

  • I am thinking of starting this. I am curious to know how people's experience with it has been too.
  • Thank-you. Hearing this helps. :)
  • 140 calories is not that high in calories. What's equivalent? 2 Eggs 1 1/2 Slices of Bread 1 1/2 oz of cheese Some 1/2 cups of yogurt I often get a cinammon dolce latte. No whip, and ask for one pump of syrup less than prescribed for the cup size. There is no sense denying yourself completely of enjoying it. Just don't…
  • Maybe I should be a bit more clear, so you don't think I am crazy. (I have PTSD and Generalized Anxiety as a result). I carry a lot of weight in my hip/butt/tum area (think Saturns belt). I get a lot of pressure on the spine and since having given birth my back has not been the same. When I lay in bed, in certain…
  • Well done! You look great! :)
  • I too lost lots 10 years ago, and have gained it, plus some back :( The reality is, I anticipate another 10 years will go by. I keep thinking... I don't want to be in my 40's doing this again, and want to be a lot less than I am now! You Can. And will ;)
  • By the way... Did I need an invite to join? I apologize for joining without asking? I like the idea of doing a challenge from now until the new year ;)
  • Just keep a large glass full all the time, and you will drink it! ;)
  • I can relate in many ways. Anxiety can do a number on your body and brain. Forgive my bluntness, but you need to address it first. I get a lot of similar symptoms as you mention, and its from anxiety. Once that is addressed, I think you will see that some of your symptoms may lift. I wish you good health and luck.
  • I have a bunch of goals (going on a trip is one of them). Add me if you'd like :)
  • I think you have to do what feels healthy to you. I weigh myself daily. It helps me be in check for the day after. I also like the idea of trying to make it go down (if even by .2) by the next day. I also find if I plateau for a few days, it will suddenly drop and that is such an awesome feeling!
  • Just amazing! Notice you are still uncomfortable though, you have your arm crossed protecting yourself... It will eventually pass, but you look stunning! :) I must ask... Where did you get your cardi? I have been looking for one like that! lol
  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Definitely going to take examples to apply to my plan. I am s-l-o-w-l-y getting there again. This time is so different than 10 years ago when I lost 130. I am also 100lbs more than I was last time I started too. Wow, how the heck did that happen?! Sheesh. I think what feels different,…
  • I completely agree... That, I think in part, is why finding the committment is that much harder.
  • Your first pic, hands down, you look the healthiest and prettiest. Don't play around with dieting if you don't have to. It can really do a number on your system. You will look back on these photos one day and think... Wow, I had such a glow, and youth (in the first photo especially). Take care of YOU first (physically and…
  • Is it 5 Large Eggs? Just confirming.
  • I have about $60 a week and had come in for the same type of advice. $30? Wow, I don't think I could do that. Keep the ideas coming... I have at least 8 weeks until that number changes to $80. Thanks! :drinker:
  • Welcome! I am also new and really like hearing your story, as mine is similar. Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • I had asked my doctor about this a while ago, he said it was normal. Here is some information on it from