

  • Thanks for the support. I have been told that this is my chance to change my life and get healthier than I have ever been. Going to put on my winter coat - cold here - and get my morning walk in. How great to wear smaller a scrub pants!!!! Good for you. I also,hope to be 6 years post cancer and healthy!!! You are all so…
  • Thanks. I am going for a walk right now to start on my road to recovery -slow and easy to start
  • here I am back again heavier than I have ever been. this has been a horrible year so,far. Had breast cancer surgery on Wed. But the good news is that it's non-invasive and they,think they got it - just will need radiation when healed to,be sure. so I need to,change my life- lose weight - get healthy -eat better- lessen my…
  • .well I fell off the wagon last night with way to much alcohol. at least I cannot do that today - have a fasting blood test mOnday so alcohol free for 48 hrs. I also took a long walk in my heavy boots and went mall walking for 2 hr all together today. Perhaps that will help the scale for Monday morning weigh in Susan from…
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. I am the last day of my holidays and already did some strength training. I think I can do it this time for sure -am I ever out of shape!!! Sore from 3 sets of 30 reps. Must keep at it. I will touch base with people individually later -laundry awaits. But for Robin - hang in…
  • I had a great day with the granddaughters. 55 minutes of Just dance4on the wii. Worked up a sweat believe it or not!! so I got my exercise in today and am under my calories so I have room for a snack tonite!!! Hope I keep it up tomorrow too. Susan from Eastern Ontario
  • Chilling with the grand daughters today!! We are going to do Dance Fit 4 shortly. That should be interesting!! Brought my own diet lunch of weightwatchers whole wheat bread and skinless turkey breast plus fat free yogurt. trying to be good!! Smwert
  • 1st day of 2013. I have decided this wil be my best year yet! I will exercise more, drink more water, eat more vegetables and cut back on alcohol consumption. sounds like a good plan - just have to stick with it. What I miss most about being thin - being able to go into a store and try on clothes knowing they will fit and…
  • Well I went for the walk in the snow. Our road is not plowed what. Work out, Feel better for having mde the effort S
  • Having a blizzard here. I need to get motivated!! you all seem so active. I should bundle up and walk in the snow . S
  • I am back after about a year or more of giving up. Good news is that I weigh the same. No gain but no loss. want to lose 10 pounds by Jan 31 for son's wedding. owing to start tracking and exercising again Smwert
  • Been on an eating and drinking binge for about 3 weeks now. Gained 4 pounds and now weigh more than when I started by half a pound. Going to recommitt today (again). I have had my fun and now must get serious. I love reading everyone's posts. One of hte best things of being older are grandchildren. What funs. Goiing now to…
  • TGIF I am with everyone else. this seemed like a long week! at least it is almost February. Smwert
  • I do the same thing and then get so angry with myself. I had a very bad week and actually gained . Better choices this week I vow!! Sisan
  • I agree the photos are awesome
  • Week 1 and only down .2 of a pound . Will not make my goal at this rate. Discouraged
  • I am discouraged. only lost .2 of a pound this week, I walked 2 miles on Sat, Sun and Mon, did a workout on the bike, bow flex and treadmill on tues, went to zumba on thurs and did not drink alcohol except for one night and all I lost was .2 of a pound. I did not eat after super either. discouraging! I am trying to find a…
  • I too like this format better than a group Barb, I Lost 38 pounds 12 years ago on Herbal One. It took me 10 years to gain it all back. I am reluctant to spend the money for a regain, I am going to try to do it myself. I this is for the Medifast girls - I share your pain about the return of the weight! I walked the dog for…
  • I love chocolate labs! How adorable. I have a black lab named Missy. We love her too! congrats on the new family member! Smwert
  • add me too! I am 57.5 and only 5 feet tall. I am now 152 lbs and want to be 125. I was never over weight until I hit 45 so this weight gain really bothers me. I was always 115 most of my adult life. don't you just love menopause and aging!! (not) Smwert
  • Can I join Sw 152 Gw 142 Age 57 Height 5 feet Smwert
  • I have been so tired for so long with my new job. yesterday was a good day. I fell asleep at ten last night and woke up at ten this morning feeling so refreshed. I must have needed that. I lost my holiday weight but still need to lose 25 more pounds. I made a mini goal. I am going on holiday Feb 23 and want to lose 12…
  • I was going to ask Robin if she was a model too! great pictures. I am down today. I get depressed every year in January. I gained 3 pounds since Friday! isn't that almost impossible. We ate in restaurants for 3 days soI am hoping it is sodium and water weight Tomorrow will tell. off to the dentist now. Smwert
  • I am marking my spot. Just got back from a trip to join my son and his family at a chalet they rented in Vermont. I am afraid to get on the scales. will do it tomorrow. my resolution is to not give up and to forgive myself. I did not gain this weight in a month so it won't go off over night. going to weigh myself and start…
  • to Harmony - Remember no one can make you feel bad about self unless you let them! Hope you feel better!
  • I hear you Suz. I fell off the wagon for a while and gained back the 11 pounds I struggled so hard to lose. Now I need to lose 25 pounds. I am pleased to report that I only gained .4 of a pound over Christmas so I am now down 4.6 pounds since I recommitted. Off to do 30 minutes of elliptical and then a 30 minute infra red…
  • I know this is all about me but I am excited. I am down 5 pounds today. I know it is all water weight but down is down! I had signed up to weight watchers on line but I cancelled. I find this site is the same if not better and free as well. Now only if I do not cave into temptation and go back to my old indulgent ways over…
  • if you need to visualize your accomplishment - just line up 15 pounds of butter and you will see how much you have lost, Keep up the good work. but I agree that you Re eTing too little. try one day to eat more And you should see a movement downwards. good luck
  • welcome. good challenge. I will join you on my eliptocal!