icimani Member


  • Emerald Nuts Breakfast-on-the-Go. It comes in individual packets at about 180 cals per packet and for me, it's enough protein to satisfy me until lunch. My favorite is the Berry, but it comes in several other flavors too.
  • On my drive to work, I have a Diet Coke (for the caffeine!) and then usually a packet of Emerald Breakfast on the Go
    in Meal Timing Comment by icimani June 2017
  • Most people will tell you that as far as CICO goes, it doesn't matter what time of day your eat. Most nutritionists will tell you that breakfast is important to kick start your metabolism, and I believe there's something to be said for your body needing fuel in order to burn (like, burn calories). But that's one of the hot…
    in Meal Timing Comment by icimani June 2017
  • I tried Maposa Worms when I travelled to Africa a few years ago. They were pretty good, just salty/crunchy, and I was told they were really high in protein.
    in Bugs! Comment by icimani May 2017
  • Some family members and I just finished what we called 10-10-10. Everyone puts in $10 and the goal is to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Whoever loses 10 or more pounds gets to split the pot of money. We figured it was a decently short amount of time and a reasonable weight loss goal. I missed out - I only lost 8.5 pounds! >:(
    in Diet bet Comment by icimani May 2017
  • It seems like there is some evidence that weight loss is easier when you eat your heaviest meal earlier in the day. After all, think of how the Sumo Wrestlers bulk up - they eat their bulkiest meal at dinner (not junk, but high-calorie). Just some 'food' for thought... http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/104/4/982.abstract…
  • Eating out is my downfall as well. It's just a lot easier to grab something at a restaurant on my way home from work, than it is to prepare something at home. My word is "planning". - If I'm eating out, I'll try to plan on certain restaurants where I can get something 'healthier' and if I can, plan ahead what i'm going to…
  • When I couldn't get my new iPhone 6 to pair with my car. What? - I'm gonna have to pair it manually each time?! note: the new OS patch fixed the issue! Phew!!
  • I took a major vacation to South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe this past summer. Just last week a friend seriously asked me if I was concerned about contracting Ebola. Seriously?! I've been back for over 2 months now - I'm pretty sure the incubation period is over. AND - I was 6000 miles away! Yes, that's 6000…
  • I did the Synvisc route. I didn't have any side effects (except for a lessening of pain!). It worked for a while, and then we tried Synvisc with a bit of Cortizone and that worked for a while too. The synvisc helped me to put off surgery for about 3 years until it became a quailty-of-life issue and then I had both knees…
  • Corn on the cob, and a few slices of fresh tomato.
  • I live in the Capital Region of New York. No... Not New York City! The capital of NY is Albany. The town where I live has less than 6000 people, and I love small towns! I'm within 3 hrs of New York City, Boston and Montreal. I'm 20 minutes from the Saratoga Race Course (thoroughbread horse racing since 1847). And I'm in…
  • I just came back from a trip-of-a-lifetime to Africa. I took over 3500 photos ( ! ) but here are a few of my favorites...
  • I'm a sucker for disaster movies: Volcano Vertical Limit The Core Dante's Peak Day After Tomorrow Armageddon etc etc etc
  • Sharknado 2 is coming out - it's in NYC this time! Gotta love Sci-Fi channel for not taking themselves too seriously!
  • I was in a motorcycle accident a few years back and got a fairly severe concussion. Ever since then I notice I tend to get vertigo whenever I get overly tired or stressed, or I get a cold/flu. The neurologist told me that it's normal and may never go away. He also told me to be sure and stay hydrated when I exercise. I'm…
  • I actually weigh myself 2x a day - morning and night. But if I forget, it's no big deal. I've found that weighing 2x a day keeps me mindful.
  • I've found that I don't really eat more volume when I'm tired, but I do eat more junk food and I tend to eat out on my way home from work when I've worked some long hours. It's just easier, and I don't have to think about what I'm going to make myself for dinner. So I don't eat more volume, but definitely more calories.
  • I use the Fitbit One, which I clip to my bra strap so no one knows I have it, and I don't have to worry about it matching my clothes, going out of style, if I'll get tired of it on my wrist, etc. I thought it would keep me motivated to reach that golden 10K steps per day since I tend to be fairly competitive (many late…
  • Source: http://www.bicycleman.com/recumbent-exercise-bikes/upright-vs-recumbent-exercise-bikes.htm "Although both upright and recumbent stationary bikes provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout, these two machines differ in their details. While upright bikes mimic the form of a traditional bicycle, featuring simple…
  • My favorite recently has been a serving of Wheat Thins with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese (Ranch Wheat Thins and Creamy Swiss cheese wedge - yummmy). Or try a protein bar. Stay away from the granola bars, but the protein bars generally have about 200 cals and 8-10 gms of protein. And by the way - the 100-cal packs of…
  • I worked for 3 summers on a maintenance crew for the National Park Service - 2 summers at Shiloh National Military Park in west Tennessee, and 1 summer at Cape Lookout National Seashore on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I also lived for 3 years in the Great Smoky Smoky Mountains National Park, on the Tennessee side.…
  • I live in upstate/central NY but was in western PA this past weekend visiting family - I ended up having to stay an extra day because they got 8" of "flurries". Kinda funny to to live in upstate NY but get stuck in PA because of snow! So I drove home yesterday and all the roads were thankfully dry and clear. Today in…
  • Most of the time I ignore it. UNLESS it's promoted as something good for you, low-cal, or the ubiquitous "lite". Then I might take the time and enter it into the MFP data base and see what the calories are. If it's outrageous, then I might post the cals/serving and say no thanks. Sometimes I feel the same thing here on MFP…
  • No. For me, that's a little obsessive. I take a multivitamin, Cacium w/ D, and Glucosamine Chondroitin.
  • If you only have 10 pounds to get to your goal weight, I have to wonder what you think will happen when you reach that goal? I know it's science and it's all calories-in-calories-out, but I think it's every bit as much of a mental battle as it is a physical one. For me it's about change and stepping out of my comfort zone.…
  • Yep - an irritant for me too!