

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    marking my spot so I can read posts and catch up with you all. I have been AWOL for a couple of months and I need to connect again and get back on track.
    I have had 3 very close friends diagnosed with serious illnesses and I have been helping where I can.
    Please help me climb back on the wagon.

    peggy sorry about your friends....please give yourself some time as well....we are here:flowerforyou:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Hey ladies, can I experiment on you with my photo posting? If this works, here are my before and about 15 lbs ago pictures. Drum roll please.


    Woohoo! Success!
    Awesome, you look absolutely fabulous.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I agree the photos are awesome
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hello My Friends:

    Happy Monday. I hope you all are having a great day.

    Virginia - thanks for the link. Your pictures are incredible, You look so young; it's amazing the difference. You must feel so proud of yourself :drinker:

    Robin - thanks for the pictures of the pups; they are too cute :laugh:

    Karen/genealace/SissySarah - Congrats to all of you for your weight losses :flowerforyou: (to anyone else who lost too :flowerforyou: )

    Nancy - how is J'boy's mouth doing? Is he feeling any better? It is funny, that is what my little grandson is called too, his name is Jayse, but his parents call him Jboy :smile:

    Bea - sorry for the loss of your Tawny, hugs are sent to you ((())) :flowerforyou:

    Peggy - I hope your friends are okay :flowerforyou:

    I exercised 2 days in a row - for me a record :laugh:

    Not too much else is new so I will go for now. So, take care everyone,

    Love, Cathy xx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Bea, I am so sorry about the loss of your Tawney......those of us who love pets know how heartbreaking that is......we also know that in time there will be a place for a new pet.:heart:

    :wink: :noway: Nancy, I understand your dilemma.....as a teacher I always felt that everyone knew my business, my work hours, etc. and had an opinion.......under the same circumstances I might have stayed home from the gym, lest someone think I was "faking" my absence from work :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Peggy, I'm glad to see you back.......you have always added so much to the thread.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Had a great weekend. Really enjoyed the family time. Did not get in much exercise and ate too much. I did my kinnects this afternoon after my daughter left and I am planning on doing day 8 of the 30 day shred in a few minutes. Tomorrow it is back to school so eating will be more normal however exercise is often a challenge. I have been trying to get in a 10 to 15 minute exercise before school to start the day and then do some after school. I always at least take a walk in the evening with my dog.
    vypeters Wow you look great!
    Robin the dogs are so precious together.
    Have a good week
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, Ladies!

    Peggy: Welcome BACK!!!!! We are so glad to have you. I am sorry about your friends, but we are here for you:flowerforyou:

    Nancy: Isn't it too bad that you have to feel BAD for staying home with your son? What did you end up doing?

    Cathy: 2 Days in a row. Yeah! Celebrate every milestone!!!:flowerforyou: I read an article today about yoga relieving migraines and reducing the number that a person gets. ??? Maybe worth a try, plus it is so good for you!

    Lisa: Glad you are back and hope your guests for dinner was fun! We have a long weekend with 3 other couples visiting us so that will be a test for me. I am spending more time planning my foods than usual...one night will be an oyster roast/shrimp boil. At least that should be an easy night. Sounds like you made good plans for your meals...that's the best way to do it!:flowerforyou:

    Bea: So sorry for your loss! Take care.

    KC: Are you doing 30 day shred every day? I do it several times a week but was afraid to do the weights every day. I'll bet you feel good!

    Tomorrow is day 17 of the 17 day diet. This phase has gone well and has been easier than I would have thought. The next phase I add in some complex carbs every other day.

    Have a good evening everyone and take care!!!:heart: Kackie
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Today is the day I officially get back in the MFP groove but was oh so happy to have lost 3 pounds this week just being a little more aware of what I was eating:drinker: , also could be that we were just about out of holiday goodies in the house so there were more healthy low calorie choices than before. Tomorrow is our gym start up day, I am so not looking forward to the aches and pains of getting back into it. :grumble: I am lowering my weight goal about 5 pounds at a time..I'll be 70 in May and will just play it by ear as I lose, I don't want to start looking like a shriveled up old lady, albeit a thin and fit one but appearance will also play into what my goal weight ends up. Right now I am only 1 pound heavier than I was when we left on our cruise in October, and that really makes me happy.

    Oh, my Vy, what an difference in you and I don't mean just in weight, you look younger, more vibrant and so much happier in your after picture. Very inspirational indeed.

