

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Wickedcricket you joined just by visiting, now come back again and tell us something about yourself and your goals. Welcome to Grumprs too.

    Beth535 I had a complete hysterectory at age 33 due to cervical cancer. Everything was removed and at age 33 I had instant menopause and because of the cancer I was not eligible for any of the hormone replacement therapies.

    I need to unbury my treadmill and get back using it. I'm very nervous of it since I had an accident on it and dislocated my shoulder and broke my upper arm. I was walking and mis-stepped on to the solid bit at the side that isn't moving and it was just enough to throw me off balance. I then spent several days in hospital waiting for surgery to put all the bits back together (Tuesday to Friday) all of which time I wasn't allowed anything to eat each day because 'You are going for surgery later".
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, Happy New Year to all - love the "holiWEEKEND" line haha that's adorable. Came across this topic this morning and thought I'd join in on the fun, it's good reading about what everyone does and how they feel about stuff, we're all kind of in the same boat with this aging deal and of course striving to stay active and be healthy -- yay for all of us! -- let's get out those oars and start paddling. "Heave ho and here we go", a friend just said that to me, perfect 2012 motto.

    I'm 57 and have come a million miles from where I was when I joined at the end of 2010, I've kept a little journal on my MFP blog this year -- I was in a horrible state of pain and basically forced myself into doing something about it. Long story short, a year later the sciatic nerve pain is GONE along with 50 pounds of flab. (Farewell o flab gosh it's great to know you're gone for good)

    I've gained so much strength from walking and stretching, and a ton of knowledge about nutrition. Of course last night I kept digging in the the dark choclate but that's ok once in awhile and it was probably better for me than cream puffs or decadent desserts like the choc mousse layer cake that I used to make on New Years Eve and yep, you got it, ate too much of. As in Way.

    I can actually bake a loaf of bread now and not eat half of it right when it comes out of the oven. Matter of fact that's on my agenda for today since the last loaf of bread I bought was stale so I'll turn it into bread crumbs. I do love to cook.

    Planning to lose another 15 lbs before summer, so every day from here on out is super important, and I mean for the rest of my life! Loving the way I feel now at 175 lbs. but I have these horrific haunches that need to dissipate. I swear I'm going to start jumping rope to see if I can bounce those chunks off my thighs.

    2nd thing on my agenda for today is to clean out the T-shirt & tank top drawer in my dresser. It's so full that I can't cram one more thing into it, and I haven't cleaned it out since last January, 50 lbs ago. Ya think there'll be some huge clothes in there? Oh boy, another big bag of stuff to donate. It's a good day to do that.

    A couple of pics here, celebrating 50 lost -- http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/422248-50-lbs-yay-big-diff-pics

    Thanks for getting this topic under way, sure is fun reading and writing. Happy Jan 1 !!

    jb xo
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Morning Everyone and Happy New Year to All!!

    Thanks for getting us going, Barbie! You must have known that many of us would be logging on right after our eyes opened this am. I don't usually sleep this late...but I didn't go to bed til 5am.:smile:

    Welcome to all the new girls! This is a great group for support. Ask any questions you like, vent, shout your successes. We do it all.

    I'll be taking my Christmas tree down today. :frown: I love having the tree up...so festive...but this means I can take my recumbent bike off of the treadmill. I have a small house and piling those two up was the only way to fit the tree. Now I can get back to my favorite exercises.:happy:

    I'll be adjusting my ticker to be accurate cause I think I put back a pound or 2. Gotta keep it real.

    Genealace...I love your thoughts on losing 1lb...then setting your sights to lose 1 more lb.

    Beth....Never worry about long posts...I read and enjoy every word!

    2011 was a good year. More ups than downs...YAAAY. I am very grateful. Here's to a successful, healthy, and happy 2012 for everyone.

  • Harmony14
    Happy 2012 to everyone.

