

  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    I am so glad, we didn't get it yet. I am in Minnesota & so far very little snow, but today is very cold. Maybe the high of 1 degree.
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Wow, so many posts again!!

    My best friend/step sister came last night to spend the night and it was so nice to see her; we can just gab for hours :happy:

    Laura - my brother, who has now passed away, but he had Meniere's most of his life. I hope you feel better :flowerforyou:

    Virginia - good on you for making your appointment for your Glamour Shot, Please post it here when you have it done, we would love to see it :love:

    MacMadame - hope your funk lifts. Have you ever asked the doctor if you suffer from SAD (the seasonal winter disorder)?

    Desiree - sure looks like you are doing a lot of walking, good for you :wink:

    genealace - first off, I hope your DBF is okay; then secondly I am glad you have your furnace repaired and I hope it stays that way :smile:

    Pam - I use your idea of using the feather notes to keep the notes and it has been amazing :drinker:

    Lisa - sounds like you should enjoy the quiet time in the house while you can :wink:

    barbiecat - I loved your post about the shovels, hoever, I am not so noble and I will continue to let hubby to the shovelling and I promise not to fight him at all :laugh:

    Michle - I am glad that Loki seems better :smile:

    BirdieM - so glad to see you :flowerforyou:

    shmogo9 - the initials that I know are as follows and can be used either way: Dear/Darn Best Friend or Dear/Darn Husband - this all depends on how the user was using it in the post :laugh: SIL/DIL can be sister/son in law and daugther in law. BIL - brother in law. Anything you want to know, just ask :wink:

    Anyway, we finally did get snow today, not a huge amount, just enough to make the roads nasty to commute home, which took forever :grumble:

    Take care, My Friends.

    Talk to you later,

    Love, Cathy xx
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Just a quick check in tonight. I am on the mend. Today was better but after I attended a school meeting on one of my tutoring students and did a shopping run with my husband, I was beat. Enjoyed my first day on Cycle 2 of 17 day diet ( a couple of new starches added)....but I did not get to the gym. Tomorrow I have a bone density test again and I am planning on the gym!

    Night All!
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Can't cheer the rain too much myself today. I was called home from work at 9:30 to hold back water from coming into our house while DH set up garden hoses from the dry well to drain off the overflow. After 8 hoses and 2 sump pumps at 11am we took a break as the rain had diminished. By 12 after changing to dry clothes and eating a quick lunch I was about to return to the office. Instead, the rain returned and I spent another 2 hours sweeping away water while DH went out to get another pump and came back and installed it. Burned those calories:grumble: Gonna be sore tomorrow.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    MacMadame - hope your funk lifts. Have you ever asked the doctor if you suffer from SAD (the seasonal winter disorder)?
    I'm in a funk because I have post-concussion syndrome.

    ETA well I'm in a funk because having post-concussion syndrome means I can't do certain things and that's frustrating. So it's not a direct symptom but an indirect one.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Tried Volume II of Sweatin' to the Oldies today and thought I'd give you a report - it was loads of fun but he makes you do crunches!!! My abs are telling me to do the original tomorrow and give them a day before I try it again.

    I give the second volume :drinker: :drinker: Two thumbs up.

    I do find that these DVDs motivate me to want to exercise. That alone was worth the price of the set.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I'm excited but kind of anxious about starting Zumba tomorrow..going to try to get there a little early so I can talk to the instrsuctor before class. I think it's fun to do I am just worried about keeping up, I guess it will depend on the ages of the others in the class.
    Will be back after tomorrow to give you a report on how I did and if this is something I can continue to do...sure hope so.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    Well, today STARTED out decent. Then Loki had another seizure. We took him to the vet, they drew blood and took a urine sample. I must admit, I'm worried that it's something serious (guess that's the mother in me who jumps to the worst case scenario). Anyway, I've been stress eating BIG TIME. Gotta get this under control. I probably will once Jessica gets here tonight and I have something else to concentrate on. So I'm not even going to bother to log food for the rest of the day.

