emboss03 Member


  • Love it... I know several people that have improved strength, flexibility, and have lost weight. Starting over in a few days.....
    in Piyo? Comment by emboss03 December 2014
  • First of all, I'm soooooo sorry for your loss. I understand what it's like to go through a rough pregancy. My daughter was born at 30 weeks and we spent 75 days in the NICU, where she faught for her life like crazy. Now she's 2 1/2 and doing amazing, but it was one hell of a joyride getting her to this point. I'm grateful…
  • The day after I typed this, my blood sugars went down..... Gotta love it when that happens. Thanks for the advice though!
  • Thanks. I've been T2 for about 5 1/2 years and I've never experienced this long of high BS when I've been sick. I've been a lot worse and my high BS usually lasts a day or two. This time I'm going on two weeks!!! Just super frustrating... hopefully they go down soon.
  • It's only a death sentence if you don't follow your MD's recommendations and the diet. I used to not care and then when my mom, who's been diabetic for almost 20 years, was diagnosed with kidney failure and has neuropathy so bad that she cannot feel her feet or barely walk, I decided I needed to step up my game and take…
  • You're never cured.... but you can control it with diet and exercise. You will always be "diabetic" but you don't always have to take meds. That's the way I understand it anyway. My A1C was 8.1 last August and I got it down to 7.2 in January. Hoping to get it around the 5.0-6.0 range with hard work.
  • The only difference that I like about the Fitbit compared to a regular pedometer is that the Fitbit automatically connects to MFP and calculates any additional calories for exercise or adds calories if you aren't as active. You can set it up so it doesn't do that, but I like to do it just to keep my activity in check. I…
  • I like mine. Kinda keeps me in check with my daily activity. Don't rely on it for calories burned or to get more calories to eat. Sometimes doesn't sync well with mfp.
  • Starting to think no one takes onglyza or knows anything about it???
  • My doctor explained it really well to me.... He said this: You can be the most disciplined diabetic out there... testing all the time, watching carbs, exercising.... and no matter what medication you take, it may stop working. Doesn't mean you failed, just means that the medication doesn't help your body anymore. I was put…
  • I'm interested in joining too.... wanting to try something new as my workouts have been "boring" up until now.
  • I could really use some more information and encouragement from all of you as to what you have done and what has worked. I constantly battle my blood sugars and weight. I'm 28 years old and I've struggled for years to find the right "diet" or lifestyle to do. I've done low carb, no carb, calorie counting, and almost…
  • Well he just suggested it.... It's actually going really well. I've lost 4 lbs since starting it. I don't completely eliminate wheat, but I just cut back. I know breads and pastas are a weakness of mine so it's just made me more aware of what I'm eating and how much I'm eating. I know environmental factors have a lot to do…
  • Down 2 lbs this week.... 3 more to go and I'm out of the 200s!! Hello 100s!!!
  • Yep, it goes away... like previous posters have said, just make sure to take it with a little food (I usually wait until I'm 20 mins into my meals so it digests with my food). Works wonders!
  • I'm on it for T2 Diabetes and PCOS.... When I first started taking it, I had the same thing... after a couple of days it goes away! It's just your body adjusting to the med. If it doesn't go away in a week, then talk to your doc.
  • up a half a lb.... :'( will try harder this next week!!!
  • Thank you all! I'm going to my doctor tomorrow to have him look at my food diary, exercise diary, and blood sugars to see what I should do more of or less of.... also, since I've been having dizzy spells when I stand up fast and when I've taken my blood pressure, it's been low (anywhere from 101-118 over 56-62), I'm…
    in Help! Comment by emboss03 November 2012
  • One of the things I did to help me exercise more is I bought a pedometer and wear it on me all day long. Then, I track my steps. It keeps me in check of how much I'm walking and even if you only improve by like 100 steps per week/day/month, it's an improvement over all. Don't worry about the large distances.... start off…
  • I like the cinnamon toast idea.....
  • it usually depends on my day but I try to keep 15-20 carbs for a bedtime snack since I take insulin and need something or my blood sugars are messed up in the morning.
  • Thanks! With my blood sugars and blood pressure so low lately, I'm not going to worry about the weight so much. It'll come off when it wants to lol... As long as my health is better, I'm happy!!!!
    in Help! Comment by emboss03 November 2012
  • Thanks! I think I will go back to the carb counting, but also try to stick under my calorie goals too. I might have to up my calories a bit to do that, but I think I just have to find that magic number that does the trick.
  • Let's keep in contact each day for support and encouragement. I've found its so much easier to stick with something when you have a great support system! Feel free to add me as a friend, let's do this!
  • I'm up for the challenge. I keep yo-yoing between 205-210 lbs and would LOVE to get under 200 and stay there. Let's do this!!!
  • I've already had one child, but I was a high risk pregnancy and ended up delivering by emergency c-section at 30 weeks. Our daughter is now 2 and thriving very well. We want to start trying for number 2 after the first of the year, but I told my husband that I really don't want another pregnancy like I had before. I have…