I am new to this...SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!

KingSaba Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
To all my fellow "fat" people.

I am here trying to accomplish the same goals you are. If there is anyone willing to offer some "Biggest Loser" advice I NEED IT!




  • jlvand
    jlvand Posts: 11
    use this website it is awesome!! watch what you eat and how active you are. It can be frustrating at times but you can do it!! eat smaller portions and eat more frequently. Set goals that you can accomplish, when you reach them do a happy dance and then set a new goal! Good luck!
  • gamecock
    gamecock Posts: 36
    Welcome!! Just log all your food and you will see what you need to work on. Just stick with it (this is my problem) you will see a change!! Good luck!
  • hawkeye14
    hawkeye14 Posts: 12
    It really helps me to just log everything. That way I see what I am actually consuming. Also, set mini goals, don't wait for 20 lbs, set one at 5!

    Good luck to you and welcome!:happy:
  • ydavyd
    ydavyd Posts: 15 Member
    Log in every day and make small changes.
  • lifechanges06
    lifechanges06 Posts: 26 Member
    :smile: Welcome. This site is so helpful. Lots of nice people to chat and ask questions and share your journey with.

    I love the food datebase it has soooo much stuff, real stuff that we eat. And i usually check it to see how much calories it is to make a good decsion to see if its worth it.

    Putter around and check things out

  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    It didn't get put on overnight, it won't come off overnight! Have faith in yourself, LOG DAILY, no cheating and enjoy every victory. This includes something as simple as dropping one pants size or even just seeing the scale move. Find your favorites for both food and exercise as well as your "get back in the game" motivation.

    Know that you can do it!!
  • KingSaba
    KingSaba Posts: 2
    Thanks alot everybody! I will take your advice and try not to cheat!
  • Hi and welcome. Set yourself some small reachable goals, i.e. 1lb a week, and celebrate when you reach those goals. Take it day by day and step by step. Never try to rush anything. Use this site, its fabulous. It will help you keep up with how much calories you are taking in, how much you are burning, and its full of nice, motivating, and helpful people. If you fall off the wagon one day, don't get discouraged because tomorrow is a new day. Just get up, dust yourself off, forgive yourself (we are only human and don't need to beat ourselves up), and hop right back on. Remember you didn't gain the wieght overnight and its not going to come off over night either. Feel free to add me and if you need anything just ask.
  • nvilla
    nvilla Posts: 4
    MFP is a great tool. Once you figure out what you can and can not eat, you will learn what foods keep you fuller longer that aren't so calorie packed that you reach your limit in 2 meals. (I've done that!) Good Luck!
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