    The scale today says I am now back at my original Dec 2011 mfp weigh-in which is positive as that means I have taken off the weight I gained from the emotional eating. :drinker:

    My elderly step father had surgery mid December however they found the cancer has spread to most of his major organs, so he is now home with my mother to spend whatever time he has until he must be moved into palliative care. It’s interesting to feel the mix of sadness that his life stage is where it is and also relief that there are finally answers. :huh:

    Unfortunately my dear widower friend hasn’t started to feel any relief from his latent grief so I will be working very hard these next few weeks to move to that place that allows me to grieve the loss of my relationship with him while hopefully keeping the emotional eating in check.

    Today and tomorrow will be spent going through the files, purging papers and shredding anything I don’t need to keep for taxes and such. Probably sounds less than inspired, but it always feels good to me to start off the new year that way.

    Barbie – thanks so much for starting the thread(s) and for the cute graphics

    Viv, Kathie, Pam, Beth, Jeannie – I’m with you there – consistency (and self care) can elude me as well. I’ve been great at cutting myself off from my feelings, so I am planning to spend more time checking in with what’s going on inside to see if I can pick up on the differences between those times I am doing great and other times when I experience that fizzle.

    Welcome Dominique, karmajules, dandelion. Wildtrip, pholbert, Decemberchild, kaz, wickedcricket, grumpers - I am really new to this thread and to mfp, and I am overwhelmed and so grateful for generosity of support that I have received in that brief time. Please know that you have found a wonderful group of people!!! :flowerforyou:

    Michele – where do you get the shiratake noodles from – I cannot find them for the life of me in western Canada and have wanted to try them out having heard the good results that people get eating them. I do hope everything goes well with your furry friend Bonnie.

    2011 has been year of much gained and some deep losses for me, and my goal is for 2012 is the same – although the gains will be love, joy, abundance and many many new friends and the losses will be pounds on the scale and inches around the middle :happy:

    To everyone --thank you for being here :heart: and I wish you all the best of everything you desire 2012 to bring into your lives. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    wow look at all the posts and all the newbies. Welcome to an awesome group of women. Got back last night from vacation. DH and I can't wait to go get Bodi from the Kennel. We have missed him soooo much. The greif of Kiera is settling down and we are looking forward to searching for a companion for the Bodster. We had a lovely trip and now it is time to start the new year and make some changes. The hypnosis we start next week will be a great start to new life style changes.

    Happy new year dear friends.

    Robin and the Bodi Boy from the great PNW
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Happy Healthy 2012 to everyone.
    Thanks again Barbie for keeping us going. You are awesome.
    Welcome to all the newcomers.
    Its a beautiful morning here in the PNW I'm going horseback riding.
    Goals for the year. Some form of exercise every day.
    Log my food daily. Don't scold myself for screwing up, because I'm not
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I see Robin and Joyce are in the PNW, same here, outskirts of Portland, OR. Lovely day today, isn't it!

    Off to hike in the woods with my dogs later but first will walk the track while the bread is rising.

    jb xo
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy New Year to you all!

    I won't try to reply to everyone but I sure enjoy reading your posts and appreciate the insights to your lives with all the joys and challenges. Thank you for sharing.

    I stayed up until about 12:01 last night, long enough to say Happy New Year to my boys. I have a bottle of Cava in the cooler but did not open it, mostly because I had already finished logging food & didn't have any slack in the count for booze! I considered having a glass and then counting it as part of today (the first) instead of yesterday, but that hinted at some really serious self-delusion, so I just went to bed instead. See what a good influence you all are on me? :wink:

    Pam, can you explain more about "cardio as antidepressant"? Did you switch from medication to exercise?

    What's a shiratake noodle?

    Put on my workout clothes as soon as I got out of bed, so no excuses today. The gym opens at noon, we'll be there.

