Eating all wrong...



  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    I was a HUGE soda drinker before I started this journey!(4-5 a day). AND I would drink 3-4 coffees a day! Now I have 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning and MAYBE one in the afternoon if I'm really dragging! How I stopped drinking soda is I bought a large insulated cup with straw (holds approximately 3 cups) and I keep that filled with ice water (I hate luke-warm water) and I carry that around with me everywhere I go! It's always within reach! Now I drink 9+ cups of water everyday. I still have the occasional soda when we go out to eat.

    As for eating better, try to ditch all of the junk foods, chips, cookies, etc. And try for some great recipes! I love this web sight. She has recipes for everything and they all taste great. Don't rely on prepackaged meals or 'diet' snacks. It's better to learn to prepare your own meals and snacks, that way you know exactly what you're eating!

    My last bit of advice, LOG EVERYTHING!! Even if you have a bad food day, log it! It will remind you to do better tomorrow! I hope this helps! Good luck on your own journey!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    okay, going to open up my diary.... if I can figure out how.... LOL...

    okay, so.... how do I open it up?

    Go to your home page
    go to settings
    diary settings
    click on 'public'

    :bigsmile: P.S. you can add me as a friend if you want to:flowerforyou:
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    We bought one of those Soda Stream machines (I think thats what its called!!) It can carbonate any drink and is great when I am looking for something sweet. I usually mix half fruit juice and half water and then carbonate it. It tastes like an orange pop but is way less sweet and has way fewer calories than drinking pop. It feels like cheating without actually cheating!!
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    Hubby is bringing me home 2 cases of water! YAY!!! If any of you view my diary (I got it open to the public) you can see what I mean... I eat one meal and drink my coffee and 1 pepsi and BAM.... almost all my calories are gone for the day... Last night we had Mexican food and I did split my meal in half.... ate half for dinner and then the other half for "breakfast" at about 1 a.m. this morning and now with my coffee... I am almost at my calories for the day and it is only 11:22 a.m. here and I will be up working till at least 2 a.m. But I am in the habit of only eating once, maybe twice a day... Is that bad too? Someone told me the other day I needed to eat 6 small meals a day....
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    This is exactly why I tend to avoid drinking any calories - there are the occassional exceptions, especially for alcohol but otherwise, I've found that it just leaves me hungry and although my calories might look ok, I'm not really feeding my body what it needs. Case in point, last week I decided I just had to try the mint hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts. Well that was 300 caloires I could've put MUCH better use to.

    OP, I think this is the case for you. If you need energy, try eating a good breakfast with a lot of protein and complex carbs like a couple eggs with 100% whole wheat toast.

    It's a tough habit to break so try not to be to drastic, just take it one day at a time. Good luck!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I looked at your diary...can you replace the cream and sugar in your coffee with milk (2%) and splenda? Cream adds a LOT to your empty calories...and 192 cal for coffee is huge.....

    I see very little protein, apart from the beans, but that's combined with refried rice and other fattening stuff.... and almost no fruit and vegetables....
    Also, there are only a few high cal items on, nothing in between...
    i need to snack, so I have a lot of lower cal items - fools your brain into thinking you eat constantly....
    Try to add more vegetables, fruit and lean protein.... for 192 cals you can have coffe with skimmed milk, a boiled egg, and a fruit.... Which will fill you up and not have you starved by lunch so you eat 680 cals in one carb and fat filled sitting....
    Good luck!
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    Try Polar's flavored seltzer - it is zero calories and bubbly so it will remind you of soda! Cut out the coffee....I know it's hard, but you'll feel better. I do 1 cup from home in the morning and add 1 tbs of flavored creamer, then if I want something hot during the day, I switch to a flavored tea.

    As for food, I see lots of good responses from others and agree that the high calorie items should be replaced with lower calorie items, that you can eat more of throughout the day.
  • ChickaDee2012
    ChickaDee2012 Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, eating 6 smaller meals will help with keeping your insulin levels stable and helps to increase your metabolism. It also means not feeling as hungry. If you ate everything all at once and skipped meals then it throws your system out of whack, and your body won't be in a state that you want it to be to see healthy weight loss results. It's like a fire...fueling it regularly keeps the fire burning, as opposed to fueling it all at the beginning and having nothing else to sustain it for a long time...
  • I viewed your diary. A couple of suggestions. Don't drink your calories. If you must have juice in the morning, invest in a juicer and fresh squeeze (a mix between fruits and veggies such as spinach or kale). The burrito, try putting the ingredients over a bed of leafy greens instead and ditch the tortilla. Those things pack in the calories...and the carbs. Replace the rice with quinoa, its a complete protein and even though it is technically a seed, its placed in the whole grains category. Also you MUST eat breakfast. Replace that juice with a bowl of oatmeal(not the packaged sugary kind- but the old fashioned kind you cook on the stove with some fresh fruit. Cut out all animal products- replace your meats with tofu, tempeh etc. and your dairy with almond, rice or soy milk. Cream and Half and Half also pack in calories (not to mention meat takes days to digest and just sits around in your belly). Try recipes from for some REALLY yummy ideas.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hubby is bringing me home 2 cases of water! YAY!!! If any of you view my diary (I got it open to the public) you can see what I mean... I eat one meal and drink my coffee and 1 pepsi and BAM.... almost all my calories are gone for the day... Last night we had Mexican food and I did split my meal in half.... ate half for dinner and then the other half for "breakfast" at about 1 a.m. this morning and now with my coffee... I am almost at my calories for the day and it is only 11:22 a.m. here and I will be up working till at least 2 a.m. But I am in the habit of only eating once, maybe twice a day... Is that bad too? Someone told me the other day I needed to eat 6 small meals a day....