    On the plus side, tho, I did do an hour DVD of LaLoFit (weights). Tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT -- haven't done that in a while

    jb - see, I have the abridged version on my iPod. That's probably why I didn't know about the mushrooms. Thanks for telling me, I always wondered why he would say that they aren't good for you.

    Virginia - when we do the deep water, most of the class is aerobic (bicycling, jogging, crawling on top of the water, that sort of thing). At the end of the class we do a bit of stretching. I take the class in the deep water, there's zero impact, I find I workout harder in the deep end. I would guess that the temp. in the deep end is probably about 1 degree cooler than in the shallow end.

    benj - we very rarely get snow where we are (NC), and when we do, it's usually gone by the next day. If it gets cold enough to freeze the roads, by the afternoon its warmed up enough that the roads aren't frozen any more. Thanks for thinking of this, tho. We'll just wait to hear from the vet.

    Laura - I get bored so easily that I need to mix up my exercises or I'll just get to the point that I don't want to do them anymore. They had this yoga class that I would take before the deep water, the time of the classes just worked out well. anyway, now they have a different teacher. I went three times (and I only go once/week), but every time it was the exact same routine in the same order, I got so bored after just going three times that I haven't been back again. I know some people like the same thing, they like knowing what's coming next. I don't, but that's just me. I really do need more yoga, now I just gotta think about where I can fit some in (maybe before a class that starts a bit later in the morning?), I got some DVD's that I'll use. One of the advantages of a DVD is that you can do lots of different ones. Of course, the disadvantage is that each instructor calls an exercise by a different name, so you have to look to see what they're doing.

    Mary - you are so right -- DH is dear (or d*** as the case may be) husband, DBF dear boyfriend, etc.

    Well, we just came back from dinner. Not that we eat out often. I tell you, I'm worried about Loki, and turning to comfort food. I had 4 slices of pizza. Now I feel so "yuk" that it isn't even funny. Actually, I probably wouldn't have had that last piece of pizza, only I didn't want to have to bring it home and have one more thing in the refrigerator for me to yearn for. Well, I feel so bad right now that I'm done with the "comfort food" comforting. Done and over with. No more. Did I say it enough? I DON'T WANT ANY MORE!

    All you people who have snow....you can keep it! I do like the change of seasons, but how I remember having to worry about snow covered streets. I remember when the kids were little and we lived in the Poconos, we actually bought a freezer mainly because I didn't want to have to dress the kids and go out in the snow just to buy meat for dinner.

    I'm still worried, so going to try to get things ready for tomorrow and watch some TV. Hopefully, that'll calm me down some.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    It was absolutely gorgeous here today!! 73 degrees and not a cloud in the sky; very little wind too! I feel spring fever coming on!!

    Went for a long walk: 60 mins, 3.5 miles -- Runkeeper said I burned 425 calories. I think I may have burned more than that -- my nose and cheeks are a little pink this evening :blushing: lol.

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    good morining girls,

    the last few days have been a struggle, havent logged all the foods i eat, workouts are suffering as well, fun but i can pin point this to monday when someone mentioned that i looked thinner to them....i know this sounds strange, but i find that i sabotage myself often, ...why i dont know, .dont i want to succeed and lose weight????why last night i beat myself enough, off to the gym(spinning and weight training)already logged my bfast and lunch, and planning dinner....WILL DO WELL TODAY...its a new day...thanks for listening....have a lovely day:flowerforyou:

    Sabotage.... my old friend.... why do we resort to this so often?? I often do it if I have lost a bit of weight and start feeling really good and my clothes start getting loose..... I think I am getting a bit better now that I am losing so slowly.... perhaps it takes longer for the brain to adjust if you lose weight quickly and things just don't feel "right" so we go back to our old ways.... I do think logging really makes such a difference though.... good luck!!

