A questions for the ladies, sorry boys

kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
For the ladies, I find myself being extra hungry during that time of the month and I usually eat more. I try to make better choices although today, because of a crazy work day, I didn't do too well.

Does anyone else go through this or is it all in my head? (It very well could be, by the way.) And what do you do to try to curb that want to eat bad foodies?



  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    looks like ur problem isnt the time of the month... its the fast food =(

    ur diary doesnt look filling, that's why ur hungry! i mean that 25 g of fat taco.. u could make like 3 wraps at home and never reach 10 g of fat.

    just a thought.
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I don't think it's in your head. I think it's a known thing that many women experience. Maybe you can plan your meals more carefully during that time of the month when you know you'll be busy too.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    It's been proven that women's metabolisms go up during that time of the month, I allow myself healthy extras with the occasional salt/sweet. I'm one of those who goes back and forth real bad!! First something sweet, then something salty and so on!
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Oh I know that time is coming when I am drawn like a magnet to the Oreo's in the grocery store. It's the only time I really crave something sweet. Usually I crave cheese and saltier stuff.

    I've avoided the whole package binge so far, but it will come and I will just have to gather the strength the next day to get back up and back on track.
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    Nope...not alone :laugh: Depends on how bad my cravings are. If I just want a little something I may chew gum or have a diet pop or my diet mocha (2TBL fat free cocoa, 1tsp regular creamer, 2 tsp coffee and hot water)--this seems to fill me up a bit and curb the chocolate craving all for 30 calories. If the cravings are really bad like thinking about one particular thing (ie ice cream) for days then I'll have one (small--still responsible) and I make sure I have the calories for it. If I deny myself I find I'm rummaging/grazing because I don't feel satisfied. This isn't a diet for me but a lifestyle change and sometimes in life you need a little ice cream!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    it is so TOM that makes my cravings go thru the roof! But I have learned to make good choices, and when they are really bad I exercise my butt off, then I dont want to eat bad.....but occasionally I give in and that is okay to do if you dont do it often!
  • lifechanges06
    lifechanges06 Posts: 26 Member
    I so hear ya! I think what helps me is to eat more green veggies and meats, I think we crave stuff with more iron too. Like for some reason I crave steak, spinach and crunchy stuff.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Today was a horrible day for food in general because of my work schedule, usually I am really good about my food intake especially breakfast and lunch.

    But yeah, today I was out at three different scenes beginning at 7 a.m.

    Tomorrow will be WAY better.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Yeah, today was ALL fast food. Not good.
  • lifechanges06
    lifechanges06 Posts: 26 Member
    that drink sounds good. i usually love medium iced coffees with cream and sugar from dunkin and discovered that getting it with skim milk and splenda is only 30 calories vs. i dont want to say, lol. I just looked this up today so maybe tomorrwo I'll try it that way less calories.


  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i bring my lunch 2 work everyday (when i remember lol) along with 2snacks. drink plenty of water & that will help lessen the effects of ur TOM. funny thing, my 1st wk (last wk) that i start my lifestyle change & 3 days & bam! TOM. ugh. i did have a little extra every day. i treat. but i drank my water, ate my food that i brought & i STILL lost 5lbs!!! :noway: i couldn't believe it. i thought i would maintain. but i think it's b/c i not only drank water & ate my food that i brought i gave myself a treat everyday. i think that's what helped loads.

    also get plenty of rest. that will also help & also lessen the effects as well. oh, what works also is if u drive a lot u may wanna bring a cooler in ur vehicle so that u can have ur food with u.

    good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    that drink sounds good. i usually love medium iced coffees with cream and sugar from dunkin and discovered that getting it with skim milk and splenda is only 30 calories vs. i dont want to say, lol. I just looked this up today so maybe tomorrwo I'll try it that way less calories.



    I need to have my coffee and since it's gotten hotter I have gotten this mocha which is 140 with skim milk and no whipped cream. I could knocked it down even more if I got an iced Americano. I may go that route next.

    I worked out hard this morning and after work so I did work some of the calories off but I can't help but think how much more I could've saved if I just would've eaten better.

    But no beating myself up. Dust myself off and start all over tomorrow fighting my cravings. They are really bad right now. the first few days are always the worst for me.

    Thanks for all the input!
  • Um yeah, you sound like me. That time of the month comes and I can't stop eating. I completely lose the sense of feeling full. I'll down like 5000 cal in one day if I don't watch it. Forget cravings, I can't stop shoving stuff in my face, crunchy, sweet, salty, chewy, you name it. it's like I think I'm Michael Phelps.
  • not relating to topic at all, where did you get your ticker for the non smoking thing?
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    I am so there right now!! And craving carbs and sugar more than anything!! Trying to keep full with tea but it's not helping my plateau!!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I absolutely have that problem, I get cravings just like I'm pregnant! Chocolate, pickles, whatever. But you know what I eat the chocolate, dark chocolate, and 1/2 cup low fat sugar free ice cream and I know my limitations. I also portion out my snacks so I feel like I'm eating more than what I really am.
  • AdymondNtheRuff
    AdymondNtheRuff Posts: 108 Member
    Yes ... oh...yes my cravings are especially bad at that time. What i have learned is that i play into the craving being bad.... for instance you know that time the month you think it's a get out of sweets jail for free card so your body looks for what it is conditioned to do eat worst at TOM... I have made a pack with the brown baggers the ones who bring lunch to work everyday and maybe stray once ever 3 to 4 months so it helps me keep things in check. So if i am eating bad it's because i brought it to work not cause i went out and bought fast foods:bigsmile:
  • Not sure what everyone else is saying because I haven't read all of the the replies yet but I can tell you that in my opnion it's not all in your head. I to am getting ready to have my girly time for the first time since going on my "lifestyle" change and let me tell you what, out of the 32 days that I have been doing this, never have I struggled as much as I have the past two days with wanting to eat alot and mostly snack foods like CHOCOLATE!!! I didn't do this for 30 days, it was easy for me to stay focused and on track and weeks would go by without me having one piece of chocolate. Now for two days that all I can think about. To help me out I went out and bought some of the 100 calorie boxes of snacks. I got the Nabisco Chips Ahoy Fudge Dipped Chocolate Chunck cookies...and OMG they are HEAVEN and they do help my cravings and I don't feel bad after I eat them. I find that if I limit myself to 1-2 bags of those a day, then my cravings are satistfied and I stay within my daily calorie intake for the day and don't feel so bad.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    For the ladies, I find myself being extra hungry during that time of the month and I usually eat more. I try to make better choices although today, because of a crazy work day, I didn't do too well.

    Does anyone else go through this or is it all in my head? (It very well could be, by the way.) And what do you do to try to curb that want to eat bad foodies?


    We burn about 500 more calories per day during that TOM (time of month).............You are not alone my dear!!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yeah, I read somewhere that you're burning more calories while on your period so that explains the increased appetite. I drink a TON of water and that helps me make better food choices. I keep frozen chocolate chips in the freezer at work for anytime I get a sweet craving. Just a few of those will curb it and they definitely come in handy when TOM visits. :bigsmile:
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