lifechanges06 Member


  • great idea i do this too, fun to do when on vacation too in other states etc
  • welcome hope you enjoy it here. lots of great people and support here.
  • dont give up. you are not alone. i didnt log some days for holidays just bc i didnt want to or didnt go online, infact i stopped exercises for 2 weeks during this time. but i got back to it. this week. this week was hard especailly to get back to gym. i think i nearly died last night. i was counting down the minutes until…
  • bring some snacks with you or plan your food for the day and enter it in your diary, to make u see what and how many calories u are using.. any way to trick my brain is good. hope that helps Sharon
  • :smile: Welcome. This site is so helpful. Lots of nice people to chat and ask questions and share your journey with. I love the food datebase it has soooo much stuff, real stuff that we eat. And i usually check it to see how much calories it is to make a good decsion to see if its worth it. Putter around and check things…
  • when i was little my mom would find me on a saturday morning with a spoon and container of frozen cool whip watching cartoons...oh the days lol. heres a good snack its not weird or strange but very good and low cal. use 4tsp of cool whip and sugar free pudding mix together and its less than 100 calories its very good kinda…
  • this sounds so good, gonna try it this weekend. do u know if those coffee creamers, the flavored ones can be used instead of that, what is the calories in them i wonder? does anyone know? thanks for the great idea sharon
  • I had my 1st egg white too. I was wondering how it would taste not much different i made 1 egg white and used pam in the pan and put cajun spice on it because i was thinking it was gonna be yucky, lol. just in case, right! but i put it on an english muffin with slice of cheese and low fat or fat free ham, no butter nothing…
  • i agree with above message. just take it day by day and moment by moment if you have to. Everyone has different goals and for different reasons, too. Everyone has their own goal for different things. Your goal is just as important as anyone elses, Dont sell yourself short. Who cares if you wont be in a bikini. I would like…
  • welcome back too. imin my 3rd week here doing this and it has helped me so much.
  • hi what is eating clean ? is there a website or something here your looking into? please explain thanks sharon
  • Welcome back, same with me I started to really use it almost 2 weeks now and it really does make u think what you want to eat and what u do eat to save calories. i love it. Sharon
  • Same here. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow that ive been on the site and exercising..and did good i can say but this weekend omg i want to eat the house lol ugggggg keep our heads up and forks down lol
  • hang in there. dont give up. and if u eat bad just start over the next day. dont beat yourself up. hell last week i planned on eating an entire bag of popcorn...and i did it and while i was doing it i was thinking i shouldnt be but i was aggrevated with work and just feeling crappy but i just started over the next day.
  • this sounds good, and i am a girlie fruity fatting drink lol was wondering about crystal light ice cubes? for something cool and no or low cal instead of ice cream or freeze pop? anyone do this? Sharon from PA
  • welcome welcome it all comes together. just keep doing it. Sharon from PA
  • that drink sounds good. i usually love medium iced coffees with cream and sugar from dunkin and discovered that getting it with skim milk and splenda is only 30 calories vs. i dont want to say, lol. I just looked this up today so maybe tomorrwo I'll try it that way less calories. :drinker: sharon
  • I so hear ya! I think what helps me is to eat more green veggies and meats, I think we crave stuff with more iron too. Like for some reason I crave steak, spinach and crunchy stuff.
  • I cant wait to try this now. Thanks, Im looking for pointers on low cal snacks anything else up your sleeve?
  • I just started the biggest loser wii this week.
  • sounds good, cant wait to try it
  • hello. i want to get the biggest loser workout. what did u start to do on the wii fit today?