Kathy535 Member


  • I can gain 3lb by moving the scale a cm or two. As I found out yesterday. I also gain if I haven’t had a poo, have done exercise the day before or if I’ve eaten lots of carbs or food that’s too salty. I weigh myself every day because it helps me remember that weight fluctuates enormously and I can take a peak in my stride.…
  • I’ve been on and off ‘diets’ for the last 20yrs - with mixed success in the short term. I’ve recently been told I have very high levels of bad fats in my blood (triglycerides) and it’s prompted a change in my thinking. My eating is now less focused around calories and more around reducing foods that are unhelpful…
  • When I’ve felt my GP might dismiss my hypochondriac fears or that they’ve been really busy I’ve used home testing kits. They are available in the UK - I’ve used Forth (for liver, kidney and hormones) and Let’s Get Checked (cholesterol and diabetes). Both were very easy, very quick and reasonably cheap (around £30-40 -…
  • I like fitness blender. There aren’t any programmes (I don’t think) but there are a huge number of videos and you can choose from a range of times, equipment, instructors etc
  • Sennakot promotes bowel muscle spasms (needed to move and evacuate the poo) and, used long term, this can make your bowel less inclined to spasm on its own. Eventually, you have to take the sennakot in order for the bowel to work. Google long term use of sennakot - it’s only supposed to be used for 2 weeks. If you’ve been…
  • I’m sure you seen these links, but just in case: https://gutscharity.org.uk/advice-and-information/conditions/diverticular-disease/ http://www.mydiverticulitis.co.uk http://www.pancreatitis.org.uk https://pancreasfoundation.org/patient-information/chronic-pancreatitis/…
  • I'm in the same boat. I hate the way I look and feel and I know it's affecting my health. I'm hoping I can keep the motivation going but working away from home and a husband who just doesn't get that I want to lose weight, wants to treat me with food and is hurt when I don't partake is making it all more difficult than I…
  • But I'm not eating at a huge deficit. And while it's like hunger, it's subtly different.
  • I get this, even after eating I have hunger like pangs. I've come to the conclusion it's excess acid as Tia1026 suggests. The doctor prescribed me PPIs and it's definitely less noticeable with those..
  • I.' the same, I go beet red and the sweat is dripping down my face. At body pump it drips off my elbows! I get sweat marks everywhere and my head seems to sweat too so I always have to wash my hair after exercise. I look at the other women around me looking calm and daisy fresh and I'm so envious.
    in Sweating Comment by Kathy535 April 2014
  • Thank you for that link, very helpful
  • I currently have problems in both rotator cuffs (calcific tendonitis but the cortisone jab didn't work for me). My physio ha told me that as I work at a computer all day I'm exacerbating the problem by being round shouldered and having short pecs. I have exercises to do which help to stretch and lengthen the pecs and these…
  • I get really clumsy, really really clumsy for a couple of days in the middle of the month. Very embarrassing, and when you factor In the emotional sensitivity as well it makes for a fabulous mid month experience. While dieting I've noticed that I don't put on weight but I do stop losing in the two weeks beforehand and then…
  • You are right of course. And I do have a problem with motivating myself, which is why I lost weight and then put it all back on and am now struggling to lose it again. And I spent yesterday feeling rather rough so have accepted that the Doctors advise is right (although the idea of elliptical trainer, legs only is good and…
  • I used to love trampolining, it's great fun and is a bit like interval training - 3-4 minutes of aerobic activity that will leave you breathless and then a few minutes waiting for your turn. It's great for strengthening your core muscles and also strengthens your ankle muscles. I'm so envious!
  • Stuffed chicken Take a chicken breast and cut a pocket in the top, not right the way through but almost the full length of the chicken Mix together 25g of soft low fat cheese and other fillings of your choice - my favourites are feta (20g) and Sundried tomatoes or grated cheddar (15g) and whole grain mustard. Stuff the…
  • My migraines seem to be brought on by combinations of things. They go in bouts, I might get two or three a week (each lasting about 18 hours, I'm lucky) for 4-6 weeks and then none for up to three months. In that time when I'm getting lots, I can guarantee that cheese + red wine + chocolate (sometimes I have a bad day!)…
  • When I was younger I used to swim a lot, around 6-8 miles a week. I'm naturally fairly broad shouldered but I didn't notice swimming making me any larger, quite the reverse, I've never had a such a good figure or felt so good generally (sigh). Apparently, front crawl builds the most muscles in the back and shoulder area,…
  • The tip I frequently revert to, if you don't record your calorie intake then it doesn't count because your body doesn't know you've eaten it
  • I used to be a mesomorph / ectomorph - I ate to fuel my life, had no interest in food for foods sake and built muscle very quickly. Now I'm 20 yrs older everything has changed :( I love food, love eating and it forms a big part of my life. Whereas I used to swim lots for maybe 6 weeks and complain that my neck and…
  • Thanks - that nerd site looks really interesting, although not sure the hotel furniture will take my weight on a table pull up! I'll be travelling by train and lugging my case around London on the day I arrive and leave so kettle bells aren't feasible, which is a shame, it's a great idea. Thank you both.
  • Sat 09/08/12 09:54 PM There are numerous swimming calorie burned calculators out there. The problem is that swimming is very form dependent. So someone like me with horrible swimming form probably burns far more calories than the competitive swimmers used to in the experiments that determined calories burned. This is…
  • I try and give myself some flexibility, so I have a few things I might do including 10 mins on several different cardio machines; a big session on one machine with a goal (30 mins, 5 k jogging etc); interval training on each machine; a long walk; a swim (again, here you can have choices, sometimes I include sprints, I…
  • I get ground and whole linseeds from Holland and Barratt. I soak the whole ones overnight in a few teaspoons of water and have them mixed into my Greek yoghurt, they do indeed help with constipation, I've been able to stop the medication completely since I started taking a teaspoon each day. I have eaten them whole but…
  • I second the flax seeds / linseeds suggestion. I have similar problems but I've found if I take 1-2 teaspoons a day (usually sprinkled on food otherwise they can be a tad difficult to swallow!) then everything gets a lot more regular. When I stop the problem comes back.
  • I've tried some 'diet' wines, they tend to be low in alcohol and weren't to my taste being simultaneously sweet and vinegary. But, let me know if you find a decent one and I'll be straight down the shop to get a bottle!
  • Sorry to hear about your home, have you got much longer in hotels? I stay in Hotels 2-4 nights a week for work and find this so difficult. I've settled on a few staples, breakfast is a poached egg on toast and fresh fruit. Lunch a tuna or chicken salad and evening meal is something like a continental meat platter (ham,…
  • I have the same problem, nice to know I'm not alone! I wouldn't recommend long term use of over the counter laxatives, they can make your bowel stop it's natural contractions over time and make the problem worse. I've been eating 25g of linseeds every day for the last month or so (sprinkled over my muesli) and it really…
  • I had to rethink the way I ate to lie within 1200 calories. So, now, I drink black coffee, ginger or mint tea, water and the occasional diet coke - no Starbucks with syrup anymore. I don't add sugar to cereal or drinks, eat more protein (I try but it's not so easy!) and I've upped my fruit and veg intake to fill me up. I…