Fitgirlrocks Member


  • I have no intention of basing my motivation on someone else's opinion, encouragment or lack of encouragement. I appreciate encouragement as much as the next person. If I can't make a comment that is genuine and sincere, I problaby won't comment at all. There is enough noise in the world without me adding nonvaluable…
  • I think it completely depends on the personality of the two people involved. Most women would love to have a teddy bear, but my thoughts are, "I'm not 12". :) So see it all depends on the person. There isn't a right or wrong about it. If he hates it and thinks it's too soon and runs away, then maybe that's a sign that he's…
  • I'm 5'7" and 170lbs. I wear a size 6 jeans
  • Before my dad died, there was a system. My mom would find what she wanted and buy it. I would take it home to my dad, show him, tell him how much I thought Mom would like it. He would give me the money for it, I would split the money with Mom. My Mom would be "surprised" on Christmas morning, my dad was thrilled that 'he"…
  • I prefer it alone. I use to lift with a buddy and that worked well because I felt more comfortable pushing my limits with a spot. Since I took up running, prefer to do it along. My pace, my distance, my playlist.
  • Sorry to hear your frustration. I was in the same place a few years ago, being frustrated about the effort I was putting in that was not producing results. What I found out was that I was consuming a lot of foods that are considered healthy, but that I am actually allergic to. Not allergic as in anaphylactic shock, but an…
  • This is obviously a very personal choice. There are enormous health risks, implications, and complications of having surgery - just as there are enormous health risks, implications, and complications of being obese. It sounds to me like you are questioning your initial decision of having the surgery. You don't have to make…
  • check out Hal Higdon's site.
  • I AGREE with MCBody! Good form prevents injuries and increases gains.
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE Crossfit. I did it exclusively for a couple of years. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, I no longer go to a Crossfit gym, but I do incorporate a lot of the exercises in my workout. One of the great things about Crossfit is that you can do it pretty much anywhere, home, gym, park. It's very…
  • I stay away from Agave Nectar. It's highly processed and almost 100% fructose which means that it bypasses the negative feedback system you naturally have in your body (it doesn't get processed biochemically the same way that glucose does). Stevia is my sweetener of choice, however, since you don't like the aftertaste…
  • Your body, specifically your heart and brain, need fat to function. Having said that, it needs to be the right kind of fat, Essential Fatty Acids. I am never concerned about the fat intake for my diet as I eat nutritious fats (especially Omega 3s). The calorie deficit is far more important than the fat deficit. In fact, if…
  • You are on the right track! At the expense of sounding trite, the hardest step is the first step. Your commitment to yourself will show in your results. I look forward to walking with you on your journey.
  • If your doctor doesn't think it's a problem Change doctors.
  • Oh yes and the Vitamin D that someone else mentioned earlier. :)
  • I am into natural medicine and natural treatment. Here are some of the things I dd when I am sore (although I don't have arthritis I do still get sore achy joints from time to time). Alternating Hot and Cold water treatments. I get in a super hot shower (for about 3 min, until the water doesn't feel hot anymore), then I…
  • Amazing! Very proud of you.
  • Breakups do suck. Sorry you are going through it. I have a hard time with emotional eating as well. What I do when I want to eat (a bag of peanut butter snickers) is find something to distract me. I often go for a walk or a run and I allow myself to cry (if I need to) as I run - that way the emotion comes out and I am not…
  • Sweet mask = fun personality
  • Is there any of your work that you can do on the treadmill? I am all for focused workouts, but sometimes my schedule doesn't allow time for everything to fit in. So I will take work with me on the elliptical machine ( I tend to fall off the treadmill while reading- maybe I am just clumsy). I also struggle with emotional…
  • Here is a simple calculation that you can use to check how much protein you need to be eating. kg of bodyweight *.8 = grams of protein (assuming you over over age 19). Many people feel like they need more protein than they actually do. I definitely fell into that mindset. Anyway, it's just a quick little check you can do…