

  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    I am going to have to take notes when reading posts!!:laugh:

    I would like to say I really love this group. Don't have enough time these days to write too much..up at 4, get me and son lunches for work
    (he's 20 :grumble:), fix me and said son breakfast, out the door at 6, gym at 7, work out till 8, shower and get to work by 9, work until 5, drive home,( an hour commute) fix dinner, try to spend time with hubby, clean up. By 8-9 pm I am done.
    But, my life is good. DH is still with me after a diagnosis of colon cancer stage IV, 3 years and one month ago. Still in treatment, every scan a nail biter, but right now, no evidence of disease. I am taking this break with those wonderful words, and getting myself healthier.
    I got to...I can't afford to be sick and not be able to take care of DH.

    Rain and cool here in AL. Will clear out and get cold tomorrow. Ahhhhh...winters in the south.

    Y'all enjoy your evening. I'm going to eat! Salmon, greek orzo salad and spinach with cheese.

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Seems like several of us a "in a funk" right now -- I've felt the same way the last few days.

    After letting life get in my way last week (and gaining 2 lbs) I was really ready to jump right back on the wagon this week -- or thought I was. But this is 2 days so far that I've tried to start fresh in the morning and get lost somewhere during the day. The major problem is not getting back to the exercising.

    I can think of a million excuses -- but I'm sitting here watching Biggest Loser and listening to them talk about "no more excuses" -- and I know that's all they are, just excuses.

    Thanks to the person who posted about the Salad Sistas (sorry I didn't write the name down as I was reading, then forgot :frown: ). I've thought about joining in a couple of times. Everytime I think about having a salad for lunch, the weather changes. Yesterday, it was 72 here -- today it was 48. Soup sounded SO much better than a salad! lol
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Here's one for the salad sistas.... my lunch today: a bowl of spinach leaves, left over beetroot salad (raw beetroot, apple, carrot, coriander all chopped finely), left over rare roast beef chunks, olives, bocconcini, cherry tomatoes, a dash of caramelised balsamic vinegar and sprinkled with toasted chilli sesame seeds.... yum!... oh and a side ball of left over potato bake heated up... just a small bowl!

    Nice to here so many of you relate to the 20 y/o son issues... and great to hear that he might grow up one day.... I do actually have faith that he will come out of this period ....and hopefully ditch the girlfriend (gosh that sounds awful, but that's how I feel... but I haven't let him know that's how I feel).

    my salad awaits.... :heart:
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    nice photos. where are you? looks like New England or Minnasota or Wisconsin or........ I have a hard time walking let alone going out in the cold and snow to walk. Kudos to you.:flowerforyou:
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I was away, visiting my daugher and her family for a few days, so I am way behind on reading the posts! My grandson is 8 and a half months old and a joy to spend time with! Food and exercise were not on my radar for those days, but I am back at it again. Hope that you all have a great Wednesday!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Furnace wars were not over when the engineer left late morning. About 4:30 it started playing up again, so I called back to the company - the 'after hours' engineer turned up and did more work on it - one of the drive belts was too tight and was stopping the motor from pulling it. It has been ok all evening.

    DBF managed to borrow the phone of the person in the next bed and call me just before 6. He sounded quite chirpy and said that he'd heard that the weather wasn't very good as several of the nurses had left early to get home before it was worse, so he didn't expect me to go (thank goodness). At that point I was still waiting for the furnace to be fixed and it was after visiting hours by the time the engineer left.

    I'll go and see him tomorrow. I spoke to his 2 sons and told them what I knew. I hope that one who only lives about 5 minutes away from the hospital made an effort and went to see his dad, but I'm not holding my breath and it was a really bad night. The snow that was on my front path from earlier in the day, has all gone, and the path is shining with ice from the freezing rain.

    So off to bed.....
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    I have trouble finding this thread.. After the first 20 pages who do you go directly here? What I did tonight was went to bottom of page 20 and click on "continue from" found nine pages of blogs to read.