    A belated happy anniversary Barbie, glad you had a wonderful day. :heart: :heart:

    Tiarapants, I always wondered where you screen name came from, I was intrigued to learn you had worked with tiaras, how interesting. I always wanted to wear a tiara, guess it's too late for me now, LOL, although the Queen still pulls it off!:laugh:

    Hope this week is a good one for everyone, I am determined and my goals for the week are to finish cleaning my clothes closet, start back at the gym, track each and every bit of food I eat and do a healthy only foods grocerie shopping this week.

    You look very good for being close to 70 I hope I look as good :)
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone!

    Went to log on and saw that it passed 500 already AND you guys are on friggin page 7 already with the new one! What a huge group this has become. I saw the birthday list and couldn't believe it! What a group this it.:drinker:

    Well I am trying to make better choices, but I am still going through withdrawels from all the bad things I ate. Primarily, cake and Hershey's almond bars. And I am not talking about the little bars, but the GIANT ones. I was eating two of those at one sitting at least twice a week, now I am down to one once a week, Still not good and not good that I polish off the entire thing in less than 20 minutes.:ohwell:

    I have begun to buy more healthy foods again. It will be a slow progress I feel but I have to do this! I do not want to go back up size again.:noway:

    Well I have some good news, a little exciting for me, but at the same time a little scary. The man I have been seeing for the past year was talking with me yesterday and suggested we move in together. It would be at my place because of my mother and the fact that my place is nicer than his man cave.:wink: He knows all about my mom, heck he met me while driving us to the physical therapy center! I was so engrossed in carrying walkers and snacks and moving her in and out of the van and buildings in her wheelchair that I never paid attention to him. He on the other hand had noticed me and it took him 3 pick ups before he got the nerve up to ask me out. I was so shocked, that I didn't believe him. Plus, he asked me when I was at my most frazzled time and I was really grumpy, and when he asked me how my day was going, I went beserk and told him, "I HAVE NO LIFE!" His answer, (as he is taking the walker and bags I am carrying clumsily trying to get into the bus with from me.) "Well you look like you need to get away for a little bit, why don't we have lunch?" My answer: " Yeah right!" He didn't give up though, and even when I didn't give him an answer right away he wouldn't let me leave the bus until I said yes. Been with him ever since and I am hopelessly in love with him and can't stand being without him. It's been awhile since I have been in love and I hope I am not "in lust" or "walking around with rose colored glasses on". He doesn't make a ton of money, just enough to be comfortable with, but it has never been about the money when I have been with a man. This time I just want to be happy. I want to feel loved and wanted. And so far he does that for me. He is very much the gentlemen. I learn something new about him everyday. I recently found out yesterday that he has been awarded medals in both his military and civiiam life for saving lives. He is the kindest person and most centered man I have ever known. Still moving in is scary to me. I mean he knows my dogs for instance, but will he be willing to live with them and deal with the way I treat them as "my babies"? We still have a lot to discuss before we make the final decision. Luckily, my mom likes him very much.

    Well speaking of puppies, Boo is squirming and whining to be taken out for a walk, so I gotta go.
    Good night
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Vy! Your pictures are amazing!!

    Did you lose all that weight just since May -- or were you losing before you joined here?

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I've noticed several of you have posted pics in your posts. I tried to, using methods that I've used on other message boards, but didn't have any luck. Would someone mind explaining how you get the pics in there?

    Also, is it possible to make a signature that will show up every time you post -- or is the ticker the only thing that will do that?


    I use photo bucket and then use the code that has {IMG} at the beginning and end. then you have to change the IMG to img. I fyou want to see what they look like just go to a post with a picture and use the quote button. You will see all the code.

    Thanks! I had the pictures in photobucket, but I tried to copy and paste. Really hate messing with code -- but if I must, I must . . . :grumble:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Chiclet - I am so glad to hear from you again, and glad that you have exciting news. I remember when you first told us about your admirer; hard to believe that it's been a year. I am sure that you will carefully consider, and make the choice that is best for you. Wishing you happiness!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Peggy.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet I'm glad you are happy, if any one deserves it you do!

    :flowerforyou: Vy you look amazing, you've given me inspiration to try harder - thanks and as everyone has already said, you look so much younger in your now photo.

    :flowerforyou: Bea sorry for your loss - I dread the day we have to say goodbye to our German Shepherd Tara, she'll be 13 this year and in reasonable health but does suffer with muscle wastage in her rear end and has athritis. Hugs to you. Keep posting.

