masirahmo Member


  • Ohhhhhh lovely! You have my deepest sympathy. The first time it happened to me was about 3 years ago, and I had no idea what it was. I actually wondered if I was having a stroke. I'd never heard of them, couldn't explain them very well, and the doctor suggested that I'd been either looking at or out in the sun too long. (…
  • Hi Susan - I've been offline for some time and didn't pick this up until today. What is it exactly? New one on me.................
  • Can't help I'm afraid - not suitable for HRT; but I'm still getting the odd spot after nearly three years! Medically all okay - just one of these things. Have you tried anything else for your flashes? I've had SOME success with a herbal prep called Menopace, and I know a few people who like Amberen. One thing that…
  • Thanks for the advice Tashia, I'm using Menopace, which is herbal + vitamins, also Evening Primrose & Fish oil. I have heard of Amberen, but read very mixed reports? I'm just into my second month's supply of Menopace and I know you're supposed to give it 3 months minimum so I haven't quite given up hope, but I honestly…
  • Hi! Welcome to the group. It certainly does help to know that you're not alone! I'm about the same - need to lose 70lbs, and about to start New Atkins in the next few weeks so it would be great to hear how you are doing on it, any ideas or views etc. No point in starting right now as I have visitors arriving soon for a 3…
  • Count me in. Please feel free to add me, and a huge well done for making the decision to get healthy. You go girl!!
  • I remember this!! Don't want to alarm you, but there were times when mine dragged on for 3 weeks or more. As you say - not quite heavy enough for tampons, but just trickling away. Arrrrrggghhhhhh!!! Terrified to wear light colours, pads and tampons in every bag, pocket, glove compartment - even my golf bag! Didn't happen…
  • You've had some great advice from the other ladies re the heavy bleeding, so I thought I'd pitch in about the other issues. Please watch what you're doing with the Cohosh - the advice regarding it has changed dramatically even in the last three years; so they are obviously still finding out about it. I know that there is…
  • Thanks Brandy, Any info is a help! I'm pretty ignorant about the whole HRT thing - so it's very interesting to hear that you can get a low dosage version, I think I will speak to my doc about that. I do usually work out 5 or 6 days a week, but I've felt so awful the last couple of weeks that my heart just isn't in it. I…
  • Do you know - I really have been thinking about it the last few days. I've tried to do without it - but I'm really getting to the end of my tether with it now! Would welcome some input from anyone who is on it?
  • Yep BlueJean - I think it's like everything else in this world - one man's meat is another man's poison, and what works for one is in no way guaranteed to work for the next person. If something works for you then great - but I think there is a danger of people tying themselves in knots trying every remedy out there. I did…
  • Anyone considering taking supplements - especially Black Cohosh - please be aware that some of them carry their own risks. When I first started taking Cohosh 3 years ago, the recommended dosage was 740mgs a day. A strange amount you might think, but the capsules all seemed to be 370mgs and to be taken twice a day so it…
  • I'll jump in with the crowd and say that I too have no gallbladder - it was removed in 1980. It was so full of stones the surgeon said they could have had a good game of marbles! I've never really had a problem losing weight despite the gallbladder thing, so I don't think it's really an issue. Other factors are now…
  • I think at the end of the day, what is right is what works for you. I read through posts on this site and others and despair! When did it all become so complicated? Do this, don't do that; eat this, don't eat that. You could quite literally drive yourself insane trying to keep up with the latest trends and fads. The crux…
  • Please forgive me if I'm way off base on this, but there are a lot of things about this post which simply don't add up, and I'm wondering if KamikazeeKim has got exactly what she wanted - i.e. being the centre of attention for a couple of hundred people. The diction, grammar and spelling of the original post are good -…
  • Excellent article, which a lot of the people posting on this site would do well to read!! :smokin:
  • No expert, but I can tell you a few things I've picked up over the years as I suffer from this too. It is unfortunately very much gene related, and those of us who suffer from it are very unlikely to ever get rid of it completely. I have a friend who is very slim but who suffers from it; and another friend who is on a diet…
  • Unfortunately I'm the opposite!! First place weight goes on - and last place it comes off. I have a relatively small waist so there's times I look like Dolly Parton......................... My husband's favourite quote is that nothing grows in the shade!
    in Boobs Comment by masirahmo August 2012
  • Hi, I've spent quite a lot of money on pedometers over the years, and I've never found one yet that I was completely happy with; although Omron as a make was probably the best. It even went through the washing machine a few times and still worked! I've just bought myself a FitBit Ultra which monitors nearly everything…
  • Heart Rate Monitor. Have you tried Googling it? Somebody may have already done it on another site. How are you guys getting on with the Ab Circle Pro? Looked at it - but it has very mixed reviews.
  • I wish - I'd look like Kate Moss!! :blushing:
  • Hi - I am exactly the same. 54, with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It's taken me about 12 weeks to lose 10lbs, but there have been periods when I lost nothing, and I AM exercising - hard! According to the calculator when you finalise your day's food entry, the weight should be falling off me - but it's not. I've come to the…
  • This could be me - only I have a lot more to lose. I started at 220, and it's taken me 8 weeks to lose 10lbs. 3 weeks with MFP - 2 with FitBit. Loss is either very, very slow or non existent; but like you I am sticking with it for exactly the same reasons. I'm hoping that one of these days the same thing will happen to me…
  • Unfortunately not! I am on average around 1,000 calories under every day - meaning a weekly deficit of 7,000 - which should equate to 2lbs a week at least. It ain't happening!! :frown:
  • Many thanks for all the help folks - certainly given me something to think about! Funnily enough, three of the scales mentioned are on my short list. I've got a set of WeightWatchers at the moment and they have been good - but getting on a bit now and I think they're past their best. Wondered about just replacing them, it…
  • Just to add to previous posts, I too have experienced an upsurge in hot flushes and night sweats since starting this diet. I am trying the South Beach Diet which seems to be working as far as weight loss is concerned. Interesting to read about estrogen being stored in fat - you just can't win can you??! Black Cohosh worked…