
Is anyone familiar with CrossFit? Outside of watching the Videos on YouTube and FaceBook, I am not. I have some friends that are doing it weekly and I want to try it, but truth be told.. I am very intimidated!!! YIKES!

Any pointers?


  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    I've done a couple sessions of CrossFit. Prepare to sweat and curse. That's about it. :laugh:

    It is intense but if the trainer is good they'll keep it interesting and keep you moving so you'll work different muscles and won't get too fatigued. Bring water and just do the best you can. The session I did included pullups - of which I can't do a single one - and she gave me a modification so I can work up to pullups, so hopefully where you go will do the same thing. Good luck!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    The best thing you can do if you're looking to get into it is to workout with a crossfit trainer. You can learn a lot from the videos, but if you aren't using proper form, you're working against yourself. I do crossfit workouts 3-5 days/ week and absolutely love them. Good luck.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I just started the first week of November and I love it. It works for all fitness levels. For instance, when we have to do pull ups, some people do strict pull-ups, some people kip, and some use bands. I use bands for assistance, with the goal of being able to do a strict pull up some day. I just turned 50. I work alongside a lady who is in her 60's and guys in their 20's and who are in the service. It all works together. You work to your ability and you get stronger. I have a lot of muscle from lifting weight, but I don't have a lot of upper body strength. I can do a bench press with 3 times more weight than the girls in their 20's but I can't do a freaking pull up. I think crossfit is going to really help with strength and endurance in a way that simply lifting weights hasn't. Go for it. I love it.
  • Fitgirlrocks
    Fitgirlrocks Posts: 21 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Crossfit. I did it exclusively for a couple of years. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, I no longer go to a Crossfit gym, but I do incorporate a lot of the exercises in my workout. One of the great things about Crossfit is that you can do it pretty much anywhere, home, gym, park. It's very versatile and allows you to scale to your level.
  • Fitgirlrocks
    Fitgirlrocks Posts: 21 Member
    I AGREE with MCBody! Good form prevents injuries and increases gains.
  • OnieBee
    CrossFit is the BEST training I have encountered on my weight loss journey! It's great for strength, endurance, stamina, flexibility... you name it! When the WOD (workout of the day) is posted I have a couple of moments of fear, but moves can and are modified for each person's capabilities. I feel so accomplished and proud of myself when I'm finished. If you are faithful with CrossFit you will become an amazing athlete and that is coming from a women who at one time couldn't make it up 5 steps without feeling winded and sick.

    Give it a try, you wont regret it!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I've been CrossFitting since early August. In fact, if you look at my profile picture, you can see me the first day I started crossfit, one month after crossfitting, and then three months of crossfitting. Personally, I LOVE it. I started off going 3 days a week, and now I go 5-6 days a week. Admittedly, it is a bit pricey, but I pay about $7 a session for how much I go (unlimited membership). I figure personal training, even a group setting, costs far more than that. It is seriously worth every penny.

    When I started, I could hardly even lift the olympic bar over my head. I can now dead lift 165lbs, should press 75lbs (half my body weight) and back squat 105lbs (need to work on this a lot). I was a bit intimidated when I walked in and saw this massive 6' 4", ripped man, doing handstand pushups, but then I looked around and saw people all over their fitness journey. We have small/petite 5 feet tall girls who can back squat 170 pounds, to individuals who are on a journey to lose 50 pounds. You can scale everything we do. I definitely don't do all of the workouts as prescribed yet, and lower a lot of the weights. And everyone is so supportive, no matter where you are. I pretty much always finish our workouts within the last two people, and I feel 100% comfortable. I love walking into the box every morning and everyone knowing my name :)

    If you do it, make sure you go somewhere that offers some sort of "on ramp" program for new members. My gym had three weeks of it, and they taught us the fundamentals before we could attend regular workouts. Make sure you like the coaches, and that the gym has a positive atmosphere - not one that is overly competitive. Your coaches should care about your safety and health more than anything else, because it is so intense.

    And hey, it worked for Staci