1200 too low?



  • PrincessRunner1
    PrincessRunner1 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'4'' 115 lbs. This site tells me to eat 1200 calories, other sites tell me to eat 2000 calories. 1200 is WAY too little because I start feeling dizzy and fatigued even when not working out so I try not to focus too much on the calories. Don't starve yourself, eat healthy, portion control!, get a sufficient amount of sleep, and exercise. I am a firm believer in sleep, healthy food, and exercise :)
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks everyone. To answer this and a few other questions:

    Actually, I'm not eating at Olive Garden at all. That was simply the closest thing I could find to what I actually was eating. I went to a local restaurant this past Tuesday and got chicken parm (which was a bad move but I'm still getting used to this). I split the portion (which was huge) into 3 meals Tuesday night, Weds night & Thursday night. Each night's portion was about the size of the one chicken breast they give you at the Olive Garden. So that entry was simply my best guess based on the options MFP gave for chicken parm. I do not eat at chain restaurants but I do dine out locally once a week or so and all I can usually do with local mom and pop restaurants is guess.

    I don't do fashion modeling. I'm not tall and/or thin enough for that. I actually do a lot of work for local photographers who want to build up their portfolios and I do some 40's & 50's style pin up (so I don't need to be super thin).

    My daily goal is set at 1200 calories. I set it at sedentary because I have a sit down office job during the days. I also set it at wanting to lose 2lbs per week. I walk a lot throughout my day to and from my train though and log in my walking whenever I do 10 or 15 minutes throughout the day. I usually end up eating more than 1200 but I do burn some of those calories off with walking. I still net usually a few hundred over the 1200. :(

    I do need to change what I eat. I'm eating a lot of Lean Cuisine dinners right now to get myself accustomed to the smaller portion size. Once I get a good feel for it, I'll go back to cooking my own food. I tend to eat crappy food while I'm in the office because it's easier to obtain and transport. I need to start bringing healthy snacks from home.

    I am really used to having at least one 5 oz glass of wine a day usually with my dinner. It's a treat I really don't want to give up but I know I have to.

    My husband is not bashing my weight. The problem is actually that he doesn't care about my weight at all, thinks I am obsessing over it and doesn't want to hear me talk about calorie counting or go walking with me. He'd much rather me be fat and just eat what I want all the time. He says he'll love me no matter what I look like. I don't want to lose weight for him. I want to lose it because I need to love how I look and I don't love how I look at almost 160 pounds.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    MFP doesn't want you to lose it fast. They say slower is better and gives you the best chance to keep it off, also slower helps the skin to go back in place. They say losing fast will help to make you have flabby skin from the fast loss. I agree slower is better, but I like seeing 3 lbs a week in a loss or better. I don't care about the lose skin because I'm gonna have that anyways no matter how long it takes me so I may as well lose it fast. Try the eat more to weigh less group since your finding your hungry. Make sure your getting some really good exercise in to help with being able to eat more. And since you are a model you will need to tone as you go so you don't have flabby skin and you may like your body better than before.

    Talk to your doctor about your meds though not good to just go off them
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Thanks everyone. To answer this and a few other questions:

    Actually, I'm not eating at Olive Garden at all. That was simply the closest thing I could find to what I actually was eating. I went to a local restaurant this past Tuesday and got chicken parm (which was a bad move but I'm still getting used to this). I split the portion (which was huge) into 3 meals Tuesday night, Weds night & Thursday night. Each night's portion was about the size of the one chicken breast they give you at the Olive Garden. So that entry was simply my best guess based on the options MFP gave for chicken parm. I do not eat at chain restaurants but I do dine out locally once a week or so and all I can usually do with local mom and pop restaurants is guess.

    I don't do fashion modeling. I'm not tall and/or thin enough for that. I actually do a lot of work for local photographers who want to build up their portfolios and I do some 40's & 50's style pin up (so I don't need to be super thin).

    My daily goal is set at 1200 calories. I set it at sedentary because I have a sit down office job during the days. I also set it at wanting to lose 2lbs per week. I walk a lot throughout my day to and from my train though and log in my walking whenever I do 10 or 15 minutes throughout the day. I usually end up eating more than 1200 but I do burn some of those calories off with walking. I still net usually a few hundred over the 1200. :(

    I do need to change what I eat. I'm eating a lot of Lean Cuisine dinners right now to get myself accustomed to the smaller portion size. Once I get a good feel for it, I'll go back to cooking my own food. I tend to eat crappy food while I'm in the office because it's easier to obtain and transport. I need to start bringing healthy snacks from home.

    I am really used to having at least one 5 oz glass of wine a day usually with my dinner. It's a treat I really don't want to give up but I know I have to.

