard that helps. I know it's tough re-training our brains. All the pop and boxed food has taught us we need too much sugar and too much sodium. I wish you luck.
  • I once read an article about things you can do while sitting at your desk. Like concentrate at flexing your abs or butt. Do shoulder rolls and roll your next. These help burn a few extra calories and make your muscles happier.
  • Hello there fellow migraine suffer...I too have had headaches as long as I can remember. Four years ago I was put on Amitripline. This medication in doses under 150 mg can be used to block pain. This has helped with day to day migraines. This year my doctor went one step further, gluten free diet. MSG is also a type of…