Protein Shakes...I need some help please :)

I need some input on protein shakes or even the shakes that are by slim fast...are these good alternatives to meals, if so, if I would have a shake say for lunch what else can I eat with it? I'm trying to find some alternatives as far as shakes, I also purchased this mix you can make for protein shakes but I'm afraid to try them...not sure why, but I just am! haha...I worry cause of medicines I take, but I don't think it would hurt since it's a protein shake. Any input would be helpful THANKS :D


  • SeeEmRun2012
    It depends. Are you trying to build muscle? What kind of effects do you think you medication will have? Have you tried other shakes before? If so, what are you currently using.
    Check this out:
  • lalabush2284
    I need to lose weight, but I keep reading in order to lose weight you have to have protein, I'm horrible for getting meat in as I'm not a huge meat eater, if I'm lucky I get one meat a day...I'd like to tone, as I need to lose about 140 lbs to be at my ideal weight, so I'm torn on how to go about this, I'm doing Jillians 30 Day Shred, so I know that will help tone me up and been doing just dance and tae bo for other exercises, I just really don't know where to go right now as far as getting my protein. I take buspar for anxiety, but I don't know if it has any effects with the protein shake mix i purchased.
  • lalabush2284
    the kind I have is Whey Super Advanced
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    Not sure what protien shake you purchased. I use protien shakes as a meal replacement for 2 of my meals and it works for me I have lost 155lbs so far. The protien shake I use is listed in my profile and it is all natural and shouldn't interfer with meds.
  • lalabush2284
    Terrific! 155 lbs, congratssss :) That's a great loss!
  • Steph62002
    Whey protein powder is good for you, and should be a part of your everyday diet. One of my favorite types of protein powder is by EAS. It mixes well and the taste is pleasant. I like to blend it with plain 0% greek yogurt (to add creaminess and extra protein) along with water and frozen fruit.
  • lalabush2284
    So I'm thinkin' how to add this then to my what's a good example say for breakfast?
  • Steph62002
    The example I gave above is what I use for breakfast, as I add yogurt and fruit. It really depends on what you like, what your favorite fruits are etc. Just play around with different combinations until you find a winner!
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member
    i need to start drinking mine again, i have a huge bottle left from when i was training with a trainer, i just haven't found a combination I like yet.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I use Nectar protein powder because its sugar free and I like it (I'm a diabetic). It somes in the traditional vanilla and chocolate which you can mix with milk and fruit flavors that you mix with water. For breakfast I use a scoop of protien, non-fat milk, vanilla non-fat yogurt and fruit. I use the fruit flavors in the afternoon if I need to up my protein.
  • TAC2413
    TAC2413 Posts: 27 Member
    Something to keep in mind about protein shakes-- you want them to be Whey and not soy based. Soy mimics estrogen in the body and has been linked to breast and uterine cancer in women, also has been linked to breast development in men. (much more dangerous for men than women, but women should still limit their soy intake if at all possible.)

    I don't recommend replacing your meals with a "protein shake" as you will be missing many nutrients that are necessary for sustained weight loss. I also don't really like the slim fast shakes because of their high sugar content. "But I'll just take a multi vitamin." I'm not saying that taking a multivitamin is not beneficial, but the bulk of your nutrients should not come from artificial sources (I don't know for sure, but I suspect that slim-fast and other meal replacement shakes use synthetic nutrients). If you're going to drink a shake, make sure you also eat a piece of fruit and some vegetables with it.

    Greek Yogurt makes a great alternative to a protein shake!! It's high in protein, high in calcium, and studies have shown that eating 6-8 oz. of it can increase weight loss by up to 65%. (See women's health today for this stat).

    That said I drink a whey protein shake made with skim milk or light soy milk every day within an hour after my workout. It's IMPORTANT to replace the glucose in your muscles after exercise... even if you don't feel like eating. The chemical responsible for replacing muscular glucose is most active for the hour following exercise and has decreased to little or no activity within 2 hours following exercise. By replacing the glucose, you're allowing for your workout the following day to be much more productive. By eating a large dose of protein immediately following exercise, you're giving your body the necessary amino acids to build muscle. Whey or Casein protein doesn't matter. :)

    Feel free to ask me more questions. I love being able to use my degree occasionally. :)
  • lalabush2284
    Thanks everyone for your input...that is great info Tac! :D I appreciate it!! :)
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    I don't agree with the majority opinion on MFP that protein shakes are neccesaary or even particularly useful for the average weight-loser. Protein shakes or whey protein are basically powdered milk with some extra stuff tossed in to make it sound science-y - and they are universally highly overpriced for the ingredients they contain. If you are trying to lose 140 pounds, simply eating a caloric deficit should be amply sufficient - if you're finding you're excessively hungry, try eating a little more - you might lose more slowly but real food is better than a powdered suppliment.