    My husband is not bashing my weight. The problem is actually that he doesn't care about my weight at all, thinks I am obsessing over it and doesn't want to hear me talk about calorie counting or go walking with me. He'd much rather me be fat and just eat what I want all the time. He says he'll love me no matter what I look like. I don't want to lose weight for him. I want to lose it because I need to love how I look and I don't love how I look at almost 160 pounds.

    Good I was worried you husband was being a jerk. Men have been known to do that. lol. They also know there is usually no right answer or reply to weight loss conversations.

    You will be fine, cook more for yourself when you can, homemade food is better and will fill you up better than lean cuisine.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    I wrote a reply on a thread similar to this the other day and a couple of people have come back and said that they found it helpful so hopefully it will help you too.


    If you or anyone else would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so.

    Good luck!

    I took this survey and it says I should eat 1079 calories per day. I would get slaughtered on this website if I told people I was eating 1079 per day.

    Is the survey you took at http://thefitgirls.com/tdee-calculator.aspx ? Because I can't even access the site. Work has it blocked. :(
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Whoever tells you 1200 calories works, is wrong. If they say that, they are not getting all of there nutrition. It is not possible to get all of your nutrition in with 1200 calories, and hence 1200 calories is the minimum any doctor or specialist will tellyou.

    This is simply not true. 1200 works really well for some people. It isn't working for OP because she is hungry all the time and is more tired. You can definitely get all of your nutrition eating 1200 claories. Everyone should do what works best for them, and not what some random poster thinks is right.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    I wrote a reply on a thread similar to this the other day and a couple of people have come back and said that they found it helpful so hopefully it will help you too.


    If you or anyone else would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so.

    Good luck!

    I took this survey and it says I should eat 1079 calories per day. I would get slaughtered on this website if I told people I was eating 1079 per day.

    Just wondering, was that from the TDEE calculator bit? What figures did you enter? I'm only 5'3" and I get a TDEE of over 1600 even if I put in my lowest goal weight of 126lbs at sedentary!
  • julepgirl
    julepgirl Posts: 55 Member
    It sounds like you've got it together fairly well. I will tell you, the weight watchers meals (or lean cuisine or whatever) are deceptive. I don't know why they are like they are, but I can fill my plate with about three times as much food for the same calories. A dinner for me is usually (not always), a serving of meat (3.5-5 oz depending on the meat) about 8 oz of veggies and a little helping of some starch (rice or pasta or bread or a couple mini perogies when I'm feeling decadent). Don't get me wrong, there are days I eat super low cal lunches (almost entirely veggies) so that I can have hot dogs for dinner! But that's not the norm.

    When I eat out, I don't restrict myself to the one plain chicken breast they have, but I also avoid creamy sauces and cheesy dishes. I had a half plate of parmesan crusted chicken and its accompanying veggies (I skipped the potatos) at Not Your Average Joes the other day. It was a little more than I expected, but still pretty fair in calories. It's actually not to hard to eat well at Mexican restaurants too, cause there is are a lot of veggies available. I love getting fajitas, hold the sour cream and cheese.

    What if you have water with dinner, and as you're getting close to the end, have a 4oz glass of wine as you finish. It'll be something to look forward to, but only 40% of the calories of two 5oz glasses!

    I bought a food scale at WalMart that is the best thing ever. It's helped me learn portion sizes fast. I still can't estimate exactly 4 oz of meat, but if I'm at a restaurant and look at my plate, I do know enough to tell when it's one serving or more than one. That's helpful.

    One other thing I do that helps me avoid junk food at work is to keep a few things in my desk drawer. A jar of nuts, a bag of freeze dried fruit (Trader Joes has these, and they're goooood), etc... and sometimes on a Monday I'll bring in a few other things for the week, like a couple apples, a couple bananas... this way there's always something available, even if I forget to bring something from home, and I have no excuse to go to the vending machine. Also, I got one of those 2.5 gallon jugs of water from the grocery store - the kind that you can set on your fridge shelf and it has a dispenser built in at the bottom - I leave it on my desk and have no excuse not to drink water all day. I guess what I'm saying is, I replace typical "convenience" food with food that I make convenient :)

    Your husband sounds like a good guy. Maybe if you ask him to be your ally and cheerleader through this - like, ask him to try new foods with you, explain to him that you're trying to do this the right (healthy) way so you won't obsess over it anymore, etc. Seriously? I asked my husband to complement me now and then. Like when he notices that I'm especially worn out after a workout video, or when I'm bragging about my tasty wrap that day, or find something good about what I've been doing when I'm feeling frustrated. It seems kinda like how you'd treat a kid, now that I type it, but it seriously helps me stick to this when I have a stretch where I'm not losing pounds on the scale. My joke is that next I'm going to start rewarding myself with stickers on the calendar. Don't laugh, I might do it yet!
  • Kristan_Forsey
    Kristan_Forsey Posts: 103 Member
    The only way I can get my calories 1200 without being starving hungry is by going vegan. You can eat much more food for very few calories. Maybe try that for a couple of months and take a good multivitamin every day.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    The only way I can get my calories 1200 without being starving hungry is by going vegan. You can eat much more food for very few calories. Maybe try that for a couple of months and take a good multivitamin every day.

