beccamorty Member


  • Ahh I totally know where you're coming from!! I'm petite, too, so upping my calories was really scary, I went from 1200 to 1500. It's only been a few weeks though so I can't really comment, also I guess I'm in a weird losing but maintaining at the same time, since I'm just trying to slim down and build muscle/define. But…
  • *claps* Seriously though... the reason girls aren't going home with you probably has nothing to do with you being "too fit"...
  • Honestly, I have done that in the past and if it works for you then go for it, and if it doesn't, don't! It can help if you don't have the money to invest in a food scale or the time to weight out every single thing (or the patience!!!!). I always measure my food, which I know is not the most accurate, and set my daily…
  • Oh, and I most likely won't be doing any other activity other than Insanity. I walk about 5kms a day probably, but that's just errands/school, and I generally don't count that.
  • To anyone saying "get some self-control", you know, that can be a really hurtful and ignorant thing. You don't KNOW the people you are talking to here. You don't know their situation, their lives, ANYTHING except for what they tell you. Some people legitimately struggle with self-control for WAY MORE REASONS than just…
  • So maybe asking for him to not eat junk for four months is a little much, but he should be willing to compromise instead of just saying "it's your problem". What's your problem IS his problem, and if you're not happy that is only going to reflect your relationship. Just because someone is trying to lose weight and needs to…
  • I consistently have trouble eating 1200 calories a day, and I have to constantly remind myself and make myself do it. For me, I gained weight because I ate high calorie junk/processed food. I still never ate a lot, maybe only one meal a day plus snacks. But they were high calorie, so I gained. Judging people doesn't help…
  • Afternoon! Because I'm normally at school, in class, or around school hanging out with my friends, and if we have a break in our schedule they ALWAYS want to go out to eat.. I've gotten pretty good at getting the healthiest options, but obviously nothing you buy from most restaurants is going to be good for you or low…
  • I'm 5'1" (ish) and 133lbs, and a US size 2.. But I still don't look good naked, which is why I want to lose weight :P
  • Thank you everyone! I will get to reading everything you've posted :)
  • Oh, okay. What qualifies as over-training? I don't plan on doing more than what I listed, except maybe doing more c25k when I have time?
  • Thanks for your feedback! I do have access to a great gym (in my building) but the only thing I feel comfortable doing in public is the cardio equipment. I am waaaaay too shy and awkward to try to learn how to do something else in public :/ I wish I wasn't, but I can only work on one issue at a time :)
  • Whoops, guess I should have mentioned that! I am hoping to lose about ten pounds, and it would be a dream if I could do it before Christmas! (I don't want my family to see me like this :P) But if that's unrealistic, I'd be happy with anything.. I would like to go down to around 115lb in the next few months!
  • I am the exact same way! Today is day 4 for me. I can barely get through the workout - it's way challenging for me and I'm pretty sure I'm pushing myself hard enough and I'm definitely sweating and breathing hard by the end.. But the next day I feel almost nothing!
  • I just started my second week with it - so I can't totally comment yet... I'm not in the 'overweight' category but I am extremely out of shape (as in, I've never played a sport or exercised in my life) and on week two I can definitely feel a difference in my endurance, so I'm very optimistic that by the end of it I will be…
  • Thank you guys, those are all great suggestions! I eat peanut butter so much, but I will try to keep some nuts and protein bars on me and hopefully be able to get them down! It's weird - after I exercise I actually feel less hungry :/ I'm new on my diet/losing weight regime, so I guess I'll see how it goes for the next…
  • Oh, okay.. And then you can use your heart rate to measure calories burned? Sorry if that's a silly question but I have absolutely no knowledge of this stuff! Also can you recommend any cheaper brands or where to get them, since I'm on a student budget? :)