    The standard American diet contains a comparatively very high fraction of protein already - it is extremely difficult to be protein-deprived in the US. One meal containing a meat-based protein per day is fine - you also get protein from many other food sources. For body-builders or athletes, protein shakes or powders may be useful but for most people aiming to lose weight, they are counterproductive.

    My advice - save your money, drink a glass of milk or eat some yoghurt if you're concerned. More than likely, if you're already eating a balanced diet and losing weight, you're doing great as is it.
  • helloimkristin
    helloimkristin Posts: 6 Member
    I use Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey protein (milk chocolate) and mix it with either 1% or skim milk. I usually drink it for breakfast and I find it keeps me more full throughout the day compared to when I don't drink it. They have a ton of flavors so you just have to try a few to figure out what you like. I personally think ON Whey protein tastes 100x better than anything SlimFast has.
  • rla331
    rla331 Posts: 27 Member
    I use the GNC ready to drink Lean Shake. I have one for breakfast and lunch and i'm not usually hungry in between. I just eat a normal dinner. This one has 25g of protein and only 2g of sugar plus a long list of vitamins. I'm just happy that they taste so awesome and are filling. I have lost 50 pounds since August doing this, so it works well for me. Good luck! :)
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I do agree with the idea of getting nutrients from real food, not powders, shakes and pills...that said, my nutritionist has said i should have 100 g of protien a day and i find that monstrously hard to get in without going over calories (granted, i won't need so much protien when i'm down to a more normal weight - i'm still morbidly O) i'm trying to learn to use the shakes and bars to get me into a high protien range, while staying fairly low cal....I hope that when i'm smaller/healthier, i won't need to use them unless i am working out hard, and will get my protien from natural sources....right now i drink the Kroger Whey protien powder, but am looking for a better solution (not to mention less expensive, etc...).
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Protein powder is for muscle building, not weight loss. They even say right on the tub that they aren't intended for weight loss, and they sure aren't intended to be used as meal replacements. Whey protein is intended as a post workout recovery drink, not as part of a general diet. Like someone else already said, most Americans get way more protein than they actually need.
  • akmett
    akmett Posts: 75 Member
    Okay, so from many of your posts I have learned that whey shakes are the way to go, but where do you purchase these? Do you have to go to a health food store or do regular grocery stores carry any good brands?
  • yvonnenes
    I actually make my own shake. I put 1 cup water 1 cup frozen fruit (whatever kind you want) 1 banana a few ice cubes for thickness and 1/2 scoop of protein powder (optional). Very low in calories and very healthy.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I don't agree with the majority opinion on MFP that protein shakes are neccesaary or even particularly useful for the average weight-loser. Protein shakes or whey protein are basically powdered milk with some extra stuff tossed in to make it sound science-y - and they are universally highly overpriced for the ingredients they contain. If you are trying to lose 140 pounds, simply eating a caloric deficit should be amply sufficient - if you're finding you're excessively hungry, try eating a little more - you might lose more slowly but real food is better than a powdered suppliment.

    The standard American diet contains a comparatively very high fraction of protein already - it is extremely difficult to be protein-deprived in the US. One meal containing a meat-based protein per day is fine - you also get protein from many other food sources. For body-builders or athletes, protein shakes or powders may be useful but for most people aiming to lose weight, they are counterproductive.

    My advice - save your money, drink a glass of milk or eat some yoghurt if you're concerned. More than likely, if you're already eating a balanced diet and losing weight, you're doing great as is it.

    Agreed. Something else to consider is that protein powders don't agree with everyone. I tried one recently and it gave me heart palpitations. They sucked and lasted all night. I had only been drinking it for two days. Eat real food. :)