    :frown: I was only supposed to log my food for the day, but I forgot to log on yesterday so thought I'd just take a peek at the posts and of course ended up reading a couple of pages. I must not be late today, a new girl started yesterday and I have to go through a few things with her this morning including fire evacuation/safety (I'm the fire warden for our floor) and entertain her until I pass her on to the safety guys to go through the safety procedures etc. Poor girl it's a lot to take in, and so many people to remember.

    Better get on - happy Tuesday to all and hope you have a good day. I weighed in on Monday and it looks like I've lost 1lb so I'm hoping to keep it off and maybe add to it - so thinking healthy choices today - hope my willpower is up to it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :huh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just changed my profile pic to a picture of my Suzie Q. Got to run though - work won't wait! Have a great day! Mary
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Well I have some good news, a little exciting for me, but at the same time a little scary. The man I have been seeing for the past year was talking with me yesterday and suggested we move in together. It would be at my place because of my mother and the fact that my place is nicer than his man cave.:wink: He knows all about my mom, heck he met me while driving us to the physical therapy center! I was so engrossed in carrying walkers and snacks and moving her in and out of the van and buildings in her wheelchair that I never paid attention to him. He on the other hand had noticed me and it took him 3 pick ups before he got the nerve up to ask me out. I was so shocked, that I didn't believe him. Plus, he asked me when I was at my most frazzled time and I was really grumpy, and when he asked me how my day was going, I went beserk and told him, "I HAVE NO LIFE!" His answer, (as he is taking the walker and bags I am carrying clumsily trying to get into the bus with from me.) "Well you look like you need to get away for a little bit, why don't we have lunch?" My answer: " Yeah right!" He didn't give up though, and even when I didn't give him an answer right away he wouldn't let me leave the bus until I said yes. Been with him ever since and I am hopelessly in love with him and can't stand being without him. It's been awhile since I have been in love and I hope I am not "in lust" or "walking around with rose colored glasses on". He doesn't make a ton of money, just enough to be comfortable with, but it has never been about the money when I have been with a man. This time I just want to be happy. I want to feel loved and wanted. And so far he does that for me. He is very much the gentlemen. I learn something new about him everyday. I recently found out yesterday that he has been awarded medals in both his military and civiiam life for saving lives. He is the kindest person and most centered man I have ever known. Still moving in is scary to me. I mean he knows my dogs for instance, but will he be willing to live with them and deal with the way I treat them as "my babies"? We still have a lot to discuss before we make the final decision. Luckily, my mom likes him very much.


    i am very happy for you, as others have said you SO deserve it......:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies.....

    i need to get my butt in gear, and clear off papers and files from my desk(home)i have let things slide and will be paying the price, it will take me hours if not days to clear things off :sad: i was upset yesterday, as in weigh in, and realized that i didnt lose any weight this week....so much so that i didnt do any cardio, just did my weight training session....i think that though i allow for treats after dinner my body does not process the sugars well?????...i am at a lose, because even when i stayed within the calorie range, if i eat sweets i dont seem to lose weight....will try something new this week(but i do love me sweets after dinner)...anyways off to the gym for spinning class, then to tackle all the paper work....have a lovey day all:flowerforyou:

    BTW...have been roasting my veggies more, and i really, really love the taste
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I found you.....marking my spot for later. I have 7 pages to catch up on!

    I've not been posting/tracking very well - we said goodbye to Tawny Thursday and I just haven't felt much like doing anything. But she is no longer in pain and I've donated her food and beds to the local shelter so she has contributed to a new life for another rescued pet.:bigsmile:


    Having recently lost Kiera (12 year old lab/husky) I can certainly feel your pain. All I can say is grieve and remeber the love.

    "Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent. Her eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...." Author unknown

    I plan on being thoroughly dog mauled by the time I get there because I have been blessed with so many wonder dogs thru the years.:wink:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Good morning everyone! A warm but rainy Tuesday here.

    I've been doing GREAT with my exercise since I got the "Sweatin' to the Oldies" DVDs - every day. I have been doing great at the eating piece, but hit and miss with exercise. Gotta keep this up.

    I keep reading about quinoa, using it in recipes and how good it is for you but I have absolutely no idea how to prepare and use it. I wouldn't know what to do with it if I brought it home from the store. Any tips (and think basic)?

    Still trying to get to know everyone. Wow, what a big, fun vibrant group!

