TAC2413 Member


  • Yes. It's under goals and you just set your macro percentages to what you want. Unfortunately they are in increments of 5%. I have mine set at 70 fat, 25 protein, 5 carb. As long as I'm between 5-8 percent carb at the end of the day, I'm golden. Hope this helps!
  • Okay. I have no idea what is going on here. but PW: 240 CW: 243 eek. time to work harder!
  • PW; 240 CW 240 no change. Sorry guys!
  • PW: 241 CW: 240 One more down!
  • Okay... so if you look back at my food diary, you will see that I eat white chili A-LOT. I make it in my crock pot then freeze it up in individual servings (because my husband won't eat it) each recipe makes 4 good sized portions. I usually serve it with rice or QUINOA!! super tasty! White Chili 12 oz Great Northern Beans…
  • Stop trying to make up for the binge the rest of the week. For me depriving myself is what sets off my binges. I used to try to make up for a binge until I realized that I would never catch up. So if I slip, I log it, forgive myself and CONTINUE WITH MY PLAN FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. It doesn't have to be a viscous cycle,…
  • Thanks for the support guys! I did survive the weekend without a binge!
  • PW- 242 CW-241 Was hoping for more, but a loss is a loss. :)
  • Thank you for the inspiration!! I was considering not going to the gym today, but off I go! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
  • That is a great attitude to have. I need to remember to forgive myself and not punish myself after my binges. I'm really bad about that... Your mom sounds just like my dad. I wish that I had some helpful advice, but all I can tell you is that they're far from perfect too, and to try not to let it bother you too much.
  • You can bake eggs in ramekins or muffin pans, then prepare sandwiches with them and reduced calorie bread. Then wrap them up and freeze them. Just a minute or 2 in a microwave is all you need, and taking the frozen sandwich with you keep the eggs from going bad.
  • Exactly what I was going to suggest. Eat back your exercise calories... sounds counterproductive, but it does work.
  • Try some greek yogurt post workout and see if that doesn't do the same thing that the protein shakes were doing for you. No blender required. :)
  • I think that if it works for you then it's what you need to use! I personally use a muscletech chocolate whey protein powder and it tastes pretty good if you get it mixed up well (I use a single serve blender to make mine). The reason I use whey over egg whites is that your body metabolizes more of the protein and puts it…
  • Something to keep in mind about protein shakes-- you want them to be Whey and not soy based. Soy mimics estrogen in the body and has been linked to breast and uterine cancer in women, also has been linked to breast development in men. (much more dangerous for men than women, but women should still limit their soy intake if…
  • I have to admit that I've been struggling lately. Completely lost it yesterday at lunch and at dinner. My triggers seem to be eating anywhere but at home and eating alone. Before yesterday I had almost gone a month without a binge, though I had had the urge for almost a week. I don't understand it because everyone else it…
  • 7 hours of activity? Consider it done. :)
  • PW-241 CW-242 Not great, but better than a 2 lb gain. I know I need to work harder this next week. :(
  • See how it goes for a while. if you're losing weight eating what you are currently and exercising, don't worry about it. If you're not hungry your body isn't trying to gain more calories. HOWEVER--and this is a big however. If you aren't losing weight at all and seem to be stagnating, increasing your calories could help…
  • Miracle noodle would be worth a try- 0 calories per serving.
  • I used to work in the healthcare field and I wore scrubs all day. The problem with this is that they're VERY forgiving and usually don't get very tight... just like PJ's. I know that you said that you don't want to buy any "fat" clothes, but just purchasing a few pieces that are fixed waist (jeans and things like that)…
  • Your coworker is crazy. Yes Bananas contain a high amount of starch and sugar, but if they keep you from hitting the vending machine at work, you're still being successful. They're much better for you than cookies and chips. :) I'd even eat them around the coworker and not worry about it at all.
  • I'm Camille. 24 years old from Texas. I am working on my second bachelors degree and need to lose the weight I gained during my first one. My first degree is in Exercise physiology, but I'm lazy. However if you have any questions about exercise chemistry or oxidative phosphorylation ask away! I would love to make some new…
  • I'm Camille. 24 years old from Texas. I am working on my second bachelors degree and need to lose the weight I gained during my first one. My first degree is in Exercise physiology, but I'm lazy. However if you have any questions about exercise chemistry or oxidative phosphorylation ask away! I would love to make some new…
  • Hello! I've been using MFP for a long time off and on. If you have questions let me know if I can help! If you ever need motivation contact me! Early in 2011 I lost almost 30 lbs using MFP. Got married and have since gained them all back because I fell off the wagon.
  • I am Camille. 24 years old, newly married, moderately active. I tore up my ankle playing tennis in college, and am working on my second bachelors. I have been eating terribly since getting married in June. My husband is an extremely picky eater and won't eat things like...vegetables, fruits, casseroles, anything not fried.…