PrincessRunner1 Member


  • ^^ Yeap. And go out and meet people! A face with a name goes a long way!
  • I used to get really bad shin spints too! I wear ASICS religiously now. I love them.
  • Oh dear. Doesn't sound so glamorous anymore. "there were 2 course marshall issues I was very unhappy with. I was directed to do a quick out and back in front of the castle. I thought it was the course...NOPE it was for a picture...dude....I wouldn't have done it." Newbie here.. what's the course marshall? Ahh I feel like I…
  • I have a subscription to this magazine!! I love it, and I also bought the book with training guides for all races. Not sure about the Higdon training guide, but my plan is to incorporate a little from each. HIIT, long runs, Magic Miles, strength training, yoga/pilates...I figure the more I do and the more my body gets…
  • I must admit, I will definitely be wearing a pink tutu and a tiara :) HAVE to make it fun. Have fun! Thanks guys! And anyone who wants to encourage me, or needs it, feel free to add me :) I'm new so I don't have many friends!
  • YES!!! I love your picture btw. I just started this week! I'll definitely be following you since I'm not exactly sure where I should be at what point and time. I have a training guide, but I get a little distracted sometimes. It's my first half marathon too and I'm really excited too. Was never a LONG distance runner, but…
  • So no one else is training for a half marathon?
  • I'm 5'4'' 115 lbs. This site tells me to eat 1200 calories, other sites tell me to eat 2000 calories. 1200 is WAY too little because I start feeling dizzy and fatigued even when not working out so I try not to focus too much on the calories. Don't starve yourself, eat healthy, portion control!, get a sufficient amount of…
  • To be stronger. My goal was to be able to do ATLEAST 5 pulls up. Not that hard for guys, but I could never do them before!
  • I like watching really big guys do yoga/pilates with the ladies. Shows you're not embarrassed, AND it's amusing :)
  • I speak from experience when I say cut bad carbs and limit the healthy ones. That's what I've done and I have enough energy to sustain me through my workouts, and I have a flat belly. You can do as many crunches as you want, but if you eat crap, you're not going to see the results you want.
  • Not worried about the number? Height: 5'4" SW: 118 CW: 116 GW: 115 Pounds aren't really what matter to me, it's just the way that I look and feel about myself. I would love my abs more defined and bigger arms. I have a small frame, but feel like my legs are a lot more muscular than the rest of my body. My weigh can…
  • Cut bad carbs and limit the healthy ones!!
  • If you haven't ran or done cycling try each and see which one you like. I like riding a bike outside, but the spin classes that gym's offer (even though you burn tons of calories) I HATE. Think if I'm on a bike, I want to actually be going somewhere. Forget to mention too that treadmills are great surfaces to run on too.…
  • From everything you've said, kind of sounds like you've decided cycling is the best for you. I personally love running, but I get shin splints pretty often, so I'm trying to incorporate different types of cardiovascular exercise as well. Running really does take a toll on the body, and definitely takes time to build up to…