    :heart: Lisa
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Well today was a bad day, I had nothing in house for breakfast and lunch, so I stopped at a local place and got breakfast, had planned on leaving work at lunch run to bank and pick up something, but today was one of those days. I didn't get to leave and the only choice at work was a bagel so I ate half. Had a massage tonite and still nothing healthy in the house, oh well tomorrow is another better day.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm not doing well with exercise these days....diet isn't too bad although I haven't been logging. I've been so busy at work that when I get home, the last thing I want to do is be on my computer! I've been staying late at work...and driving right past the gym on my way home. At least I know that this chaos doesn't last forever!

    I think about you all often!
    Talk to you all soon....I hope!

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Sorry to hear about the water. The folks south of Portland got so much rain. Starting to remind me of 2006
    That is the problem with all that snow then rain.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: more snow today----the beautiful powdery stuff
    walked the dogs in the meadow at 6 AM, then had breakfast and walked both dogs around the neighborhood mostly in the snowy open areas for two hours:bigsmile: they would have walked longer :laugh: :laugh: we went to town again to buy Jake a pair of boots like mine so his feet will stay dry, then went to Big Five and bought ankle weights, the kind that you can add and subtract weights for different exercises.,:laugh: after lunch and an hour's work on financial papers, I took the dogs for another 45 minute walk and we all came home and collapsed before supper.....the evening has been spent watching TV and trying out the new ankle weights :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Had some blood work done tonight and - for the first time in three years - my protein levels were NORMAL!!

    The rest of my labs looked pretty good as well. So no idea why I had such horrible gut pain but it's looking more and more like its something I'm eating.
  • scompton54
    Greetings All

    TGIF! It's been a long week and I haven't been doing so well on the eating front the last couple of days. I teach Hospitality Services at a high school and it's practical exam time so there's a lot of tasting going on. On Wednesday night, we held our end of term Culinary and Visual Art Show which is a way for the kids to showcase their work.....the appetizers and finger foods were delicious but teenagers are not usually thinking low cal when they pick their foods. Also, my son who is staying with me this month and I are preparing a Montreal Smoked Meat brisket for a party he is hosting tomorrow night. I hope those guys eat lots so we don't have a lot of left overs!

    On the up side, I did a re-measure and have lost 2" each off my belly and bust and 1" off my hips. The exercise is certainly paying off even though I probably won't lose any weight this week.

    I think the hardest thing for all of us is to stay motivated especially when the weight loss is slow. I am finding MFP so helpful in that regard. Thank you.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Had some blood work done tonight and - for the first time in three years - my protein levels were NORMAL!!

    The rest of my labs looked pretty good as well. So no idea why I had such horrible gut pain but it's looking more and more like its something I'm eating.

    wonderful news on your lab work...sorry about the pain....:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Well, we just came back from dinner. Not that we eat out often. I tell you, I'm worried about Loki, and turning to comfort food. I had 4 slices of pizza. Now I feel so "yuk" that it isn't even funny. Actually, I probably wouldn't have had that last piece of pizza, only I didn't want to have to bring it home and have one more thing in the refrigerator for me to yearn for. Well, I feel so bad right now that I'm done with the "comfort food" comforting. Done and over with. No more. Did I say it enough? I DON'T WANT ANY MORE


    sorry michele about loki...hope the vet gets back to you soon with a good report.....FOOD IS MY COMFORT as well, unfortunitly.....but that was yesterday and today is a new day....be well
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all.

    well i woke up with a headache, yesterday it was a little of a nag, today its a headache, so i am doing stuff around the house and will go to the gym just to ride the bike, but no spinning....tomorrow my sons and some family are coming over to play MEXICAN TRAIN...i love to play....i plan on making some turkey meatball, so we can have them as sliders or a few on a plate(for those that dont want bread), maybe a salad, and some chip(very informal)i will make a dulce de leche cake for my BIL, since his birthday is on tuesday...have a wonderful day, talk later:flowerforyou:

    @rita.....have you tried the app for the phone so you log your foods...just a thought

    @laura...i hope you feel better soon, ...a friend of a friend also has meinier and the poor thing has a rough time of it....