    Hasta pronto,

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    A quick check-in to mark my spot. A good bit of this afternoon will be spent putting up the removable windows in our screened porch. It's going to freeze tomorrow night and I need a place for my tender plants to hide. I have a huge staghorn fern that's over 20 years old and some large orchid cactus plus other various tender plants. I was thinking we might not have to put up the windows this year but no such luck.

    I can surely identify with the starting out great and fizzling thing. I have been in the fizzle stage lately but it's going to change - one day at a time. :wink:

    I second the vote for black cohash for menopause symptoms. I used that and also a powdered drink mix that had a good bit of soy isoflavonoids. I got mine from GNC but they no longer make the one I used. Those two got me though with minimal problems. :smile:

    Talk to you all later!

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Hi, everyone and Happy New Year. I'm not quite 50 - will be in March though so I'll sneak in early.

    In many ways 2011 was a fabulous year. What I learned though: I used food to manage my anxiety and without the carb fixes my anxiety ran amok. Just started on anti-anxiety meds last week and am really hoping they won't cause me to put weight back on. Sigh. It's an imperfect world.

    2012 goal - to get these last 7 pounds off before my 50th birthday March 7. After that I might shoot for 164 which is a "normal" BMI for me, but I might not. 175 is the weight I've dreamed of achieving my entire adult life. This is the first time I've even made it under 225.
  • uts52
    uts52 Posts: 13
    I am a newbie to this site. My sons introduced me. i am also new to boards. I am happy to be here and make some friends and get support.
    happy new year to you all.
    I am grateful that i love to exercise but I also love to eat. I eat when ever there is food and when i am anxious.
    I exercise 7 days a wk- 2 days of wts, 2 of yoga and 3 of aerobics. My goal this yr is to run consistently 3 days a wk- just finished reading "run your butt off" Though I have run a marathon and several 1/2 marathons, I am very inconsistent.Like someone else wrote, exercise is my antidepressant and I just love the feeling I get after I exercise. just came back form a 6 mile run.

    Another goal: stop stewing over things. please god let me succeed in this.

    I am saying it loud. I need advise and help- I want to start a non profit that provides mental health counseling to children, especially ones without insurance. I don't know where to start or how to do, or whether it is doable. but that is one of my goals. let me see this post at the end of this yr.

    have the courage to invite the prayer group that i have been a part of for 5 yrs, to my house at least once this yr.I feel my diffident, thinking my house is not big or clean or messy etc etc
    Sorry for the long post. But these are my goals
  • Love2HikeMT
    Hi everyone and a Happy New Year to you all. I am a 68-year-old widow who lives in a very rural mountain area of Montana. Currently it is very icy out, therefore, I hesitate to go walking. But, I did purchase a recumbent stationary bicycle last year and am working out on it in the mornings along with some 8 lb free weights for my arms.

    Don't know if anyone else out there suffers from hypothyroidism, but I do (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). In addition, I had a total hysterectomy at age 27 and ever since then I've felt like a spayed dog! I want to remain self-sufficient and independent up to the end. That is my motivation to get my weight down and remain healthy. I have a large organic vegetable garden that I maintain all summer and enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, snowshoeing, and gardening.

    Luckily, I don't have a sweet tooth and I think I eat a healthy diet, but I do have a problem with weight. My German mother was a large, heavy woman and both my brother and sister are overweight. It is very frustrating when one is fighting genetics along with hypothyroidism. It is not always a simple thing of burning more calories than what you take in...

    I welcome any suggestions. Good luck to you all.
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    I'm coming back after a long absence. Hello again! I managed to keep most of my weight off, but I want to lose another 20-25 and stay in shape. I'm starting slow - 30 minutes minimum of exercise at least 4 times a week, and maximum of 1300 calories a day. Now that I'm 57, I'm feeling more discomfort in my joints, and exercise is essential for me to feel relatively pain free. I hope that this message board will hold me accountable, and help me stay on track.
  • mrshiskey
    Hello, I would love to be part of this...I am 55 years old, I joined in October, lost 7 lbs, then gained it back. I wasn't very good about posting all my foods. I take quite a bit of medications for cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. etc. Some of it may be genetic, but I would like to be off these meds. So.....after quite a big of reading, and some soul searching, I am going to try a vegan way of life. There are a lot of cookbooks out there, I've purchased 3 and I came across another last night, several recipes look yummy!!

