krystymc Member


  • thank you for sharing this! i can see the difference, for sure! and i love the natural picture XD cuz who doesn't get a bra stuck in her hair while casually wearing a shirt like that? hey it happens! ;) you're so great.
  • holy cow what a great surprise!!! *bounces* that's the best type of result and reward, when it just sneaks up on you and you ARE where you want to be or heck that much closer! that's so exciting! congratulations!
  • i don't feel he cheated. i'd have to have him outright say it. sometimes celebrities and such get attacked and they just settle. it isn't an admission of guilt. it's an admission of not being able to fight a bigger force and wanting to focus on something else. it sounds to me like he's retired and just done with this era…
  • this is exactly what i needed to see! how someone loses over the years, months that it takes to do serious weight loss. sometimes the stories happen so fast and my weightloss is slow and i'm like...mew? i'm so glad you explained what you were doing above the pictures too, what had changed. this was inspirational to view.…
  • i'm not a success story - yet. but what keeps me going on the bad days are all these stories. when i have bad days like tonight, i come here to the forums and read the Success stories. i look at the pictures. and i want to be one of the cool kids. not people just born with the right genetics or with awesome parents who…
  • it's hard to tell when someone is being sarcastic or telling a joke or being serious, in pure text. so, to save confusion and hurt feelings, lots of stuff gets deleted by a blanket policy. i like it =/ i like it because i'm sensitive. and i LIKE being sensitive. life's been tough and i want to be sensitive, not hard…
  • thank you for posting pictures! and for your courage through your journey!
  • well that explains a lot of my 'personal discomfort' right there! haven't tried the bars or brownies but i was trying fibre as an additive for awhile. and it sounds like if you're not drinking enough water - which i don't tend to do - then fibre increasing is a bad idea. i found this -…
  • wow, amazing information! i had to research the term; the dye can actually open up blocked tubes sometimes! who would have known that?? also, you have a heart of gold and such courage. go for it! OP, you're getting some great advice here! i just know things are going to work out for you since you're starting everything out…
  • ahmahgads! good link, thank you! OP i'm sure this is what you're going through and suddenly it's going to get better. and then you'll be left wondering what you did right in that moment so you can repeat it! but it sounds like you're already doing a great job of changing your lifestyle.
  • thank you all very much! i might break down and have the apple meant for my midnight lunch as my break instead. that way i'm yeah, giving in, but giving in healthy like. that should be okay. i'll feel like "hey here's your reward!' but i won't hate myself for having an apple, right??
  • wow you deserve that bikini! you rocked it! it's not posing when it looks so natural. well done!
  • "what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." - richard bach and Albert Einstein - "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." oh and also, "be yourself. everyone else is taken." forget who said…
  • it's true. i would *sighs* and i told myself, listen, you gave birth to a kid at home, nine pounds, no drugs. you can do anything. i can beat a stupid snack habit...i can. honest...
  • A State of Trance 668 by Armin van Buuren. two hours of non stop tracks that blur into one long musical song mix <3
  • on the days you beat yourself up, already did the best thing anyone could do. you shared it. you talked it over with people who understand, namely here at MFP. people who really 'get it'. keep talking, and especially listening, to the people who are in your shoes or have been in your shoes. even if no one here…
  • hi there! *waves* i'm krysty, 39, been getting tattoos since i was 18 but don't have nearly enough now that i see these pictures! whew, you guys are awesome!!! here is a crow on the back of my neck one on my thigh another…
  • hi group! *waves* just waiting to get pics of my tatts to share! for piercings i have ears, nose, tongue, nipples and belly button. out of all of them, nipples hurt the most. i have lots of tattoos, had lots of painful things happen, but man, nothing has ever hurt like nipples. it felt like getting an episiotomy (moms may…
  • i can't stand water either. our town's tap water is disgusting, so my family drinks filtered. but that still isn't fun. i'm a sipper, i used to have a big glass of pop/soda on my computer desk all the time to sip at. never really been into coffees and the like, just the sweet drinks. it was a comfort, it meant life was…
  • okay *takes your keyboard and types in, types in inspiration* well looky here...motivation is another word for inspiration. that's called a synonym...they're related, if not meaning the same thing. 1. you said "all i'm saying is..." but that isn't all you're saying. you're telling people what to do and what…
  • maybe if it's a 20lb backpack of stuff, i should just check off backpacking? anyone have any thoughts? that's listed in the exercise database.
  • thanks! but i don't know how to work out the calories. i really rely on MFP to do that for me, though i know that's only a best guess.
  • thank you for sharing, for trying so hard and for sharing your photos! thank you especially for sharing what you learned about food and how you ate. i liked the follow up post as well about how much you run! now we have a better idea of what we can strive for and achieve! thanks to you! "we are angels with one wing and…
  • i'm really appreciating the food and exercise tracker available on the site. most exercises and every bit of food i have eaten so far since joining has been able to be tracked. it's telling me what i burned and what i gained or just ate. with the trackers on this site, i haven't had to calculate any calories on my own.…