dlashawn5 Member


  • AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!!:smile:
  • My mama always told me "you get back what you give out" Don't mess with that man, he made his decision. Let it go and move on!
  • C25K is a great program, it will gradually get you into running. I enjoy running on my treadmill especially when it is like -16 degrees outside. But I prefer running outdoors because of the scenery and the people I come accross (running buddies). Nonetheless, if you are seriously interested in running inside on a treadmill…
  • Follow me to the river.
  • Well, I was told that eating 6 small meals a day and drinking plenty of water would keep the hunger pains away. I have also found that is not always true. So, when I feel those hunger pains haunting me, I drink a cup of tea or eat a piece of fruit or drink more water. I have noticed that it is not always what you eat or…
  • Maybe try working out on your own and do cardio only on the days you are not working with your personal training. Also, how is your water intake and eating pattern. I had much more success with weight loss when I began drinking more water (almost a gallon a day) added more cardio and paid close attention to my nutrition.…
  • Sorry I just don't understand what the big deal is...everyone recovers differently! I didn't get a flat stomach for months after I had my son, I mean months of eating right, sit ups, girdles and working out....but I'm not going to give this woman a hard time about it. If she can carry a baby, push it out and pop back into…
  • Lady Saw.....BLING!!!!
  • Yeah, I got the old "when is the baby due?" question and I was not even pregnant......SO EMBARRASING! To this day, If I don't know the woman personally, I will never ask if she is pregnant UNLESS it is obviously so!
  • yeah, I do, it's automatic reflex I guess....Can't help myself! LOL!
  • I haven't had that problem, but I heard vaseline was good!
  • Isn't that why we exercise, so you can EAT more....Just be care what you eat...no processed food....But EAT...I made the mistake of not eating and it didn't do a thing for me, But when I started eating more (within my boundaries and the right foods)....the weight seemed to fall off! I exercise SO I CAN EAT!
  • Also, as I read the previous post, just becasue it is a wealthy neighborhood, it does not mean, perverts,kidnappers, thieves and rapist do not frequent the area.... Sometimes I travel a few milesfrom my home and run a track in a pretty well off community, one morning there was a van parked outside of the track, and a man…
  • OMG YES, even if you do not have specific information (license plates number ,make & year of van).... still report, that way the police will be aware of what is going on in your community. Unfortunately, they will probably move on to the next lone runner, young girl, or vulnerable old lady. Reporting this could save the…
  • I understand that he NEVER tested positive for doping during his whole career, so I am not understand how they can strip him of his accomplishments when the record does not reflect any positive proof of that! I do understand, when you have been fighting for years about the same ole thing that is not supported by proof, one…
  • You guys are going to make me buy a few belly dancing videos, I have always want to try it too. I was once able to get it on one of my cable channels but it is no longer available. I think I will look for a dvd....I could use midsection help.....Plus, I think it is such a sexy dance.
  • I thought about doing the Hot Yoga thing, but classes are not offered in my community...Not sure I want to travel across town to sweat like crazy. I think I will stick with my dvd videos in my cool front room!
  • LOL!!!
  • I have shoulder length locks and I depending on how much I do during the week, I will rinse them in the shower and use a leave conditioner but I generally wash/condition and twist once every two or even three weeks.
  • Yeah, I read the BMR article and got a little confused, besides I am generally not a numbers crunchers. I drink a lot of water, so I am not hungry enough to keep eating more, I drink water and I keep up with my three meals two snacks a day routine. IF I am hungry for more, then I will eat but only after I drink a glass of…
  • Sometimes it is the diet, incorporate more fiber, fruit and veggies. Reduce your salt intake b/c it can cause bloating and drink more water. As a poster stated before, I often don't see any changes in my belly fat until later in my weight loss journey, yes I've done this before...LOL! However, this time, I want to keep my…
  • I'm so lost! Can someone please dumb this down so I can understand?
  • Welcome, I hope you have a successful journey. Remember, keep the vision before you and you will get there!:smile:
    in New!! Comment by dlashawn5 August 2012
  • Try drinking more water! Sometimes, our feeling of hunger is just thirst. If plain water is a turn off, flavor it with fruit or MIO or Crystal light. I find when I drink more water I don't snack as much. The first week I tried that, I lost about 2 pounds.... When I see myself snacking like crazy, I stop myself, get a drink…
  • Chocolate awesome....I like that LOL!!!!
  • That was a great post....and you have a point, it is always good to visualize how you want to look. I find if I picture myself thinner and happier, I get there faster. It is not so difficulty turning down goodies or stopping at one serving when I can visualize how I believe I will look in the end. Thank you!