    I don't eat much meat. Once you start adding more veggies and fruits you can really eat a lot of food. I would rather stuff myself with veggies than drink a diet shake. lol.

    If you do eat meat just watch the portion size. I eat a lot of beans myself. They are cheap and good for you.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    A 1,200 calorie diet is not always the best way to lose weight, as you should be eating at least your BMR: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories that your body burns on a daily basis to maintain your lean body mass. Knowing your BMR is the first piece of the puzzle that you need to understand if you're going to lose weight and keep it off forever..

    Here's some information I've grabbed from a few places on the web that summarizes it.

    "Unless you are morbidly obese or seriously up there on the BMI for obese, eating under BMR is highly discouraged for health reasons. It can be really hard on your heart to eat less. Especially suddenly eating way less than you have been and not supplying your body enough food to survive.

    If you want to lose weight, and look good while doing so, you want to lose as much fat as possible without losing a lot of muscle as well. Eating at least your BMR in calories will help you maintain the muscle you do have (exercise also greatly increases the amount of muscle you get to keep). It ensures your body has enough fuel for everything that keeps you alive AND maintaining lean body mass, bone density and higher brain functions.

    Eating less than your BMR leads to metabolic disruption. For instance, your hair, skin and nails are all 'alive' and need energy to be sustained. If you eat less than you BMR, less important bodily functions like this become down regulated… hence the dry skin and hair and brittle nails of many low kcal, low fat dieters. You also lower production or important hormones which are key to a healthy metabolism including testosterone (in both males and females) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) which as you can imagine is involved directly with your metabolism. If you eat under your BMR long enough, you can even start losing bone density, making your bones more brittle and easier to break.

    I was wondering why I would always seem to lose quite a bit of hair when I got out of the shower. I'm thinking this may have been the case!

    Here's the calculator if you want to find out how many calories you should be eating:

    Fat 2 Fit Radio: www.fat2fitradio.com

    To adjust to my BMR range on the site here, I had to change my settings to lose 1lb a week, which is the recommended on MFP.

    When I used that calculator it told me I should be eating 1576 calories per day. But is that net? Cause I'll often eat about that but walk off some of it so I net closer to 1200.
  • kzcortes
    kzcortes Posts: 208 Member
    It really depends on the person but I've been using a 1200 net calorie count and I've lost some weight. It's only been 10 days
  • kristinacottle
    Stop eating so much damn Olive Gardens. 800 calories for dinner almost every night, hm, maybe that's why you don't have calories to spare during the day.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Stop eating so much damn Olive Gardens. 800 calories for dinner almost every night, hm, maybe that's why you don't have calories to spare during the day.

    Did you actually read my response where I explained this? I don't eat Olive Garden every night. I have actually only been to an Olive Garden once in my life.
  • Amburney
    Amburney Posts: 17 Member
    I am also 5'4 but my starting weight was a little lower. I too am trying to get to 120 so I know how hard it is. I eat a ton of vegetables and fruits to stay at the 120. The only days I go over are on my long run days but that is because I run between 15-20 miles and I need to refuel. Even on those days though I don't go over that much. It is possible to maintain the 1200 per day. You just have to be focused and highly motivated.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I wrote a reply on a thread similar to this the other day and a couple of people have come back and said that they found it helpful so hopefully it will help you too.


    If you or anyone else would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so.

    Good luck!

    Yes, same one. I put in that I do 3-5 days of exercise (I do 4 so seemed accurate). That is the result I recieved.
    Doesnt make sense and I am sure NOONE on this webiste would agree with this result.
    I took this survey and it says I should eat 1079 calories per day. I would get slaughtered on this website if I told people I was eating 1079 per day.

    Is the survey you took at http://thefitgirls.com/tdee-calculator.aspx ? Because I can't even access the site. Work has it blocked. :(

    YES!, same one. I put in that I do 3-5 days of exercise (I do 4 so seemed accurate). That is the result I recieved.
    Doesnt make sense and I am sure NOONE on this webiste would agree with this result.