Disney Princess Half Marathon



  • PrincessRunner1
    PrincessRunner1 Posts: 18 Member
    I did this race this year. just some pointers

    pre a) expo - GO AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE - it is very crowded

    a) not all hotels have the shuttle to the start ...we didn't find this out until that morning. We gave another runner a ride as well ...she was going to walk!

    b) you'll be waiting for a while so bring some warm up clothes

    c) line up near the front before they let you go to the start area...jog to the porta john area to avoid lines

    d) still have a warm up throw away shirt on at this point

    e) it is ok to jump the corral barriers and pee in the woods..we are all ladies...we know we have to go a billion times before a race

    Overall I thought the race was fine. A little boring in spots. I didn't find it crowded but I was in the first corral and also towards the front of the overall runners as well. I did hear a great deal of complaints regarding congestion from people behind

    there were 2 course marshall issues I was very unhappy with. I was directed to do a quick out and back in front of the castle. I thought it was the course...NOPE it was for a picture...dude....I wouldn't have done it.

    Also, going through epcot at the finish, a runner in front of me was route one way and then I was told to go around. I have no idea what that was about but it really did through me off.

    finish area, food and getting out of the parking lot was also fine but we were doing all of that before the vast majority of people were finishing. Again, it was a different story depending on when you finished.

    Oh dear. Doesn't sound so glamorous anymore.

    "there were 2 course marshall issues I was very unhappy with. I was directed to do a quick out and back in front of the castle. I thought it was the course...NOPE it was for a picture...dude....I wouldn't have done it."

    Newbie here.. what's the course marshall? Ahh I feel like I need to do a lot more reseach!
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member

    Oh dear. Doesn't sound so glamorous anymore.

    "there were 2 course marshall issues I was very unhappy with. I was directed to do a quick out and back in front of the castle. I thought it was the course...NOPE it was for a picture...dude....I wouldn't have done it."

    Newbie here.. what's the course marshall? Ahh I feel like I need to do a lot more reseach!

    Volunteers/workers that tell you where to go, do traffic control, etc
  • Brent_J
    Brent_J Posts: 54
    There are lots of different training plans that can get you up to speed for a half marathon.

    My favorite is the one on this site. (You have to scroll down a bit)

  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm running it this year! It's my first half marathon! I'm very, very excited :)
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I love, love, love, Hal Higdon's training plans. My very first race was the Disneyland 5K last year and I instantly wanted to run more races. So I signed up for a 7K that was a month away and a 10K that was a month after that.

    When I'd done the 5K I'd just been randomly running and working out and never really saw my pace or endurance improving on a consistent basis. I started using Hal Higdon's 10K training plan and saw pace increases literally every week.

    So when I decided to run my first Half Marathon on Easter Sunday, I went straight back to his site and used one of his Half Marathon plans for that. And, again, I saw steady pace increases week over week as well as my overall strength improving with the twice weekly strength nights.

    And I'll be running the Disneyland 5K and Half Marathon over Labor Day weekend, and have been using Hal Higdon's Half plan again.

    I also like the fact that when I had a question and asked it on the forum, Hal answered me personally. :)

    This is the one I use: http://halhigdon.com/training/51132/Half-Marathon-Intermediate-Training-Program But I swapped out Wednesday's to alternate between hill training and speed training since my first half was in San Francisco and I just kept those for this round as well.

    Oh, also, I changed the long run mileage so I started at 6 so I'd run 13 before the actual race.
  • mcfrlndsgirl
    So how has your training been going? I will be running the Princess again this year. I live by Jeff Galloway's training but it is because I love the intervals. I don't think my joints could handle running the entire 13.1 so having the walk breaks helps me out. Sorry I am joining the discussion so late but I am just now getting involved on here again. I did the Princess and Tink in 2012 and it was awesome. I love the Princess and this year should be so much fun since it is the 5th anniversary.

    Good Luck!