ziegman49 Member


  • Scott did a better job of explaining what I meant by racing v. finishing. Success is defined by each person, whether it be a PR, finishing a new distance, or taking home some bling. As far as training, I won't sit here and defend my recommendations. I let my results speak for me. I have found what works for me, so when…
  • The biggest question is what are your goals for the Olympic? Do you just want to finish or are you looking to actually race it? If you want to just finish, the biggest thing is to work on your general fitness and being able to swim 1500 meters in open water. There are really two keys to triathlon; your ability to swim and…
  • I think the only thing to take away from her results are that a person is only good at what they train for. I go into a crossfit gym and I will likely be puking my guts out halfway. Take one of them to an olympic triathlon, and I doubt the are off the bike before most of us cross the finish line. Props to her for taking on…
  • I would ask Kris but he is such a nice guy I wouldn't be able to tell if he is being honest or just patronizing me. :) I figured if I asked on here people would be honest since they don't have any reason to not be brutally honest. Thanks for the advice and swim times.
  • I had a 210 for about a year till I switched to the 910. The only reason I changed was because I needed a watch that could do swimming and biking as well. The 210 is a good watch and can use a HR monitor plus you can set it to intervals. I was very happy with it.
    in GPS watch? Comment by ziegman49 May 2013
  • Ever lose weight when you are sick and not eating? Don't people starve to death? :)
  • You would be surprised. It is only an estimate but gives you an idea. Most nutrition labels are based on a average BMR, hence the 2000 mark. You may be higher or lower. This is a practices as a science.
  • That is like me saying "people do weights because they can't stand then pain of their lungs burning from a hard run." I spent 10+ years doing nothing but weights and I can say without a doubt in my mind weights are an easier workout. But it really just comes down to what you want. Muscle burns more calories all day but…
  • Drink water. Cramps are caused by multiple things. For me, the most common is dehydration. The worst is in the pool, I sweat more than I realize and it is easy to forget to drink enough water. The calf cramp is always a friendly reminder I have forgotten to drink.
  • Best advice I got was to ignore the scale and go based on how the clothes fit and how you feel. The scale will follow.
  • Nice work. Keep it up.
  • Best thing I have found is a group of excellent swimmers to push me. I am by far the youngest and by far the slowest. I'll usually get 400 in to their 500. But in the 4 weeks I have been working with them I have improved as much as I had over the last 3 months.
  • They do invite me now! But on top of that, I managed to beat both my brothers in a 5k two weeks ago and in October 2012 I managed to beat my sister in a half marathon by 43 seconds (she could still kick my butt in a marathon though). It is a bit overwhelming when I think about how far I have come. There are times when I…
  • Thanks everyone. What helped me the most? I would say just wanting to change how I looked, which started with being honest with myself. I would lie about my weight to other people, trying to convince them and myself. Finally had to own up that's was not where I wanted to be. My siblings are all runners and they wouldn't…
  • Boy there is so much I could say about this. It depends entirely on who you ask and what program you use. Some have only four zones other have as many as eight. A good site I would recommend is trainingpeaks.com. You can choose what HR formula you want and it will automatically. I think they offer a free profile which will…
  • The bike never goes away. Just switch to a cross bike or mountain and hit the gravel roads.
  • In my opinion using strictly HR is incredibly inaccurate to measure how hard you are working. There are so many things that can throw it off. Check out the TSS stuff if you are interested in getting a better idea how hard you are working and ideal resting time. Your previous workouts may be tougher than you realize leaving…
  • Unless you have intentions to win, don't worry about transitions. Just focus on finishing it. There is plenty of advice out there on how to speed up transitions, but ultimately you will just need to find out what works for you, and that only comes with time.