    smaller snack/meals helps you from ever being stuffed or starving, it works well for a lot of people. You might want to check out - or her TV show - they do "lower calorie" versions of everything you can think of. It helped me out a lot when I first started. She also has great tips for reducing sugar, increasing fiber, all things you should get in the habit of. Now I prefer to eat clean but it's all a process and you have to start somewhere. Just logging everything is a great start to realizing what your bad eating habits are and replacing them with better habits.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    You guys are all awesome! I value every response that I have gotten and I dont get upset over criticism as I view it as anything that will help me, well that is all for the good... you all have given me some great tips and ideas so we will see what I can do with the info and make some wiser choices...
  • I completely understand needing to have a caffeine start to your day. One way to cut calories with your coffee is purchasing a sweetened creamer and measuring out a serving (typically 2 tablespoons for 70 calories). Regular black coffee is only like 7 calories for 24 oz. I've finally gotten to the point where I'm beginning to enjoy black coffee, which also helps the calories. Just want to encourage you to be creative in allowing yourself to have the things you enjoy, just maybe in a different way!

    Good Luck!
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    start knowing that soda helped you get in this dilemma with your weight .. i gave it up and probably had five diet sodas last year all together .. soda never got me in a bathing suit ..water did
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    You know I like my caffeinated drinks as well. When I have coffee I make it at home and personally I just like it with a bit of soymilk, no sugar added. But, beyond that most of my caffeinated drinks are simply unsweetened green tea or regular tea, or when I have it on hand, yerba mate is my favorite. So, perhaps you could look into trying tea instead of coffee as a replacement for these drinks-it would certainly save a lot of calories.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Congrats on realizing you need to eat healthy food, now the fun (and really yummy food) begins! :smile:

    It is one of those things, you can eat cookies and nothing else and lose weight ... however, you will feel like crud. Feeding your body nutritous yummy food will make it happy. Think "back to the source", the closer it is to the source (little to no processing) the better.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am a caffiene junkie myself. Unsweetened green tea is a good alternative to pop or coffee. It gives you some of the caffiene without the sugar. I don't mind pop or coffee now and then, but to drink it all day every day is not good for me. Tea is easier on my system.
  • TAC2413
    TAC2413 Posts: 27 Member
    I used to work in the healthcare field and I wore scrubs all day. The problem with this is that they're VERY forgiving and usually don't get very tight... just like PJ's. I know that you said that you don't want to buy any "fat" clothes, but just purchasing a few pieces that are fixed waist (jeans and things like that) will help you realize that you're gaining weight or retaining water just from their snugness.

    To me it's just getting out of the stretchy waist pants that has helped TREMENDOUSLY.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    I so totally blew my calorie intake today..... but tomorrow is a new day and I have my water in the fridge getting cold and some great ideas for my food choices for tomorrow....
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    I love caffeine, so I totally hear you on that one. However, coffee with a little cream won't be the thing that kills your calorie intake; it's the meals. everything seems to be high in fat and carbs, and I don't see much veggies or protein that aren't full of fat as well. Your body definitely needs good fats to run properly, but there are alterations you can make:

    Instead of eating an entire philly cheesesteak, prepare it without the bun, use less cheese and oil + mix more veggies in it, and keep the bread on the side, only eating a little bit along with the meat mixture. Also, do chicken philly if possible.

    If you're really craving a grilled cheese, eat half a sandwich, with less cheese than you'd normally use, and add a side of mixed veggies to it or a cup of soup to fill you up with less calories. There are plenty of ways to stay full and eat less, even if you don't eat perfectly all the time (my diary's open if you're interested or curious)
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I did lose about 40 pounds in 2002/2003 just by walking on the treadmill 45 minutes a day and drinking water. I didnt watch what I ate... I think that is a huge part of my problem; I dont get enough (any really) exercise. I work from home as a medical transcriptionist and I hardly ever get out of my PJs unless I am going somewhere... LOL... Take a bath, throw on a new pair of PJs and sit at the computer for 10-18 hours a day.... I have thought about getting a job back out in "work force" but I love the transcribing, the flexibilty, the money, etc.... and I REFUSE to buy "fat" clothes. Over the years, I have been a shopaholic, buying all my clothes in smaller sizes because "I WILL LOSE WEIGHT AND GET IN THAT BY SUMMER/WINTER, whenever.." Hubby doesnt want me buying anything now unless I can wear it now and I just refuse to... I am DETERMINED to get this weight off, so why waste money on clothes to wear now.... I have started back doing the little thiings that I enjoy, like tanning and got a hot pink pedicure the other day.

    That is great that you are determine and want to make exercise a part of it. I work from home some days and was like you, wake up, shower, and put on some clean pjs :) What I suggest is wake up, eat breakfast, do an hour of work, put in an exercise dvd (I highly suggest Jillian Michael's, her 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 are a great place to start. The workouts are only 30 mins), then shower and get back in those PJ's to continue work :)

    Exercise DVD's made a huge difference for me