

  • Stability ball workouts are awesome and low impact as well! Even just sitting on one makes your core stronger!
  • I'm 5'2" too also! Woot woot! :)
  • I want to work in a spa so bad I'm so jealous! Lol and yes lush it the best for all of u haven't tried yet get your butt down there and they will test products on u! Trust u will fall in love like so many of us have!
  • Well as for secrets like I said lots of water and green tea! I don't take any diet pills or anything because they make me super jittery and I don't like that feeling. I have deffinatly cut down on the bad carbs like white break and white rice. I eat lots of fruit and veggies which also helped my skin clear up (I had…
  • U live where all my family lives! So cool! :) keep up the good work u seem like such a positive person I love talking to ppl like that :) have a great day my new friend xoxo
  • I'm only 5"2 that's why I want to lose more :) but thank u for the reply!
  • Losing 100 lbs is quite incredible u are already an inspiration to me! Keep up the good work and I'm here for support :)
  • So for our intro should we start a new discussion board or just add on here?
  • I just looked at that website and I fell in love! Omg there is a recipe for jalapeño stuffed poppers which are my favvvv but haven't ate in awhile due too waaaay too much fat! I'm making them for my Super Bowl party :) thanks!
  • I really do love this idea! Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone; my name is bailie representing the great northwest Seattle metro area :)