Krista_1 Member


  • I have been in maintenance mode for about a year now. My goal is between 143-138. I am a 48 year old woman, 5’7”. My body does not seem to want to go any lower than that. I am fairly tone, so some of the weight I know is muscle. I am happy with the way I look. I have some curves, and my husband loves it!
  • I have 2 sons both with type 1 diabetes, and I have never seen this in 10 + years with them having it. Yes, I agree, it would be good to get this checked out medically as soon as possible.
  • Hey Girl Friend, You know what, they can just kiss your skinny butt, and mine! I think you look adorable, and I know how hard you have worked! One lesson, I learned, though, is I never talk about weight loss with anyone other than my work out partner! I just don't want to open myself up to questions and unnecessary…
  • Hey supporters of the juice fast. Basically I ate fresh fruits and veg for 3 days as preparation. Then the last 2 days I have been mostly juicing veg. I sure have been drinking a lot of carrot juice! I have some good results so far, and I am achieving what I was looking for out of this detox. If you are interested, message…
    in Detox Comment by Krista_1 September 2012
  • Regarding getting posts about how unhealthy a juice detox can be, I posted elsewhere my exact detox, and it created this huge debate about how bad it is. I just wanted to know if anyone had successfully tried it. I think it's an excellent idea to juice for meal replacement, and I will definitely incorporate that into my…
    in Detox Comment by Krista_1 September 2012
  • I am trying a juice fast for 7 days, and I was wondering if anyone has tried something like this, or some sort of food supported detox.
    in Detox Comment by Krista_1 September 2012
  • Craving pasta? Try spaghetti squash strands instead. You just cut the spaghetti squash in half, microwave for 6-8 minutes or bake in oven at 375 for 30-40 minutes. Take a fork and tease out the "spaghetti strands" and Viola! Instant pasta substitute! It really tastes great! :tongue:
  • I feel like I am being lead on with this phrase, "If every day were like today, you'd weigh X in 5 weeks." The 40+ days I have been on MFP, I have consistently been under goal, I'd say an average of 100 or so calories. I were a Heart Rate Monitor, so I know the calories burned are not being overstated. I've been told by…
  • Hey Charlette, I was drinking a glass of red wine every evening before MyFitnessPal. Then, when I started on a 1200 calorie diet, I found I did not have room for 150 calorie glass of daily wine, and still not be ravenously hungry. It just does not fill me up like some sort of solid food would. I cut out having the couple…
  • I started lifting weights at the gym, using the machines, about 2 months ago. Today as I was doing a leg press, I looked down at my quads flexing with strength. From cellulite to strong-now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Go for it!
  • Not anything against walking-in fact, I think it's great, but.., If you joined a gym, I'd work out more intensely than just walking there. I'd recommend getting your measurements before you start, because you may see results in inches before you see them on the scale. If you can, lift weights 2-3 times a week, and take a…
  • How long did it take you to gain 15 lbs.? Did you change your eating or exercise routine? If it came on suddenly, you may want to have your thyroid checked. If it's out of wack, there is medicine that can bring it back in range, and help you lose the weight you may have inadvertently gained. It's just an avenue you may…
  • Hi Not That Heavy Girls- I have reset my carb and protein goals using the custom settings, and am eating a TON of protein. About 50% carbs and 50% protein. My Dr. recommended it. The protein goals set as default for MFP are way too low.
  • @kelseyhere-Thanks for you thoughtful notes. It must have been very frustrating being at a 4 month plateau. I have been frustrated, and it was only 6 weeks. Finally, now at the 8th week, I weigh 1 lb. less that I did when I started sincerely exercising and logging what I eat. I have lost a pound already since starting, and…
  • @swissmiss-She said water intake is dependent on several variables: Your height and weight, and how much you sweat each day. For me, she said drink 8-12 glasses of 8oz of water each day.
  • @fizzy-thanks for all the links. It will take me a while to get through them all. I looked at the first one, which basically said eat back your calories burned during exercise. My Naturopath said I would get frustrated with that, as that would pretty much put me at a maintenance mode. Which I have to agree with based on my…
  • I've done a very poor job of explaining, sorry guys. I burn between 400 and 600 calories a day exercising. MFP put me on a 1200 calorie diet. The 1600-1800 calories is my daily calorie goal when I exercise (which is everyday), and I am to eat about 1400 calories per day. So, I am at a net calorie deficit of 200-400…
  • ShaneO SX, Congratulations on your weight loss; I am glad to see something similar to what I going to be doing is working for you.
  • Hi Anvilhead, Sorry for not being clear. It is 200-400 Net calories less. (Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned). In my case, the total calories consumed is (1400) minus exercise calories burned (1600-1800). So 200-400 Net calories less. My Naturopath said to eat roughly 400 calories…
  • Marll, That is why she recommended 5 days of the cardio/weights and 2 days of yoga. The yoga days are light stretching and she said that will help me prevent injuries. :)
  • Marll, you hit it on the head with your simplification. The exercise part was not necessarily recommended by her, rather, it is my choice to exercise that much because I love it! btw, good job on your weight loss!
  • Anvilhead, Thanks for your tip about watching out for losing muscle. If you do the math, though, it's a deficit of about 200-400 calories, a day, not 400-500. I do feel that if I am loosing 1 lb. every week to week and half, like the Natuopath said, I will be in no danger of losing muscle. I guess we will just have to wait…
  • sgermanmd, you obviously know a lot about this topic. The trainers at the gym said many of the same things. However, I will disagree with your statement about all calories being equal. (" It doesn't matter if the calories you cut are cheese, chocolate, cauliflower, or cardboard.") For example, I cut a 150 calorie glass of…
  • Somanyrhoades, I had almond butter with 1/2 an apple today for lunch, and it was quite satisfying. I am going to have to up beans and lentils, though to keep the fiber going, since fruit (kinda high in carbs) was my main source of fiber. I got the almond butter at Costco, so it keeps the price reasonable. They also sell…
  • Since starting my mission to lose weight 6 weeks ago, Peachy, I work out about an hour in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening.
  • That's great you and your wife jog together. That will help keep the weight off so you can maintain. You are a new man!
  • I just started this process, but I have been "eating clean," for the most part, for a long time, but still gained weight eating too much, and not exercising enough. So, you do need to stay within a calorie limit even with eating clean. I find I am more full eating clean, then when I have foods that don't add nutrition. For…
  • I danced to Zumba this morning and I feel great! Thank you- you have a great day, too!
  • Too funny, I was laying in bed, and remembered I still needed to do my last set of 25 push ups. So, I did them modified over my pillow. Good thing my husband had not come to bed yet, or he'd think I'm crazy!
  • I last week I cut back on the daily Lattes and Wine. I am shooting for about one of each per week. I do think about them, but I am staying true to my new habit. So far so good!