    After the first week this year, I seem to be doing something right. Glad to read so many losses for January.
    Keep up the good work.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    Did my weigh in this morning after the first 17 days on The 17 Day Diet...lost 6 pounds total! (almost 4 were "holiday gain", but I'm thrilled as I normally lose SOSSSSSOOOOOOOOO S-L-O-W-L-Y). Today I got to add my oatmeal back for breakfast, which tasted so yummy, I could hardly believe it! Now I alternate a day with a little complex carb and a day without for 17 days. The idea is to keep the body guessing to prevent plateaus. We shall see:bigsmile: Anyway, the first 17 days were easy and I feel great!

    Angela: You certainly have long days! I admire you for also making such a yummy dinner after such a long day. Salmon and greek orzo with spinach sounds wonderful:flowerforyou:

    YellowRose: Sorry you are in a funk! SuzyQ has a great quote on her signature, or did, about motivation that I read when I feel like that. Something along the lines of motivation being a trap. Just DO the thing you are trying to do and the motivation will come later. Good luck and never, ever give up!

    Lisa: Your Beetroot salad sounds delicious! Do you add anything to the beets, apples, carrots & corriandor like vinegar, olive oil or just plain? I would love to try it!

    Deb_rn: Glad you are back. It's hard to stay on track while away, I find

    genealace: Hope your furnace is finally fixed and that the weather improves enough to travel where you want to go!

    Susan0816: Glad you found us again!

    Pam: Good for you for roasting vegetables. You reminded me to go roast a few pans to keep during the week. I love to have them leftover for omelets and other meals!

    Virginia: Good for you for cranking up "the Oldies". I have just been using exercise DVDs for the past couple of years and find them so good for days I don't want to go for my usual walk. And I am glad you asked about quinoa recipes...I have wanted some too. I just bought some but haven't made anything with it yet.

    jb_2011: Congratulations on your loss. And Thanks for your link to the quinoa recipe...sounds good. Also love your "Eat less Move more" comment. It really is that simple!!!!!!! Now, to do it every day............:tongue:

    Just2Jean: I enjoyed reading about your walk/run experience. I have been doing the same thing for the past few months and have made it to running 20 minutes at one time. I can't do it every time I try though. I have found that I do best when I try it after a day of only walking and not pushing myself. I now use a heart rate monitor and that has helped me see that I need to work out at a lower intensity on the day before I want to "run".

    SuzyQ: What are you remodeling these days? Any project like that keeps me from doing almost anything else! Good luck!

    Mary: I have an image of your 6 year old GS sitting on the 3 year old's head...in church!!!!!!! BOYS!!!

    Jeanne: Hope that your DS is doing better!

    Cindy(luckygirl): OUCH!!!!!!! A broken knee cap sounds dreadful! Take care:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: You are one busy girl! I don't know how you find the time to cook as much as you do too!

    JaneMartin: Let us know about your MRI. I know you are anxious to get all of that taken care of!

    OKAY: I need to go find one of my DVDs and get my exercise in. It is raining out, which we really need. I planted 3 camellias inside my newly fenced area yesterday, so I am happy for the rain! We have one couple coming in tomorrow and 2 more on Friday for the weekend, so I need to spend the afternoon making a big pot of chili and some other things like that for a large group! I ordered some desserts from our local little bakery so that I won't be tempted by making them and will serve some berries with a bit of drizzled chocolate for Friday night's meal. (The "bars" will be for Saturday evening's oyster Roast when I'll have 18 people here.)

    WHERE IS MIMI??????????

    Have a good day and take care:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    G'Morning all, happy hump day.

    It seems like a good day to re-read some of the info I've read about the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids. Thought I may as well write it out here in case some of you were interested. I'm reading "Eating Well For Optimum Health" by Andrew Weil, M.D.

    The idea is to increase intake of foods rich in Omega-3s for protecting the nervous system and promoting mental health. When I originally learned of this I thought wow, there's actually help out there? And just from eating certain foods? Cool beans. I knew I needed some kind of help with keeping myself as happy as possible through this weight loss journey. When depression creeps in I get into big trouble in the eating department.

