:( what am i doing?

These last couple days have been really hard for me ive been emotional (break ups suck) and im also sick so i am comfort eating/binging which is like my old habits and its scaring me. Im finally happy at where i am at with my weight loss... i still want to tone up more but I need to get a hold of myself and not screw up everything ive done. I dont know what to do to get my head back in the game.. and i havent been going to the gym because i am sick. What do you do when you see yourself going back to your old habits?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    try stopping yourself before eating and asking yourself am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired? If you are anything but hungry, don't eat. Sorry about your breakup and hope you are feeling better soon!
  • Fitgirlrocks
    Fitgirlrocks Posts: 21 Member
    Breakups do suck. Sorry you are going through it. I have a hard time with emotional eating as well. What I do when I want to eat (a bag of peanut butter snickers) is find something to distract me. I often go for a walk or a run and I allow myself to cry (if I need to) as I run - that way the emotion comes out and I am not stuffing myself with things I don't really want. Sometimes I will just go for a drive - anything to get me out of the house and take my mind off eating. You are on the right track by posting here and asking for support. And you are also right that you don't want to undo all that you have accomplished. Stay focused on the goal. <3
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    well, I would lists a million things here, but I would say the fact that you look AMAZING is reward enough and a good reminder to treat yourself right everyday regardless of what's happening to you or around you.
  • RaceTo48Kg
    RaceTo48Kg Posts: 31 Member
    I understand how you feel dear. Break-ups are sure one saddest part of our lives. But you really have to get out from there. Try to think of your inspiration (for me it's Mariah Carey's 80-90s body before she got pregnant) when you're on the brink of giving up. That way I gain motivation and reminds me how far I've been through. By just looking at your picture you really look great. Keep on improving yourself. He will realize in the future that you are a great loss to him.

    I don't know but exercise cures me. If I'm sick, I will take a rest for a while, then try to do some light exercises. When I wake up the next day I feel better. But If you really can't move your body, just take a plenty of rest, water and fruits.
  • MrsVDDS
    I tend to do the same thing when I am sick or feeling down. That is what got me off track the last time! Even if you can't make it to the gym, you can still eat healthy! One thing I did to prevent emotional eating is making a list of things I can do to make myself feel better instead of eating, like take a bubble bath, give myself a mani/pedi. That way I keep myself busy without being destructive.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    If your emotional eating fodder is at home, then consider throwing it out/bringing it to work/giving it away if you simply can't resist it. Pamper/indulge yourself in some other way that doesn't involve food, or if it does, have a small treat--a really delicious high quality piece of chocolate, a quarter cup of an ultra-rich ice cream. The "buzz" is often gone after the first couple of bites, so you'll get the food high without all of the calories.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Ahh, sounds like you've got your mind all out of sink causing you to stress out. That stress raises your cortisol levels which prompt your body to crave junk and store body fat! Fatty/junk foods release serotonin...creating that comfort your seeking. :(

    Don't loose your motivation! The only person standing between you and your goals...is YOU!