How often do you weigh yourself?

Just wondering?
It can get a bit addictive


  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    I go to the doctor once every 3 or 4 weeks to get an accurate weight measurement. It encourages me to stick to task, and not cheat when I've had a good day/week.

    *edited for spelling & grammar
  • natalie_bailey
    natalie_bailey Posts: 12 Member
    I find that if I pick a day of the week to weigh myself it helps. Therefore every thursday morning I will weigh myself to see if i have lost/gained any weight and then record it.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Yeah my aim is to only do it around once every 3 or so weeks. Think I may leave the scales at a friends or my parents house so I'm not tempted to cheat ! Leave my will power alone to focus on my diet!
  • lesinlc
    lesinlc Posts: 7
    I now weigh.myself every 3 or 4 weeks...otherwise I become obsessed
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    It also helps for accuracy if you are doing it consistently like Natalie suggested. I always weigh myself on an empty stomach and after I've made sure to use the bathroom.
  • keeshieb
    keeshieb Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh my self every morning when i wake up after i empty my bladder it is addictive
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Yep I weigh myself in the morning... Might be slightly cheating but it's less discouraging and I drink about 3 litres of water a day
  • DevonW32
    DevonW32 Posts: 67 Member
    I was actually doing it everyday, but that drove me nuts, as the scale can sometimes fluctuate from day to day or just not move at instead I have decided to do it once a week.
  • liovino59
    liovino59 Posts: 5 Member
    Every 8 weeks..
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    Never LOL i actually threw my scale in the bathtub :/...
  • womaniam
    womaniam Posts: 104 Member
    Once a week now. I do get a little curious but I discipline myself to only weigh in once a week every sunday.
  • kais79
    kais79 Posts: 41 Member
    In theory, I weigh myself once a week after waking up on an empty stomach and, if possible, after using the restroom. I don't think it's really cheating because it minimizes the effects food, beverages, medication, etc. may have on your weight causing it to fluctuate and be untrue. I believe this to be the truest measurement of your weight. I don't know how any of you can go weeks without weighing! :smile: I did when I first started losing weight because I didn't have a scale that would weigh me; so I could only weight at the doctor's office. It was pretty awesome, 22 lbs lost all at once, it seemed; but I was very anxious the whole time. I feel I need to do it weekly so I can make sure I stay on task and seeing the loss once a week helps keep me motivated. I do see the logic of waiting a few weeks, however. I've started losing weight more slowly recently: I began losing 3-5 lbs a week and now I'm really only losing 1 or 2. I know that is good, but it has been a bit discouraging since it's happening slower.
  • For a long time, I weighed myself every day. My thinking is that if the numbers are important to you, you need to check them daily since your weight can fluctuate a couple of pounds (or more) just from hydration levels, digestive tract contents, etc. If you weigh yourself every monday, yet last monday you were dehydrated and fasted, it might be discouraging to you when you weigh this monday and are 3lbs heavier (maybe retaining water, haven't been regular, whatever).

    These days, I don't really care about the numbers. I just go off how I feel and look in the mirror.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Cool. I'm going to try to stick to every few weeks but once a week at the very most!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    For a long time, I weighed myself every day. My thinking is that if the numbers are important to you, you need to check them daily since your weight can fluctuate a couple of pounds (or more) just from hydration levels, digestive tract contents, etc. If you weigh yourself every monday, yet last monday you were dehydrated and fasted, it might be discouraging to you when you weigh this monday and are 3lbs heavier (maybe retaining water, haven't been regular, whatever).

    These days, I don't really care about the numbers. I just go off how I feel and look in the mirror.

    At the moment the numbers still matter as I'm just starting out and it's too soon to see viable changes. But I do hope to get to the stage where they don't matter any more
  • I think you have to do what feels healthy to you.

    I weigh myself daily. It helps me be in check for the day after. I also like the idea of trying to make it go down (if even by .2) by the next day.

    I also find if I plateau for a few days, it will suddenly drop and that is such an awesome feeling!
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    Wednesday morning every week for me.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Friday morning is weigh-in time
  • jebreject
    jebreject Posts: 46 Member
    Every Saturday morning for me, though I sometimes get too hung up on that number and think I should maybe weigh myself more infrequently to offset that. It really is just a number, and it doesn't always line up with how I feel -- I can be feeling great, like I've been doing a great job, and if that number has moved, or it's up by even a tenth of a pound, I start feeling like crap. So I've realized I shouldn't pay so much attention to the numbers.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Every three to six months.