    Anyway, I've been keeping up with Omega-3s by adding walnuts, ground flaxseed and fish oil on a daily basis, and I try to get over 4000mg of potassium every day which is another nutrient that helps us feel good. I HAVE to feel good. I'm too suseptible to "fall-down-go-boom" in my head if you know what I mean. I've noticed that my outlook has been super-positive overall since including these two important nutrients over the last 8 months or so.

    Here's a list of Omega-3 foods from the book " Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Health" by Barbara Rowe and Lisa Davis. The authors state "There is no set recommended daily allowance (RDA) for the intake of omega-3 fatty acids. There is some consensus, however, that an acceptable intake of omega-3s should be between 1 and 2 grams per day."

    Food Item followed by Omega-3 content in grams. (((Check out the level in walnuts!!)))

    Fish/Seafood (4 ounces)
    Mackerel 2.2
    Sardines 1.8
    Herring 1.4
    Salmon 1.7
    Swordfish 1.7
    Bluefish 1.7
    Cod 0.6
    Crab, soft shell 0.6
    Scallops 0.5
    Tuna (canned in water) 0.3
    Lobster 0.1

    Nuts/Seeds (1 ounce)
    Flaxseeds 1.8
    Walnuts (14 halves) 2.6
    Pecans 0.3

    Grains/Beans (1/2 cup)
    Soybeans, cooked 0.5
    Tofu 0.4

    Greens (1/2 cup cooked)
    Spinach 0.1
    Kale 0.1
    Collard Greens 0.1

    Oils (1 tablespoon)
    Flaxseed oil 6.9
    Canola oil 1.3
    Walnut oil 1.4
    Olive oil 0.1

    Note: I've read somewhere that we shouldn't take flaxseed oil since it's unstable, but should eat fresh-ground flaxseed instead. I'll have to research that a bit more.

    Salad Sistas did great yesterday! Loved reading about yours, Lisa. Mmmm love beetroot, I canned some last summer and might have to pop open a jar today. I know they're better fresh.....:tongue: .....will have to pick some up along with some fresh swiss chard -- a big potassium food. Here's a link to info on potassium and a great chart showing potassium levels in food>>> http://www.krispin.com/potassm.html

    Enjoy your day! :drinker:
    :^) jb
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Susan 0816, I used to have problems finding this thread until I discovered the "My Topics" in the header at the top of the message board page....After you click Community at the top of the page, the message board page will appear, then click on MY TOPICS and the topics you have posted in will come up and you just click our thread.

    My first time back at the gym was fun yesterday, not so much today...I am pretty sore but will do a little stretching later to see if I can work out some of the soreness. While we were at he gym I asked about Zumba and found out they now have a Friday morning class. The class is smaller than the evening classes and so think we are going to give it a try. Not sure how advanced it will be but I love how it keeps you moving all parts of your body and I really felt good when I was doing it when we were on the ship.

    There are so many of us on here now it's hard to keep up and remember what is what...but I try.

    I was also impressed with the "no excuses" line of thought that The Biggest Loser has embraced, I know that I will make excuses for eating the wrong things, for not exercising and yadda yadda yadda, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, it is all about what I really want and no one can do it for me. No More Excuses!

    Have a great hump day ladies!:flowerforyou: xoSissy
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Morning Ladies:

    Happy Hump Day!!! My bosses are not coming in today, one of them is having a birthday (they are husband and wife) so they are taking the day off!! Must be nice, right :smile:

    Robin - that was a lovely poem/story that you had posted about pets :smile:

    msh0530 - I laughed when I read about your grandkids in church :laugh:

    barbiecat - the pictures you put in were lovely. I always think snow on trees looks so beautiful but I just hate commuting in it, however (touch wood) this winter here, has been hardly any snow at all :happy:

    Michele - I hope your Loki is okay. Did you get find out what was wrong yet :sick:

    Lisa - I hope you can get your household straightened out. Sounds like you need a meeting of the minds, where you need to sit everyone down and set down some ground rules for everyone, while they are there. In the meantime, how frustrating for you :grumble:

    genealace - wow, you sure are getting dumped on with the snow, but I am glad your DBF is doign well :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - what a romantic hubby you have :blushing:

    chiclet - I agree, some men are just plain *kitten* and I could use stronge language but don't want to offend :laugh: I think I used to be married to #1 *kitten*, in fact until I got a brain in my head and grabbed my 3 babies and left him (OMG that was almost 30 years ago, where the heck does the time go????) :noway: :noway:

    Well, Ladies, I hope you all have a great day. I have my best friend/step sister coming for a visit tonight to stay overnight; she has a doctor appt in Toronto and since she lives about 2 1/2 hrs outside the city, she is going to come and stay the night with us and we will have dinner (yes, I will stay on plan :wink: ) and then she will leave early in the morning to get to her appointment. I always enjoy time with her though, we have been best friends since we were toddlers (and long before we become step sisters), so we always have a good time together. We still email each other almost every day too :smile:

    Anyway, gotta run, so talk to you later.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Kackie - The last that we heard, Mimi was away taking care of her father after surgery. Wish she would come back.

    I did it! I had my first detention free day yesterday since the beginning of October, and I made it to the pool to swim! Several times during the day I realized that it would be easy to make excuses (I had an appointment right after school, I was also to go to a town 25 miles away with my husband and daughter during the evening to get new phones for them, and on and on), but knew that it was actually possible to get there if I just kept moving at 100 mph. Sometimes I think that getting to that first day of working out is a lot harder than the actual workout! Anyway, I did it. The first 5 or 6 laps I thought that my legs would give out from tiredness, but pushed through, and swam just over 1/3 mile. I am not scheduled to go on Wednesdays, due to church (my workout today is leading singing with 3 to 8 year olds and directing an adult bell choir), but need to not allow any excuses and make it back to the pool tomorrow. I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I CAN!

    Happy Wednesday to all! Mary
  • luckygirl007
    luckygirl007 Posts: 68 Member
    Barbie,thanks for the pics.
    Cindy,I feel for you.I love to walk and swim.I had an accident and injured my back in Sept.Dr is sending me for an MRI of the left knee as it has been bothering me since the fall.Can`t walk without pain.Not getting better.So Mri is set for sat.
    Last year I had arthoscopic surgery on my rt knee.
    When I can`t exercise,I have been watching my calories.
    We had rain this am not snow flurries.Gonna get cold in the next few days.temps in the teens.Winter is here for us now.We had had close to 50 last week.
    Everyone enjoy your day!
  • luckygirl007
    luckygirl007 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you Jane, I feel your pain. I will be saying a little prayer for your full recovery. People just take that ole knee for granted until you can't use it. It has certainly taught me perserverance!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Another snowy day in Washington. Working virtually again but so is eveyone else at Boeing so the system is overloaded and I got kicked out. the snow is deeper than Ritter so he isn't so sure he likes it now. :laugh: Bodi on the other hand is in heaven.
    this was on Saturday when it was light snow.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glad for a hump day!

    Just popping in to say Hi:flowerforyou: came in late to work, had to have hubby bring me as my Meniere's is acting up. Felt it coming on last night and was hoping I would be able to sleep it away, but after running into the wall in the middle of the night going to the restroom and then almost falling off the toilet I knew it was going to be with me this am. Because of the quarterly taxes that I have to get done and the audit I have next week I can't stay home....so will see how long I last. As long as I am still and not moving my head I'm okay, and it's a false feeling that I'm really fine, because as soon as I start to move I'm so dizzy that I look and feel drunk, to say nothing of the upset stomach it causes:sick:

    Everyone have a good day, I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.


    Amanda the ring sounds wonderful:love:
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Bump so I can find you again when I'm not @ work!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Good morning all! Hope everyone is thriving today.

