

  • When I was breastfeeding I would take the amount that I needed per day while breastfeeding and I used that as "exercise". I know it's not but that's what I did and then I ate the amount needed per day if I was not exercising. i.e.:TDEE - breastfeeding calories (as exercise) = total amount calories needed per day.…
  • NUM! Have all the ingredients- definitely making this week!
  • About ten years ago I was on the low carb diet and switched for health reasons to vegan diet. I actually lost 10 pounds and I worked out heavily like you. I found that it streamlined my body but also like you I didn't eat alot of junk and processed foods like some vegans/vegetarians allow. I ate whole foods and ate mainly…
  • After my hysterectomy, I focused alot on healthy foods to promote healing. Whole grains will keep things moving and not allow alot of pressure on your sutures internally and externally. Gently walks increasing a little at a time- to the mailbox and back, parking further from stores as your body allows, and starting 5…
  • Only 5 months late for this post! I have a huge sweet tooth and getting rid of most of it except really dark chocolate keeps me sane. I tried to get rid of all of it and it makes me hangry! I eat a really small piece when I can't resist a candy or junk food craving and it really satiates me enough to keep going. Started…
  • I'm much older than you 38. I also had endo and adenomyosis. On top of that I have IC. I was bleeding profusely and although never had to do transfusions the pain for me was unbearable. When my doctor did an exploratory surgery he found the adenomyosis and said my tissues were "juicy". Meaning every time he sutured an…
  • Tai Chi sounds wonderful! I can't get out for a class- do you know of any good videos by chance? I'd love to try it!
  • I wanted to share with you what my pelvic floor rehabilitation doc told me about flares after pilates or any ab/core work. I flare as well and asked her why this was such an issue for me. I have endometriosis (and IBS- like you) as well, so this may not pertain to you but I have many trigger points in my abdomen. They are…
  • Wow! You are very active! I wish I could jog/run- do you take any meds to keep the bladder from spasms after the run? My doctor told me no running, jogging, or anything high impact :grumble: . So I walk and do gentle yoga. The chlorine bothers me too so I will definitely try the vaseline. Thanks for that tip!
  • Had no idea you guys had responded-Thanks so much! I have not found a GI in my area that has any idea what I'm talking about-but, I feel so much better staying away from fructose sources. I will just self diagnose this as fructose intolerance. Thanks for responding!
  • It has been for me-I need to lose 8 more pounds to reach my goal but my body is really hanging on to the weight! So not fun!
  • I think everyone on here has stated very important facts- eat more and make sure you are getting your B12. I also wanted to state that when I went vegan I got a fantastic book on nutrition to combine foods for iron and complete proteins. I found it at Amazon and this was 11 years ago and of course I don't see it now-but…
  • I wish you the best as you heal your relationship with food! I am recovered and always will struggle with my relationship with food in a healthy way. I have been free of symptoms for 7 years but I think it will always be something that will be a fine line for me. I was a exercise bulimic after being anorexic for a year. My…
  • Oh! And the ricotta is great with chopped dates or warmed pears, honey, and walnuts! Delicious!
  • Almond butter toast with orange juice or orange and almond milk, tofu scramble with some turmeric is tummy, almond milk or soy milk with vegan friendly cereals. Nature's path has got some yummy ones. When I was vegan (had to stop due to several health conditions) I ate Uncle Sam's cereal with soy milk. It's very filling…
  • There are always easy options for 1200 cals it just takes some planning and usually sticking to that basic meal plan throughout the week. I usually stick with the same meal plans and only rotate out every couple months if I get bored. Breakfast ideas: greek yogurt cups with some Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, boiled egg with…
  • I'm 37 5'3" mom of 3 Pregnancy weight with last (almost 4 years ago) 180 :noway: CW: 125 GW: 117
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. When my sister died I felt numb and stopped eating. Everyone deals differently with their grief. Have you tried a grief support group? A group where you can share your memories and feelings about your loved one can be a great way to work your way through loss. Also, remember that your dad loved…
  • You can add me too!!
  • I'm 5'3 and talked to my doctor b/c I hadn't moved on the scale for months. I do Physique 57 Tue and Thur and walk 4.5mph all other days of the week for an hour. Also do PT for my back on walk days. I told him MFP had me set up for 1400/ day and I ate my cals back. He said to go to 1200 cals and don't eat the calories…
  • What about physical therapy? Did anyone do PT and have success afterwards working out or even just reduction of pain symptoms?
  • I'm 37 and already experiencing insomnia, night sweats, crazy nightmares and dreams, and occasional hot flashes. I'm finding it insanely difficult to get off the midsection weight I've never experienced before. I've gained 10 pounds. I used to be able to lose weight with no problem, not now! I'm also crazy emotional- very…
  • I've read getting rid of red meat and dairy that is treated with hormones can add estrogen to feed endo. I have IC and IBS too and although I had an emergency LAVH two years ago due to adenomyosis, I was still having a lot of pelvic pain. So I started the low FODMAP diet two weeks ago. I can't believe how much better I…
  • If elavil is working for you then why try something else? It's so difficult to get IC pain under control because of hormones, diet, stress, and just plain driving too long in the car. If it helps I say stay on it! It worked minimally for me but I had other issues otherwise I would have stayed on it as well. I think we…
  • I was diagnosed with IC 10 years ago and after trying Elmiron, amitriptyline, DMSO instills, and heparin and Elmiron instills along with an elimination diet I was still having tremendous amount of pain and frequency. So I found a new OB/GYN and he said I don't have IC but endometriosis. Well, during surgery he confirmed…
  • Cous-cous is not the same nutritionally as Quinoa. It's like eating white rice! High glycemic and your body will process it more easily. It's yummy, though! Quinoa has more protein and fiber and is more filling and harder for your body to break down to use. It's more of a sub for brown rice with added protein! Just my 2…
  • 5'3" 130 size 6-8 Goal back to 117 size 4