Help. Im working out twice a week and gaining WEIGHT


Hey guys,

So- Im 30 years old, about 123 lbs and 5'3...

In the past I have been in more shape and at my goal weight (115lbs)...However recently I decided to hire a trainer twice a week. I have never actually done any strength training before, and I feel how new this is to my body...But my concern is, I have noticed the scale has gone UP...
I do 30 min of weights, lunges, etc...And after she leaves I do about 30-40 min of cardio....Overall, It feels like a good workout when Im done. And I have been sore after every time.

Am I doing something wrong here??
In the past when i lost weight, it was from extreme calorie restriction...This time I'm trying to do it right and I feel like a fool!

I eat about 1200 calls a day (give or take)....My weakness is wine, but I try and log those calls in too.

Is this water weight?? it can't be actual muscle yet....I started about two weeks ago


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It could be water weight from the increased strength training. It could also just be a natural fluctuation (from stress, hormones, sodium, etc.). You don't say how much you've gained in those two weeks.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    No diary no help, sorry.
  • lenalena83
    Well I started at 122, and how Im about 124...I know its not an insane amount but Its incredibly discouraging ha!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Also, this:
    In the past when i lost weight, it was from extreme calorie restriction...This time I'm trying to do it right and I feel like a fool!
    and this:
    I eat about 1200 calls a day (give or take)
    Don't really make sense together.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    ahh that's not much of a weight gain. I wouldn't be worried. It's either water weight or a bit of muscle growing. Nothing to worry about. and 1200 calories is your limit? Now... do you eat back your calories after you've burned them off? I'd say for your height that 1200 calories is around the point you'd need to be sedentary so you really should be eating back your calories especially after cardio.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    First of all, 2 lbs is a normal fluctuation.

    Second, it's also normal for your body to react a bit strangely when you start a new program.

    Take measurements instead of weighing yourself and track your progress from there.

    You're on the short side, so 1200 calories a day isn't horrible, but I hope you eat more on days when you've exercised. Otherwise you will have some unpleasant side effects. Your metabolism is going to want to increase after weight training and cardio, but it will need food to fuel it.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    There is no way 1200 calories is enough...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Are you also logging your food as accurately as possible, every day? Without being sure of your calorie intake, it's impossible to say whether or not it's just water weight or maybe you're eating more than you think and the workouts aren't enough to counterbalance. Exercise is not for weight loss, it's just for fitness. Yes you burn calories but again, if you don't burn enough or if you overeat those burns, you won't lose the weight.

    Or as diannethegeek mentioned, it could be fluctuations from hormones, sodium or even water weigh from your workouts. Not sure if you know this but when you start working out or increase the intensity of your workouts, the muscle fibers sustain microtears and respond by retaining glycogen and water to aid in healing. This could result in an increase on the scale. To give you an idea of how much water can weight, 1 gallon is about 8 pounds. So, figure a little bit all over the sore overworked parts and you could easily be up 2-5 pounds from exercise.
  • lenalena83
    Yes, its give or take 1200. When I lost a LOT of weight in the past, I wasn't really working out and limiting myself to about 700 calls a day...It works, but its a pain, and you have no social life. Also you can't keep it off....So I'm hoping its water weight...
  • dlashawn5
    dlashawn5 Posts: 28 Member
    Maybe try working out on your own and do cardio only on the days you are not working with your personal training. Also, how is your water intake and eating pattern. I had much more success with weight loss when I began drinking more water (almost a gallon a day) added more cardio and paid close attention to my nutrition. It's a process.....but the rewards are great!
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    There's typically an initial water weight gain when a new workout program is started. It's just your body's response to the wear and tear on muscles, making repair. In a few weeks your body will adjust and you'll store less of the recovery fluids, at which point you'll suddenly "lose" a few pounds.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    Well. continue drinking wine. . . your body's response to alcohol is as follows:
    you drink wine, beer, shots, whatever. Your body seizes to metabolize any other sources of energy until the alcohol is filtered through our system. During this time, if biology serves me correct, our body stores fat cells in the process. Hence, wine can be affecting your weight gain

    Also, 1200 calories doesnt seem too low for your height and weight.

    When you are sore, your muscles will retain water so as to rebuild the torn muscle fibers which can be another reason why you see the scale go up.

    Don't worry about it. Also, why are you doing so much cardio? It's worthless to do so much cardio. I'd say do 30-45min of weights and 20-3o at most in cardio
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    How long ago did you increase your exercise?

    if it's only been a week or two, you're probably holding a little bit extra water, don't worry... in time this will pass.

    If you also upped your calories to compensate for the increase in exercise, you may have a little more salt than you're used to... same thing as the exercise.

    I've always found that when I gain water weight for either of the above reasons, that when I drink MORE water, it all goes away very quickly.

    There are a bunch of other things that could be happening, but those are two fairly standard items. Keep in mind that your body weight will naturally fluctuate depending on a multitude of different scenarios, so don't freak out over 2lbs. The added cortisol from stress might make you retain more water :bigsmile:
  • lenalena83
    I will keep working out and be more careful about logging in my food. Its probably the wine.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Well. continue drinking wine. . . your body's response to alcohol is as follows:
    you drink wine, beer, shots, whatever. Your body seizes to metabolize any other sources of energy until the alcohol is filtered through our system. During this time, if biology serves me correct, our body stores fat cells in the process. Hence, wine can be affecting your weight gain

    Also, 1200 calories doesnt seem too low for your height and weight.

    When you are sore, your muscles will retain water so as to rebuild the torn muscle fibers which can be another reason why you see the scale go up.

    Don't worry about it. Also, why are you doing so much cardio? It's worthless to do so much cardio. I'd say do 30-45min of weights and 20-3o at most in cardio

    You don't think 1200 calories is too low on days the OP works out?

    OP's BMR (per a couple calculators) is ~1200 calories TDEE of 1700.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    No diary no help, sorry.

    Didn't you know? What one eats doesn' (sarcasm) Don't worry, a bunch of people will jump in to school any of us who have the nerve to suggest the food matters. :noway:
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Make sure you drink enough water too along with more accurately logging your food. Try to get at least 12 glasses a day, especially on workout days to help your muscles repair. When I don't drink enough water I retain water, especially when lifting.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    No diary no help, sorry.

    Didn't you know? What one eats doesn' (sarcasm) Don't worry, a bunch of people will jump in to school any of us who have the nerve to suggest the food matters. :noway:


  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Really? working out only 2x weekly. You need to increase your calorie burn. yes, some of the weight could be muscle. But, working out only twice weekly and drinking wine does not make for wt loss.:love:
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Really? working out only 2x weekly. You need to increase your calorie burn. yes, some of the weight could be muscle. But, working out only twice weekly and drinking wine does not make for wt loss.:love:

    Highly doubtful any of the weight is muscle, eating and working out that little.