    I did my "Sweatin' to the Oldies" again last night. I think I've finally mastered the moves on Volume 1 - I no longer zig when they're zagging - so tonight I plan to try Volume 2. I'll alternate that and Volume 1 until I've learned Volume 2, then cycle in Volume 3, then Volume 4. There is a Volume 5, I've learned, but it didn't come in my set.

    I've decided to have a Glamour Shots portrait session done once I lose the last 2 lbs. None of the sexy poses (I have the skin of a sharpei at this point), just the hair and make-up and something pretty. It'll be my treat to myself to celebrate. And it gives me an excuse to go out and buy a cute outfit!

    jb_2011 - Yay! for the scale heading in the right direction. Sounds like you're doing great! And thanks for the Omega 3 info. If you have any good lists of potassium rich foods I'd love to hear them, as that's where I struggle.

    MacMadame - {{Hugs}} Hope the funk lifts a little. Not being able to exercise is a stinker.

    Barbiecat - Oooh, pretty! I love snow, but only when I can be inside looking out at it. Out in it, not so much.

    Mukamom - On replying without taking notes. Just right-click the green Reply button and choose "Open in new tab". Now you can switch back and forth between the comments in one tab and your reply in the other.

    Kackie - 6 pounds in 17 days? Woohoo!!

    Lisa - I think Cathy has it right: a meeting of the minds to set some ground rules might be just the thing. Either way, {hugs} and hope the situation improves.

    msh0530 - so glad you're starting to be able to get your swim in. Keep it up!

    Happy Wednesday all, and thanks for this group!

  • kleinbuenstorf
    Happy Hump Day, everyone !!:laugh:

    Did my 5 miles this morning, but it was really hard !!:tongue: Some days are like that, probably hormonal because I also have cravings and I sleep poorly !! :grumble: Oh, well, this will pass, too !!!! :laugh:

    Angela - I'm taking notes, too !! :laugh: I can't keep up otherwise !! You sure have a busy schedule !! Stay healthy !! :flowerforyou:
    Yellorose - I know what you mean !! I felt a bit in a funk, too !! :grumble: Maybe it's the up and down weather ??!! We live in the
    same neck of the wood - Ft. Worth !!! :laugh:
    Kackie - Congrats on your weight loss !!! :smile: Keep up the great work!!
    jb - thanks for the great info!! :flowerforyou:
    Cathy - Hope you have a wonderful time with your best friend !! :happy:
    Mary - YES YOU CAN !! :laugh:

    Well, time to make some lunch. Today it will be chicken with onions, cauliflower, peas and tomatoes. It's a new spanish recipe and I'm looking forward to tasting it !! And yes, last night I had a big Greek salad !!!:laugh:

    Have a great day, :flowerforyou:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    I did it! I had my first detention free day yesterday since the beginning of October, and I made it to the pool to swim! Several times during the day I realized that it would be easy to make excuses (I had an appointment right after school, I was also to go to a town 25 miles away with my husband and daughter during the evening to get new phones for them, and on and on), but knew that it was actually possible to get there if I just kept moving at 100 mph. Sometimes I think that getting to that first day of working out is a lot harder than the actual workout! Anyway, I did it. The first 5 or 6 laps I thought that my legs would give out from tiredness, but pushed through, and swam just over 1/3 mile. I am not scheduled to go on Wednesdays, due to church (my workout today is leading singing with 3 to 8 year olds and directing an adult bell choir), but need to not allow any excuses and make it back to the pool tomorrow. I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I CAN!

    Happy Wednesday to all! Mary

    This is my first post on this board! I'll be 60 in April and I finally got sick and tired of yo yo dieting, of being flabby and not being able to pick up my motorcycle!! So I found MFP and I'm so loving the positivie effects!

    Matry, thanks for the motivation! I so agree with you, that first day is really the hardest. My resolution is to get back to the gym on a regular basis. I've committed to every Wednesday right after work (yes, today!) and I've been successful thus far. I am also adding either a Monday morning or Friday morning and eventually both, since those 3 times are when the female trainer is there. She's great, young but motivating and she's going to help me get fit again and stay on track.