casmithis Member


  • I'm sorry I don't know the entire situation so I can't tell you exactly what to do but I think of the calories I would be burning while I kicked him to the curb because given what you've told me that's what I would do!! Good luck finding someone that is so crazy madly in love with you!!!
  • I don't knit, I have no idea about the doctor thing or Picard debate but I can pretend while I sip my vodka palmtini in my igloo. Love this post.
  • Yup, I've been using their skin care porducts and loving them (even though my husband works for a different major cosmetic company and I get theirs for free, it's got icky stuff in it I don't want going directly to my liver). I just bought their protein powders. Have not tried them yet as I was going to put a bunch in…
  • We don't mind as long as you don't mind us snooping at them. You're much better than me, I wouldn't even know how to post them here. I have a profile pic that I have no idea how it got there. I think I left my computer open and one of my kids put it there. Sad, I know, but true!!
  • I would be interested as well.
  • Mmm. I love Curry chicken. This is so easy. Is it curry powder or curry paste? Sorry, non cooker here!!
  • Thanks for my morning cry!! Happy cry of course.
  • I'm 5' 3" and three quarters (that's important!!) Cw 112 lbs chest 34 (with about 2 inches of wishful thinking!!!) waist 27 hips 37 if I could change anything now it would be my chest size. Why does the surgery have to be so risky!!!
  • Maintain and focus more on eating healthy and not so much binging. I'm going to bring into work lots of veggies and hummus to try to avoid the endless sweet trays!!
  • Thanks everyone. It has come to me know. God's taught me I need him both good days and bad (all 10,000 reasons). Like you said "common grace". Nothing earth shattering just every day instances I tend to take for granted.
  • I don't wear mine anymore because it fell off while getting changed one day and it took forever to find (and lots of tears). I'm at maintanence but afraid to get it resized. I'm with you with the hassle thing and expense.I think my husband will just take it one day and get it done (I think he's afraid I'll regain if we…
  • Oh how I miss body pump. The gym I'm at now doesn't have it. could you please do a class for me? I go into the wieght area with all the guys and I'm an old lady (50). As my daughters would say "long hair, don't care!!". You go girl. Sorry, I haven't answered your question.. like the others said, as long as you do…
  • Ok, I got mine. Now what do I do? I've loaded,er my son loaded it. And I see my dashboard. But how do I add friends and how do I put the calories it says I've burned on MFP? Thanks everyone Cindy
  • Peice of toast with jam and bacon!!!
  • I know, I was shocked to find out you could buy one or the other but not the 2 together. I think us ladies need to get together and invent this. A heart rate monitor that keeps track of calories burned and calories ingested. Anyone know an inventor?
  • My husband has just gone to the States for the weekend and I asked him to look for the new Force in stores. Not sure if it's out yet. I've been thinking of getting a Fitbit and there's a guy at my work that just got the Flex and loves it. He actually started a group for Fitbit users to try to get more people here to use…
  • I had to cut out salt because of severe high blood pressure. I went on the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). I started reading labels on everything I bought (or ended up not buying because of sodium level). It shocked me to see how much sodium was in some food. I basically went to clean eating, all raw…
  • Are you sure it's only 12 lbs. Chceck your scale. Awesome!!!
  • Oh, how I miss waitressing. I did it in my teens and I've never been so fit!! I used to sneak fries off the customers plates while they were waiting to be picked up in the kitchen. I wouldn't recommend that. I got in a lot of trouble. I say almonds if you can or some trail mix. Cindy
  • I think I just gained a pound just looking at these pictures!! OK, I'm going to find me some chocolate now!! I will even resort to stealing from a kid on the street.
  • donuts are now partially prebaked and sent to stores to finish up. That's why they taste different now. French vanilla capacino is a sugary mix. to cut down on the sugar content I do half french vanilla and half coffee. Little bit of fun and a little bit of guilt free. Works for me.
  • Yes, please!!!. I usually know when the opportunity's going to arise so I budget it into my calories. i.e. weekends, gatherings.
  • Hi there you may be sorry you asked!!! I have to apologize. I've been very inactive on this website lately. I just started working for a school board as a budget auditor and no one told me how busy September would be!! I suspected it would be busy but never imagined this busy. I'm used to staying and putting in extra hours…
  • I wish I lived just a bit closer. I'd join you. And I'm very slow as well. My son claims he can walk as fast as I run. I don't care. At least I'm out there. Have fun,
  • Chicken chimichanga. Lots of quacamole and sour cream and refried beens.
  • What worked for me was I found a group that ran at 5:30 in the morning. They waited until everyone got there before they started running. I made sure I went knowing that they were waiting on that street corning in the freezing cold until I got there. Got me out of bed every day. I have since moved to another town and still…
  • My son made a slight jecture about my weight and I said "give me a break, I've had 3 kids". His response to that was "Mom, I'm 14!!! Ouch and HELLO!!!
  • My husband and I are on totally opposite fitness pages. I admire the couples that could work out together and I'm a bit jealous. Like someone said, it's an extra hour together. BUT we do walk a lot together. We try to get out about 3 times a week. sometimes it's only 20 minutes if that's all we have. This is not so much…
  • I know you said to not say "quit" but I encourage you to consider your health through all of this. Is $5 extra worth the health hazards of second hand smoke? I won't go into a lecture here but please do some research on second hand smoke. As a child of 2 chain smokers, i wish I had known the repercussions of second hand…
  • Hi there. I'm pretty much the same height as you. I'm currently 115. I was closer to 130 at the beginning of the year and like you just felt uncomfortable. I think 115 is a good weight for me. I'm just trying to focus on toning right now but in a bit of an exercise slump right now. Good luck cindy