    Exermom - thanks for the info on winter squash. I've never tried it - I will though if I can find some organic.

    Benji49 - {{hugs}} I'm so sorry about Tawny.

    jb_2011 - Homegrown is the way to go! I love butternut squash.

    Barbiecat - The fruit dessert you made sounds marvelous. Made we want a bite.

    Pam3 - Try substituting a protein snack for the sweet at night. Also, if you're working out significantly more that can stall out loss in the very short term as your body stores glycogen in the muscles for healing - for every ounce of glycogen it stores it adds several ounces of water. Once your muscles get accustomed, the weight should start dropping again.

    genelace - I love the piece of lace in your avatar. My grandmother used to crochet lace and taught my sister, but I never could get the hang of it.

    Sissygok -70?!?! Wow, you look amazing

    Laura8011 - Yay for over 10,000 steps on the pedometer. How do I find the muffin recipe you mentioned on here?

    Chiclet - Your new man sounds great. You're right to take it slowly and carefully, but don't let fear rule you. I got married for the first time a few years ago in my late 40's and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    OK, enough of this epic post.

    Happy Tuesday all!

  • Just2Jean
    Just2Jean Posts: 12 Member
    Don't diss yourself for treadmill running. I disagree. Treadmill running is as good as outdoor running. I think I even run faster on treadmill. I will strt off slow then towards the end I will kick it up to 7.2mi/hr just to get that 10th of a mile mark :-)
    I am 50. I have trained for 3 10k...all 3 I started traing in february with a run in 8-10 wks...Then I quit (WHY??) This time I started early..January. I found a program of walk/run that I love. I hate when you go to a BEGINNERS training prgram and on the first day it says run 2 miles "what?" I can't even do 1/2 mi. yet"... I started this program last week. The first week is walk 2 min/run 1 min. I felt as if I could go longer than the 1 min run but I followed the directions which told me to stick to it even if I feel like going more. I am now on my second week which told me to walk 1 min run 2 min x 8. Again, it started out easy but by the time I got to cycle 8...that 2 min run seemed alot longer...point is...I did 3 miles in 35.3 min...pushing myslef the last 2-3 cycles up to 7.2mi/hr (I did x10 instead of x 8 not necessary)
    Anyway, I recommend the walk/run to start off . I also recommend walking x 5 min to warm up...My heart is always racing at first until it catches up with my body...most people give up during this warm-up period...DONT.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Tuesday goodnews-day, good morning. The good news here is that my scale is going in the right direction. 2 lbs lost in the past 2 weeks, and by gosh and by golly another one's almost gone already this week. I did feel hungry a couple of times yesterday, which I don't like, but it's something I must learn to love. Lunch didn't last all the way through until 7:30 when I got home and started dinner, and there's no way I can snack at work while teaching. The hunger pangs are a bit bothersome but they don't last terribly long. Each time I feel one I take a pause to chant "I'm burning fat! I'm burning fat!" That's the name of the game, isn't it. I've still got plenty of flab left even after losing 53 lbs., and have 12 to go to reach my first goal before summer. Eat less, move more.

    Lisa, and anyone curious, the Salad Sistas Challenge is not an official "group", it's just a call to any "sistas" out there who are interested to jump on the band wagon and have a huge salad for one meal a day. You don't have to sign up or anything, it's just a fun thing I've been doing with a few gals in order to boost our "losing" skills. Feel free to hop on in!

    Get out a dinner plate and fix 2-3 cups greens, lots of chopped vegs, maybe a bit of cheese or meat, a few nuts or seeds, or hard-boiled egg, or maybe a taco salad, that sort of thing. We're all here to lose weight, and a big salad helps in so many ways. Our bods need the greens & vegs, we all could use more. Getting our potassium levels up by adding a Salad Sista salad on a daily basis will help us all feel better. Salads should be around 200-300 calories, maybe served with a cup of soup or half-san on the side.

    The low-fat blue cheese dressing recipe on sparkspeople.com turned out good, I used half the salt. Ended up sprinkling a little extra blue cheese on top of my salad. :wink:

    Stormin' Norman here this morning, will have to don every piece of raingear I own and put rainslickers on the dogs when we head out walking today.

    Happy Tues!:drinker:

    PS - Virginia, here's a great recipe for quiona and black beans. Delish, and easy! I make 5 servings at a time, not 10. You can caluclate right there on the page. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Quinoa-and-Black-Beans/