overeating (because of tiredness)

Hi there,

i am pretty sure i´m not alone with my problem. I have some big issues with my eating, and i am not sure how to get out of this circle without getting professional help.

Here´s the thing:

When i was younger, i had anorexia & bulimia, and a bad depression. during these years the food had a big role in my life as you can maybe imagine. I was playing a lot with calories, and during bulimia-period i was also exercising way too much to burn all the calories.

afterwards i´ve had good times, and bad times. more often bad times because of emotional eating. But usually i can notice only tiredness for the reason to overeat. it always starts just with thoughts "just this one" -well known feeling.

Anyways, i am working at home, i´m a live in nanny. My days are very active with the kids and other work, and i go to the gym app. 2 times a week and for a 45-70min run app. 2 times.

I don´t have so many full days off/a month and when yes, then i go out with my friends, which means saturday-sunday goes and incl. 2-3hour sleep & lots of alcohol. Normal young-adult life i guess. But it´s needed because of my working/living situation.

All this makes me very very tired, and to get through the days the food is usually the easiest way to get some energy.

2 years ago i did a metabolism diet for 2 months, with very good results. but slowly i returned to my old habits.. and because I know how good this diet is, i am trying to do it almost everyday -of course after long exercising eating more carbs.

Sometimes i can do even 2 weeks without overeating (if to be honest, this is only when i´m in holidays..), but it always happens -again and again. After it i have to go to exercise to use the calories, sometimes i´m doing very long runs , and afterwards i can´t eat all the used carbs back-so next day i feel hungry and it starts again..

i´ve been living with this the last 3 years, and now i am slowly done & totally lost, because i am also working more hours than earlier & trying to study.

any tips...?

i know i should get some help, but it isn´t possible just right now.


  • PrincessyP1rate
    PrincessyP1rate Posts: 2 Member
    I don't have a proper answer to offer, unfortunately. I'd like to read what other members suggest on dealing with overeating. Hope someone will be able to be of some help. Good luck to you OP.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Carbs make you hungry. They are the least hunger satisfying. Protein and fat are best for not feeling hungry and giving energy. Carbs sap your energy. The body has no requirement for carbs but you will die without adequate protein and fat. So why is the "normal" diet so carb heavy? It keeps the food manufacturers in business.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I agree, you should be loading up on protein and fats for fullness, along with lots of veggies. Carbs cause a sugar spike then rapid decline, which is what has most people ready for a nap after a big meal.

    How about a little moderation on the weekends? No one says you can't hang with friends, but since getting 2-3 hrs of sleep and lots of extra calories isn't doing anything for you currently, why not sleep at least 5-6 hrs and cut the number of drinks in half by drinking water or diet soda in between rounds?

    Take the kids you watch outside for a walk, bike rides, playing at the park etc. Something where both you and they can be active. Eating in moderation, exercising in moderation, and getting adequate sleep is what you need to create a routine. Numerous medical studies have proven that lack of sleep causes weight gain due to all the reasons you described.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Would you be willing to open your diary?
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I tend to eat a lot when really tired as well. I was basically busy all the time during the last 4 months, and I've packed a lot of weight.
    For me, the problem is that tiredness breaks my willpower completely (I will make more bad decisions), and also I find some comfort in food when really tired.

    Two things:
    - If you are very active and awake longer, then are you really sure you are "overeating"? Staying awake longer, sport, the constant activity, etc. should burn some calories. Though the lack of sleep doesn't help.
    - Try maybe to find healthy snacks that you can eat all the time without affecting your "diet" too negatively... I know it's not easy though, but if you can find an "OK" snack, then having this as your go to/comfort food when you are really tired can help (instead of going for crap).
    - Go for proteins if you can, as others said.
    - Sleep. To be completely honest, this is the only thing that works with me. Maybe skip a night out and some alcohol at the same time?
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Are you eating enough? How big is your calorie deficit? Sometimes when you try to diet too agressively it can lead to a cycle of restricting and binging.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    It sounds to me like you need some professional help, but since you said that's not an option...

    I've dealt with similar issues in the past. That's why this time around, I don't let myself tie exercise and food in together. I've been at maintenance for awhile now, but when I was losing I went by TDEE minus a percentage. If I had a bad day I did not punish myself in anyway. I just tried to do better the next day food wise.

    ETA: Just something to think about. Trying to out exercise calories is a slippery slope for people who have a history with ED's.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've found that I don't really eat more volume when I'm tired, but I do eat more junk food and I tend to eat out on my way home from work when I've worked some long hours. It's just easier, and I don't have to think about what I'm going to make myself for dinner. So I don't eat more volume, but definitely more calories.
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    i know i should get some help, but it isn´t possible just right now.
    I'm afraid that's the bottom line. Don't expect a miracle from a bulletin board. You need help. Go and find it. It IS possible.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    There are other ways to feel good besides overeating. Maybe to rest and rejuvenate you could do some yoga, meditation or just listen to relaxation radio on Pandora. Taking care of kids is hard, especially with no break. There is no reason to binge drink and get 3 hours of sleep, either. That may be typical of your age, but if it is negatively impacting how you feel, maybe you should stop doing it and get better sleep and drink less? You can still have a good time and get adequate rest, good nutrition. Drinking in excess also causes or worsens depression, so it is good to avoid it.

    An eating disorder can manifest itself in overeating and under-eating, as you well know. The food is a symptom of something larger....an inability to cope with your feelings without using a substance....in this case, food. I've been there! What helped me a lot was joining a support group and realizing that I didn't need to be perfect. Working on loving and accepting yourself can really help, and to do that requires a shift in how you view yourself and the world around you.

    I don't think you need "diet" advice at all. You need to address why you have disordered eating. Get some books from the library on the subject or read online about it. Educate yourself. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself, too. That goes a long way!

    Best of luck to you, honey!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm sorry your feeling this way. I'm not at all qualified to help you, but there is free help out there, if you want it.