

  • Day 2 was my hardest, once I got over that it was much easier. I was so hungry on Day 2. I felt so tired, and my brain felt fogged over. Yuck!
  • Well you don't have to be perfect every day. If you REALLY want to do juicing for XXX amount of days then you will have to figure out what you can do to juice say 99% of the time and then have a solid meal or whatever whenever its "absolutely necessary" However, there are so many modified versions to juicing. Have you…
  • You don't HAVE to be a hermit. You just have to have determination. If you have read through this thread fully then you will see the first 3 days are the hardest, after that it got SOO much easier for me. I've been to barbeques and everything. I just brought my juice along with me. Of course not everyone will have the…
  • I have been on cheaterville ever since this post started, LOL... crazy people!!! my favorite is DYAC
  • I got mine pierced 8 years ago. Took it out 2 years ago. Put it back in last week without any problem. So it sounds like it is dependent on the person if the hole will heal or not.
  • That's not exactly accurate. The meds definitely do not have to look the same. It depends on the manufacturer. I take generic Adderall and dependent on which pharmacy I fill my script at I will get two different looking pills. (shape, color and markings) One manufacturer uses orange dyes and an oval shape, the other uses…
  • haha nice
    in Pants? Comment by JulieTX86 August 2011
  • Just take a water bottle, I am sure they have places you can fill it. It doesn't need to be gallon sized. I agree with taking your own food. To me, that seems the best way to be in complete control of the situation.
  • "you make bunny cry" LOL!!!
  • 37 pounds in one month! That is sooo unbelievable! You are doing such a good job!
  • Ok, I did read through some older posts. I haven't ever talked to her or been mean to her, but I must list a few of my favorites. I too agree with not stalking all her pages and being mean or rude. I think that this post was really funny, and it should just be left alone here. Although I did go through and read several…
  • hahaha Just threw up in my mouth too. <<<<< Grossed out non-Lesbian. LOL :)
  • I agree with the nurses up ^^^^. Meanest things I ever hear are from patients. I had one guy just laying into me ALL freaking day. Calling me a stupid B*^&* get the F*** out of his room, leave him alone etc. etc. Then, a little while later he said "Hey goldilocks, you got a boyfriend? Do you wanna come lay in bed with me?"…
  • I'm confused. Are you asking what someone has said to us, or what we have said to someone. Did the lady say this to you, or is that what you said to her? LOL, it's early.
  • No freaking way! Dang it, now I really am going to have to go read through some of her other posts. Time should fly today at work! haha
  • Is it completely sick of me that I started reading her other posts in other threads. What is wrong with me? Why would I want to continue with that any longer than I already did, lol. I apparently have too much time on my hands.
  • I fully intended on being in bed about an hour ago. This thread was like a good book you just can't put down. More so like an accident, I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. Thank you for all the laughs!
  • I just completed day 10. I am down 10.1 pounds. Things are still going just fine. Its amazing how much will power I have. I really thought I would have broke by now but I haven't. I have been to restaurants with family, BBQ at a friends house, BBQ for my nephews school function. I have cooked food for my boyfriend and for…
  • I have always heard that you are supposed to keep beef jerky in the car. Its packed with protein and you can really watch your calorie count.
  • I am 5'6 (and a 1/2 to be exact, lol). At the start of my weight loss I was 189, I am now 179. At both points I am still in a size 14.
  • No problem! As far as the ginger, the recipes I have read say to use a piece of ginger about the size of your thumb so that is what I have been sticking to, I haven't had any problems drinking the turnip and collard greens. I usually use about 5 or 6 large leaves and as long as I mix it with other things (carrot, celery,…
  • Good luck!!!
  • As far as the amount of juice that sounds about right compared to what most people on this site are doing. One thing I learned is when my drink doesn't come out tasting to great if I add a splash of lime juice it instantly tastes better. Another MFPer did mention to me to watch the acidity of the drinks you are making as…
  • So will I!!! I just read this on her website and thought that so many others would benefit from reading it!
  • NoleGirl boy do I know! Coupons for healthier food items rarely exist! Last month I got a coupon for $0.75 off of milk and I almost peed my pants out of joy! LOL. There was also a coupon recently for $2.00 off of pork ribs. I don't eat pork, but my boyfriend and I barbeque with our friends a lot so I got those for him. Its…
  • This may make you look thinner on the outside but what about clogged arteries? Just because you are thin (or thinner) doesn't mean you are healthy. I wouldn't recommend eating "often" at fast food restaurants. Yikes!!
  • ditto! I am eating through produce like crazy right now!
  • You should check out the book "Eat to live" Someone else (on MFP) recommended it to me and I havent even got a fraction of the way through and I really like it. (you can read the first chapter of it on barnes and nobles website www.bn.com) It has recipes and everything. If you are struggling with not knowing what to eat…
  • OKAY one more thing.... if you are having difficulty locating the quiz on the earthbound farms website it's under the tab "Why Organic".... then "Test your knowledge and win"