    In 2010, I was walking 3.6 miles 5 days a week and completed a 1/2 marathon last April with a very sore foot. I took an extended break but now am ready to begin again tomorrow with the girls at 5am! Looking forward to it because, along with my friends on MFP, they are a great support system (one of which is my doctor, who got me started on the walking in the first place).

    Happy New Year, everyone!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @auntiebk....letting go, i need to incorporated that into my life as well...

    @kazisindahous...i agree with genealace....baby steps, master them and then now to the next goal...good luck

    @beth ...you are an inspiration...continued success

    @exermom...i ask my son and he mentioned he would not freeze the pie if at all possible(baking is a science and all that)he feels it might be soggy

    @jb_2011...congrats on your weight loss

    @harmony14,...i am sorry about your step dad

    @rjadams...happy to hear to enjoy your trip....

    @mazaron...i suffered a major depression about 10yrs ago, i was on meds and therapy...though i am not on meds and havent been for about 8yrs, i feel its the cardio that keeps the depression at bay, for me....

    @vypeters...WOW congrats on your weight loss and continued sucess

    went to the gym this morning did a spinning class and 30min on the bike, wasnt able to do yoga, no class today....off to watch some football....oh i will be making some quinoa(one of my sons really recommends it)i will let you all know tomorrow how it goes...
    have a great rest of the day:flowerforyou:
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Happy New Year all. :bigsmile:

    I didn't meet any of my goals in December and ended the year feeling dissappointed and somewhat depressed (a lot of stuff happening - and I may need to put my dog down in the next few days).

    I woke up this morning with a renewed determination to get healthy. One thing I did accomplish in December was to find out that I am going through peri-menopause. It explains a lot! So, like everything else in my life I'm researching the crap out of it and once I know all the whys and wherefores I'll be able to take it in stride and move forward. That's just the way I work.

    I ordered a dvd course called "The Myths of Nutrition and Fitness" which I wanted to start today - but apparently finding an unoccupied TV is going to be a challenge until my sons go back to school! (But I love having my oldest home from uni so I'm not complaining).

    I stepped on the scale this morning and adjusted my weight on here to show my GAIN over December. I'm not setting weight goals right now - but I measured myself this morning for the first time ever and I think I'm going to concentrate on getting the measurements down - my main goal though is simply to do an activity (walking, treadmill, stationery bike SOMETHING) for 30 mins 7 days a week.

    I wish you all a great day - give yourselves a pat on the back from me! :laugh:

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Happy New Year to Everyone. Just think, it is like we have a blank page to start over and for that I am glad.

    I managed to lose and keep off just over 11 lbs in 2011, so for that I am glad :smile:

    I found this thread and have met so many of you wonferful Ladies and for that, I am truly grateful; your advice and support over the past year has been immeasurable :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, thank you again, for getting us here, we would be lost without you :heart:

    Michele - You were asking about my weight, at my highest weight, I was at 226 and that was in 2005 and at 5 ft tall, you can imagine how heavy I was. The picture that is here, was when I lost the weight for my oldest son getting married in 2005, although this was taken a year later, and I weighed about 142 and that has been the lowest I have gotten to in my adult life and I need to lose 11 more lbsnow to get back to that weight. I had re-gained 24 lbs but managed to get 13 off so far. But, so far, I have managed to keep the bulk of the weight off for all these years, which has been good.

    There are so many newcomers here, let me tell you, you will enjoy the thread here, there is lots of support here and so many supportive women here and so much advice to be gotten that can help you in any situation; any problem you have just ask away and you will get lost of help from lots of the people here.

