KimB1219 Member


  • Killer thigh workout!! Going for massage well needed after these first 4 days.
  • I know its only been 3 days but I feel good. Not that I could get through it without stopping, but I mentally feel good. Priority setting. I told everyone at home that I am doing the workout as soon as I get home after work and everything else will wait. Last night my husband wanted me to load music to his headset for this…
  • I find this so funny because I was telling my husband she cheats compared to the other guy that is how she get so many more. Pure jealousy and I can admit it, but she is still annoying. I was glad to see her in not so good of shape in T-25 after her child. Want to have her abs though!
  • I completely agree... It kicked my butt.
  • Completed this yesterday, but my internet was down all night. My husband that was counting for me from the recliner actually commented about my counts being low and my modified one. I think I threatened him (not sure, but pretty sure, ha ha) and told him maybe he should join me and keep counting all of them. Wish is would…
  • HI, I'm Kim I tried Insanity before for 3 weeks and stopped for some reason or another. I joined the group to be held accountable to push play for all 60 days this time. I enjoy running but hate to cross train so I am using Insanity as my cross training and to drop a few pant sizes. I look forward to starting tonight.
  • Hi, my name is Kim I have recently gained 10lbs, UGH!. So my goal now is to drop 15lbs, log on daily and add strength training to my workouts. I need some help getting back on track, looking forward to see what Thursday brings.
  • I started my second week this morning at 5 am and after taking the day off yesterday I was excited to do it again. I have seen a difference in my stomach in 1 week and my arms. Today I was saying to myself that I can't wait to see what I look like in 2 more weeks. As sore as some of my muscle are I am still excited to keep…
  • March is the month.... I I started last week the Insanity DVD's for the 3rd time and last week was the first time I successfully accomplished the whole week. I have made a commitment to myself to get up at 5am :yawn: Mon - Fri so I can't find any excuses not to do the workouts. I started my MFP back in July of 2012 but…
  • I am so glad I found this group. I have started Insanity for the 3rd time Saturday, so tonight will be my 3rd day again... I only ever made it 4 days in a row then had an excuse not to do it. I was almost to busy to do it today until I found this group. I am sore from the first 2 days and it will be a late night, but I am…
  • You might want to look at your total calories with the protein and carbs your taking in. If you exercise and are not eating what your body needs to restore the calories it uses your lean muscle mass. I struggled for a long time with the same problem. I ran and ran and ran and wouldn't lose any weight. I wasn't eating…