    My goal is to try and lose these 11 lbs for our cruise which is in March. My DH and I are headed on a Western Caribbean cruise for a week and I would love to lose the weight by then (so if I gain on the cruise I can lose when I get back !! ha ha). This was our Christmas gift to each other, although my hubby bought me gifts as well, when he was not supposed to!! ha ha

    Anyway, my Friends, I better go. I have house cleaning to do, my son who was posted away with the Canadian Forces and who went to Florida with my DIL and granddaughter for Christmas is coming tomorrow for a couple days, so I have bedding to change and so on. So, I better get to it but I wanted to check in and say hi for the New Year.

    Take care, My Friends,

    Love, Cathy xx
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Wow.... we're off and running!! Happy New Year to everyone .... all the new comers....welcome.... this thread has been a huge part of my life for the past 3 months and is so very inspirational when I'm flagging, supportive when I'm down, interesting when I'm bored and really just a wonderful thing to be a part of..... so a huge big thankyou and a hug to Barbie for getting us going every month:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I love your thoughts Barbara.... "letting go", "people pleasing"..... I can relate to all of that so I too am going to let go of the feeling that I have to respond to all .... this has actually held me back from posting a lot in the past as I get so overwhelmed by all the names and want to reply to everyone but then it is just too hard so I don't post anything even though I always read it.... so a new goal for me is to post more regularly to all my lovely friends here.

    I'm having a bit of a slow start to my weight loss efforts ..... like most of us I have great intentions for the new year.... but then one more dinner out, or friends coming to stay (tonight)... a 4 day tropical island holiday coming up in a weeks time (can I just live on fruit and champagne for 4 days??)....

    I have made some really positive changes since starting here though.... I am almost able to call myself a runner.... from struggling to run for 30 seconds only a couple of months ago I can now run for 25 minutes without a stop (3.2km).... my goal is to keep this up and to improve how long I can run for and eventually to be able to run 5km.... as I write this I am giving myself a pat on the back!

    But for now I need to just watch those calories.... I have succumbed to too many treats this past week.... left over ice cream, mince pies, shortbread my brother made, left over lindt chocolate balls (do these multiply around the house??)....I like the comment someone made about restricting treats to once a week..... I might try to only have treats, including alcohol, on weekends for a while and then working hard during the week should be easier.

    Another comment which I connected with was the one about not stewing over things.... that's me.... I am often accused (by DH) of over thinking things.... about my son's not so great girlfriend, about all the things I need to do around the house, all the things I need to do everywhere, friends, etc, etc..... so another goal is to let go of that stuff as well.

    Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful 2012..... lets all get fitter and lighter both physically and mentally:drinker: :drinker:

    :heart: Lisa:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am so excited to see so many new faces and so many familiar faces on this thread already today. :bigsmile: We are all on the same path together and we can encourage each other along the way.

    :flowerforyou: when I started MFP in February 2009 I was a veteran of one successful weight loss journey (in the 1970's) and many dismal failures. My greatest success had been that thanks to walking and eating mostly healthy foods, I had kept my weight no higher than the 180's. The first thing I did was to plan my meals for the day and stick to the plan no matter what which included refusing any food that was offered to me no matter how tempting the food or how loving the motives of the person offering me the food. It wasn't until I was able to do that successfully for a few weeks that I made changes in what I ate and in how many calories I was consuming. Taking baby steps was important...........trying to change too many things too fast is a recipe for failure. I started reading a lot about nutrition and read all the posts on this thread to learn what other women were doing successfully (and not so successfully) to help me decide how I might change my habits.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I am marking my spot. Just got back from a trip to join my son and his family at a chalet they rented in Vermont. I am afraid to get on the scales. will do it tomorrow. my resolution is to not give up and to forgive myself. I did not gain this weight in a month so it won't go off over night. going to weigh myself and start fresh tomorrow! May this be the best year of our lives!